Okay, so this is the very last chapter of this year's Christmas Calendar. It has been quite a long story this year - both when it come tho the number of word for each chapter and in the number of chapters.

The calendar was also different i the way that I use content from an exciting book - 'The Christmas Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder. It is an amazing story - so if you want to know more about Elisabet and the others, make sure you pick it up. It is originally written in Norwegian, but it is excerpts I've used is from the official English translation of it.

Anyway, I hope you've all enjoyed the story, and that you will leave a review at the end to tell me how it was to read a story like this - as well as answering the very last question of the day.


«I do not own any of the following pictures, music, characters or the original universe. Nor do I own the Christmas Calendar or its content. I only own this Christmas story and the mixing idea.»

For practical purposes, Hange Zoë will be referred to with female pronouns. The character's gender has not been confirmed by the creator, so there is still a mystery about what is the truth of it. However, because it is hard to write around the pronouns, I chose the female gender because this is what they used for the English dub of the Anime. I hope that you all understand my reasoning for this, and that if you have another opinion on the gender, you can still replace the pronouns while reading.


"So, are you ready for midnight?"

"Hmm?" Reiner looked up at the dark sky, draping the whole of the world outside the walls in a blanket of darkness. "Yeah, it's gonna be nice being the same age as you again"

"But I'll still be the older one" Bertold teased, gathering his feet underneath himself, trying to find a more comfortable way to sit. Much could be said about the walls, one comfortable to sit on was none of them.

"By two days."

It was almost a week since they had returned from what they now referred to as their Christmas home. The journey back from the old castle had been a peaceful one, and although the snow was heavy, it didn't cause as much of a problem that they had thought that it would. As they arrived back at the main headquarters, they were met by the rest of the scouts stationed there, and together that had empties vehicles and gotten inside to a big plate of hot food.

Although they were all happy to finally be home and in a safer building that the Christmas home, many of them had mentioned that they missed staying in the little castle. Although reiner hadn't felt too strong a connection to the celebrative aspect with their stay, not even he could deny that the time they had spent there had been one filled with its own kind of joy and happiness.

What hurt him the most was looking at Krista. The little girl had always been a positive and helpful spirit, but at the cabin that had shown itself thricefold. Kirsta had loved everything about Christmas, and it was clear to see on her face that she was now missing it dearly. Not even Ymir seemed to be able to get the girl back to her normal self, and for once, Reiner hoped that Krista might open her heart and let Ymir pull her out of the after Christmas depression she had fallen into.

"So, how do you want to spend it?"

"I don't really know..." Reiner admitted. Through all the years they had known each other, it had been a tradition of sorts to ask the other what they wanted out of their birthday, bt for once Reiner felt conflicted of what he wanted. "This year… Let's rather celebrate the new year."

"But it's your birthday!" Bertold protested. "I know it is the first day of the new year, but it was also the very first day of your life."

To anyone that listened, this was wrong. Reiner Braun was registered as a male with the 1st of August registered as his date of birth. That was a lie. They both knew that. When making their applications for the army, Bertolt had filled in his real information, while reiner had chosen to do a few changes. When later confronting his friend about this, Reiner had given Bertot a strange smile, telling him it was was to mark the start of his new life as a soldier.

"And what did it give you?" Reiner asked.


"Your own birthday." Reiner looked at his friend with steady eyes. "What did yesterday give you? Did it bring you what you wanted?"

Bertold avoided meeting his friend's eyes. Although what he had just said was the truth, he didn't like to admit that. On December 29th, the tall man had wished for only one thing. It hadn't been a big thing - not to any degree like the wished he had had previous years. I had thought that the fault; that he was wishing for too much. However, as he waited, and the 30th went by, nothing happened.

"I guess I should just wait a while longer…" Bertolt turned his attention to the starry sky above them. "If I do, then maybe soon..."

Further east on the wall, looking up at the sky above, Krista couldn't hold back the tear hiding in her eye. A year had passed, a horrible year filled with death of her comrades. Now it was over, and more than anything, she hoped that this year, this new year would be kinder to them. She didn't want to loose any more of her friends, but in her stomach, she felt her wish was a futile one. No matter how much she wanted this beautiful world to change, the fact remained; that this was a cruel world.

Standing beside her, Ymir looked down at Krista. It had been a hard year, and there was more hardship to come. She knew, although she could never tell anyone, that the time ahead would put them through more than they had even imagined. So, just for tonight, the last of nights, she would keep still and not tell them what she heard in the wind.

However, as she listened to the song of doom the wind song, another voice seemed to join in as well. Looking to her left and right, it seemed she was not the only one.

And so, as they all stood still, they could hear it. There were no signs of it being a voice, it could very well have been the whispers from the last leaves; whispering as the tried to hold onto their branches. Still, if they listened intently, it was almost like they could hear a familiar voice, a whisper in the newborn year:

"Happy New Year."


Last question as well:
If you could decide the next fandom I was to write a Christmas Calendar for,
which fandom would you choose? Anime, TVShows and Books are all allowed.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, okay?

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