Fairy Tail Story: Touch of the Soul

Summary: Shortly after finding Lucy at the Grand Magic Games, as well as leaving a message in flames "Fairy Tail" Natsu still couldn't get over the death of Igneel. That was until he discovered something that may be the biggest change of his life.

Chapter 1: Returning to the Beginning

The pink-haired boy Natsu, the blonde side ponytail girl Lucy, and the small blue cat Happy are on a train heading back to Magnolia from Crocus. As usual, like way back then, Natsu is never the traveling part on moving vehicles. As such he has that nausea expression. "Poor Natsu. Even after that year of training he still can't get over the motion sickness." Happy chimes as he sits on Lucy's nap. Lucy shows a pitiful look. "It's too bad he only can only travel with you." She said to him. "If only Wendy was here to cast her Troia spell to treat it." She adds. Even traveling throughout the times, Natsu manages to pull it off whenever the vehicle comes to a halt. "Please make it stop." Natsu begs so weakly because of his condition. "Sorry Natsu. We have another 3 hours to go to get to Magnolia." Lucy apologizes to him as she looks out the window.

Just looking over the horizon to see the mountains. Such a sight made her sad a little. Happy catching the look, "You okay?" He asks with concern in his voice. Lucy shakes her head. "It's nothing." Lucy gives her answer to him. Happy wants to help in any way he can. But knows better to find out more about it. As the sun sets, Lucy lies back onto the seat to get some rest. Even as a writer for the Sorcery Weekly magazine, it takes a toll on her. Little does she know, Happy is with Natsu, trying his best to calm his motion sickness, even though it never works. Happy looks at Lucy sleeping so soundly. Even the wooden seats on the trains don't support the comfort of those of couches or other furniture that is meant for rest.

About 3 hours later, the train arrives at Magnolia. Happy and Natsu stand up and spot Lucy still sleeping. Natsu kneels down and shakes her a little. "Lucy, wake up." He tells her. Lucy opens her brown eyes to see Natsu and Happy looking down to her with a smile on their faces. "We're here already?" Lucy asks as she rubs her eyes from the tiredness that consumed her for the last 3 hours. "We should get off the train before it leaves for its next destination." Happy tells her. Lucy nods and follows her friends off the train and step onto the platform of Magnolia station.

The sights of the station so far is the same the last time the group saw before they went their separate ways a year ago. The design, the structure, and everything else. Just seeing it made them think back. "So we should get to the guild hall." Happy smiles as he uses his aero magic to make his wings to appear behind him and make him fly. They make it to the part where their guild hall that they call home. But as they make it to the spot, the guild hall isn't the same anymore. During their fight against the dark guild Tartaros, the guild sent Elfman Strauss to go and destroy the Fairy Tail guild without anyone else in the guild knowing. Elfman had no choice but to do the Tartaros' bidding if he wanted to protect his sisters Mirajane and Lisanna. But luckily, just right before Elfman detonate the bomb lacrima, Cana trapped him and the other guild members in her magic cards and flee the guild just in time before the guild was destroyed from the inside. Natsu is shocked to see such a sight. "If you didn't know, after the fight against Tartaros, Master Makarov decided to disband the guild." Lucy reminds him when he stayed at her apartment back in Crocus. Natsu and Happy nod, "I never even know it'd be this hard on us. Ever since, I wanted to keep track on our fellow guild mates and see what their up to." Lucy explains more with the chart she had back at the apartment. "But I don't know why our guild marks are still on us. Once a guild is disbanded, the mark is to disappear as well." Lucy wonders as she looks at the back on her hand where her pink Fairy Tail mark still stands. Even Natsu's red mark on his right shoulder is still there. Not only his, but even Happy's mark on his back is still on the same spot, but hidden with the sack above it. "Maybe there's something that is preventing them from disappearing." Happy gives an idea. Lucy smiles as an agreement. Natsu mimics Lucy as they head towards the guild ruins and begin their search beyond the debris.

It didn't take long for the trio to get through the piles of rubble. They even got to the part where their special parts of the guild that only the Master was allowed access to. But in this case it didn't matter to them this time. Natsu uses his brute strength to open the door. But it doesn't budge. "Master knows how to keep the others out of the restricted areas." Lucy comments the failure attempt. Natsu summons his fire magic around his hands and uses them to melt the thing. But it was no good either. "Man. It must've been protected by something powerful." Natsu speaks in frustration. Lucy takes hold of his shoulder to calm his down. Natsu sighs, "Got any idea where the Master is?" He turns to her. Lucy shakes her head with frown. "I wish I knew where he was." Happy groans but then something else came to his mind. "What about Gildartz? He used to be a Master for a short period of time, before he gave the position back to Master Makarov."

Hearing that made Natsu grin. "That's a great idea. Even with the cloak I'm wearing, it still has Gildartz's scent on it. It shouldn't be hard to find him." He said as those who don't know about a Dragon Slayer, Natsu's nose is way superior than any dog. "Got any idea where he is now?" Lucy asks him. Natsu sniffs for a few seconds, trying his best to find any traces of Gildartz's scent. "It's faint but I think I know where we can find him." He smiles at them. He and Lucy get through the debris of the guild, with Happy simply flying close behind. "Where was the last time you seen Gildartz?" Lucy asks him. Natsu holds his chin in a thinking manner. "The last time I saw him, he was one the eastern end of the continent." He gives his vague answer. Lucy pulls out a map to see which spot Natsu was back then when he and Happy saw Gildartz the last time. Natsu and Happy look down and read the thing carefully.

Natsu puts his finger to the spot on the right side of the map. "He was somewhere in the Eastern Mountains. We might as well go over there to see." He said as they walk in that general direction.

A/N: I've decided to write this because I'm at another writer's block on the conclusion of "That's High School for You." Even though I can't come up with anything for that story, I managed to come up with this story. I just hope I can think on what the next chapter will be like for this story.
