Fullmetal the Alchemist
Parody of Frosty the Snowman and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood/manga

Fullmetal the alchemist
Was a boy far from genteel
With a long red coat and braided hair
And two limbs made out of steel

Fullmetal the alchemist
was a State Alchemist they say
He was just a kid but everybody knows
How he saved Amestris that day

There must have been something divine
About his alchemy
For when he'd clap his hands together
Evil fled his majesty

Fullmetal the alchemist
Was talented as could be
But everyone says he would scream
And shout if someone called him a pea

Crackledy clap clap
Crackledy clap clap
Watch Fullmetal fight
Crackledy clap clap
Crackledy clap clap
The demons back all night

Fullmetal the alchemist
Would face his foe that day
So he bought a new coat
And he braided his hair
And he didn't run away

Into Central City
With friends at his back
He refused to be stopped
By the military's upset
For he had some eyes to black

He faced the demon in his lair
And refused to bow to it
Him and his allies fought for hours
While above us the eclipse

When the demon was finished
Fallen dead at Fullmetal's feet
He didn't stay or celebrate
But left to find
More villains to browbeat

Crackledy clap clap
Crackledy clap clap
Watch Fullmetal fight
Crackledy clap clap
Crackledy clap clap
The demons back all night


A/N: Have another FMA holiday parody! Also for the Days of Yore December event on celebrate_fma.

You know what I hate? Rhymes. *rage quits*

~Bats ^^x
