Elder Scrolls Fanfiction
Rasmus And Salmar Meet The Daedric Princes
Made By The Teamwork Of Trolldragonborn & Sandkings321
[Sandkings321] - Hiya guys this the story made my this nice fellow who go by the name of Trolldragonborn.
*TRolldragonborn is having a bar brawl in the Bee and Bard over if Honningbrew mead is better then Black Briar mead.*
[Trolldragonborn.] Hello everyone...Hope you enjoy this and laugh and cry and just plain enjoy it...now excuse me that f*** nord is giving me the hair eye.
*Troll then goes and punched a racist nord in the face.*
[Sandkings321] - *Sand looked at the knocked out nord before he burst out laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAH you got knock the F**k out anyway hope you followed me and my friend Trolly over here *Sand saw a redguard with big round ample bottom* now excuse me i going to talk to that redguard with all right equipment.
Sandkings321 & Trolldragonborn don't own The Elder Scrolls Series only OC and this is not non-profit fanfiction
[Troll.] If i owned the Elder Scrolls i would make Sheogorath the king of every one. Cheese every day and he would win Nocturnal's heart.
[Sand] I would make my waifu Serana marriageable X-) and my oc be the boss.
Chapter One
In a pocket part of Oblivion a meeting was called. The Daedric princes were called by their maker and father Sithis to discuss some important things such as the mortal world, how the princes have been acting, and how their feel about the Aedra.
In the highest chair made of blood red bones and glass in this meeting is Sithis The Dread Father. Sithis usually take on form of endless abyss of void but he take on a more humanoid form, this form is large old yet nord man - tall, slender shouldered and sinewy. He has blood red eyes with black sclera and a heavy brow. His head has only a fringe of black hair "like the shadow of a crown," and he has a close-cropped beard across his pointy jaw. His face has a tightness to it like cured leather, and he has hollow cheeks, and thin, pale lips. He wear robes that has a shadow-like appearance.
The first to arrive for the Daedra was Dagon who took a seat next to Sithis. he did not want to do this today at all...especial since he was still healing from his failure at the Oblivion crisis. Next after him was Azura who sat down in the seat next to sithis. She was willing to come to this meeting since she was the one who arranged it and organized it.
Dagon is a demonically looking man with horns on his bald head and eyes that has black eyes with no pupil,and red sclera, his body is muscular lean with four arms and his hands is reddish black with blood from something or someone, he wear red spiked loincloth and spike shoulder pauldron.
Azura is a beautiful tall svelte women, with modest c-cup long legs with gentle curve, her hair is ebony soft shoulder length with row of flowers, she wear a slightly transparent blue and white robes and she is barefoot as she wear no footwear.
Meridia come after Azura with grace benefit for goddess who was passively ignoring the leer from Molag Bal with barely contained hatred and burning lust for domination and (Cough"Crush"Cough") on her.
Meridia is angelic beautiful; woman,with golden hair, emerald green eyes,fair skin, and a slender, graceful figure. She wears a light blue and white toga-like robe that shows off her graceful accent and she wears leather knee open toed sandal.
Molag Bal is 18 ft tall monstrous being with his body lanky and somewhat toned, and his skin ghastly blue and his face demon like, with his bone sharp enough to cut a man, and his eyes filled with malice and cruelty, and he have no nose to speak of, and horn substitute for ears. He only wear spiky loincloth filled with skulls.
Soon after Molag was Peryite who was a long snake like dragon looking daedra with wings and long legs and good hands to use to craft his potions and diseases. He sat next to Molag and gave him a nod to say Hi but Molag just gave a quick glance at the daedra of plague before looking away and had small looks at Meridia.
Next was Vaermina who took the form of an old elven woman wearing a black robe and that wore a crown of bones and small charms and in her hand was her staff the skull of corruption. She sat down next to Peryite and started to have a small chat with him. The two may of possible been the weakest daedra in a way but they still had great powers that they sometimes used their powers together as a team. Nightmares and plagues really does work well.
After them staggering into the room was a drunk Sanguen who had a wide smile on his face and a bottle of ale in his right hand and mead in the other. He looked like a simple Dremora in his daedra form but today he took the forum of a breton man who wore a black robe and daedra gloves and boots. His human forum was a skinny man who had short hair and red eyes and looked like a man from High Rock. He sat next to Vaermina and offered her some ale but she refused. He looked at the other daedra for a moment before saying.
"Have any of you f*** yet? And by what i mean by that was i'm waiting for you to do something to her." Sanguen said smiling drunkenly as he pointed at Molag and Meridia.
Meridia heart shaped face has the looked of disbelief and annoying consideration they were former lovers.
Molag is death glare at the drunken fool outside and inside he wondered why his own ex-lover left him.
"Though i think its kinda cute seeing a daedra of death like a daedra of life i still think it would be kinky too. Especially if ya bring in that Vivec guy. Remember him Molag?" The drunk asked with a grin.
Vivec's was both a man and a female that Molag married once and had fun with that led to some interesting things like i quote from Vivec's book "I put my lovers spear into the mouth of Azura."
Azura remembered that day and still did not quite under stand that Vivic person.
"Be quited you drunkard fool". Molag hissed at the drunk and quickly looked at merida who look annoyed and disgusting.
Just then loud footsteps can be heard coming in. The greenskin orc god Malacath walked in and took his seat at the table. He wore a heavy iron armor and had green eyes and horns on his bald head. He looked at all the daedra and wondered what had just happened as he took a sip of water he had in a canteen.
And the loud nonsense bantering from the Mad God with a avid obsession with Cheese Sheogorath and his(allegedly) older brother Jyggalag who is the complete opposite of Sheogorath.
Sheogorath is a average height imperial man with white or gray hair with the most badass beard and his clothes is decorated red and purple leather jacket and pants and boots.
Jyggalag is tall chrome humanoid armor man with his face hidden behind his helmet with his glowings eerie.
Jyggalag ignore his former curse form as Sheogorath talking about cheese and the cheese people and sit down with Malacath who nodded at him and sheogorath sit next to the spot of nocturnal sit down as normally a Mad God can be.
"How are you all doing today? I smell the good old smell of angry daedra who may want to kill each other in the most bloody way possible." Sheo said smiling as he looked at everyone.
"I may of pissed off Molag and Merida." Sang said as he passed Sheo some wine.
"Really now? Did you have their followers fight each other? Or did ya have them be n*** with each other in a room and gave them a strange large sized giant mace to use to do stuff with it? OH How about you poured hot cheese onto the table and slammed their heads down on it then used their faces for a dip!" Sheo said with a wide grin and a mad laugh as he then drank his wine down quickly.
The next up was Clavicus Vile follower him was a supernatural creature barbas.
Clavicus Vile form is a slim 5'0 elfin man of vague age with horn atop of his head and hair which brown, slicked back and pointed goat shaped horns. His apparel is consist of an brown vest with no undershirt showing of his hairless chest and brown trouser and he wear no footwear.
"Ohhhh did Sang and Merdy pissed someone off again?" Said Clavicus Vile mischievous with trolled face at looked at Merida and Molag as he sat down with sheogorath and sanguine.
Sang passed Clavicus a ale while Barbas laid down near his master's feet and watched all the daedra.
Just then the doors of the place slammed open as Boethia walked into the room. Boethia was a woman with long black hair and red eyes and she wore black ebony armor with a black cape on it. She was sometimes a male but today she was female and first thing she did was punch Malacath in the jaw hard with a metal gauntlet.
"You dumped me again ya b***!" She yelled as she punched him again but after that Malacath tackled her to the floor and the two started to fight...they had a strange on off relationship.
And coming next completely ignored the boethiah and malacath public fight...again for the fourteen time, Nocturnal is tall shoulder length straight hair pitch black pale unblemished skin and a slender yet shapely figure, with slightly big perfectly shaped breast, wide hips, graceful arms and long slender legs, supple arse. She wear own robe that showed off her breast all the way to her belly button with the side exposed as well with the hood oup shadowed her face giving her mystique looked.
They did not really look at her and the only one that did was Sheo who had his mouth wide open as he thought she looked so beautiful. His head turned into a wolf head and threw that he made a howl sound before it turned back to normal. He then quickly pulled a seat back for her and wanted her to sit next to him.
(A/N: That wolf part imagine like one of those cartoon wolfs in those old cartoons like that one with a red riding hood singer and this play boy wolf..you know those one?)
She sent a unseen smile to Sheo her (secret crush) as she sat down with her long legs crossed.
Sheo smiled and sat down in his seat near her...he also had a crush on her too. Sometimes darkness and madness can go well together. Sang started to place bets on Boethiah and Malacath. Dagon watched tho he knew if he was in this fight he would beat them both.
Just then on the back of a white Elk Hircine arrived to the meeting with two wolves at his side. He walked to the table and put his bow and arrows and spear down on a smaller table where the weapons were put at before sitting down. He was a skinny man with white skin and pointy ears who wore fur forsworn like armor and wore the skull of a buck on his head as a helmet and his face is covered by it but his black hair can be seen and his yellow eyes. He looked at the fight and smiled a bit as he then looked at Azura and looked her up and down.
"Look away dog or i take something very important to you". Azura sharply yet softly threaten Hircine and he averted his eyesight while covered his crotch. Though her threat did scare him in some ways he was still attracted to her in his mind...even a wolf god is attracted to the moon and a goddess of the moon is no different.
Just then a strange disgusting sound can be heard from outside and everyone turned their heads to it. Just then threw the doors came the giant blob tentacle being called Hermaeus was made out of a strange dark green ooze and in the ooze was eyeballs and tentacles. He took a seat at the end of the table where everyone would not be touched by him….no one knows where those tentacles of his have been. (Hold on there we have a few more daedra.)
Walking in together Namira and Mephala came in. Namira was a sexy looking woman with black eyes and black hair who wore a black dress that had blood stains from her last meal on it. Mephala has pale skin and green eyes and is slender yet buxom women who had four arms and wore a black and red dress which show her generous assets which estimate to be 36D that also who her sword on her back with spider silk. The two took their seat at the table and greeted their brothers and sisters.
"Hello my precious sons and daughter, hope you made it in good health". Sithis voices which seem to be oxymoron an grandfatherly voice yet completely devoid of emotion.
"I got here easily daddy sithis with no problems at all...tho on the way i told Haskill to throw a block of cheese at Jyggalag's ding dang doodle." Sheo said smiling as he felt proud of what he just said.
To the mortal eyes sithis face was blank, but the daedric he was highly entertain from his son antic, the only sign that shown this was raised eyebrow and shifted from his lips.
"Father this fool threw this disgusting dairy at me i demand justice and for him to be punished." Jyggalag's hotly said to his regrettable little brother as still smell like cheese.
"Bla bla bla bal bla bla bal bal! You know brother you can get really annoying at times with your whole holier than thou stuff. You sound like Haskill when he wakes up on the non insane side of the bed." Sheo said grinning at his brother before he stretched out in his seat and but his feet on the table.
Jyggalag's twitched before he slowly get up from his sit. Before he can grab his sword his father called out.
"Jyggalag, Sheogorath, will you so kindly sit down and be nice to each other when this meeting is over." Sithis voice has a strange effect on them as both the God Of Order and God Of Chaos looked at their father with something red in their eyes as they sit down without question.
Just then the fight between Malacath and Boethiah ended up on the table as the two punched each other and It ended up with Malacath's head being put in Mora's oozy body. Mora looked at Malacath who squirmed around wanting out of the slim daedra's body while Boethiah just laughed.
"Bet you want to be with me now ya bastard! I really think you're regretting dumping me" Boethiah said smiling as she watched Malacath end up swallowing some of Mora's ooze.
Azura looked at the orc god with blank face while thinking. 'By the time this meeting is over they most likely will get back together they so predictable in this case for the hundredth time.'
As Clavicus watch with amusement in his face while his pet/moral conscience Barbus looked up before shaking his head and laying his head down.
At this time Peryite drank some tea and watched them and took a small sample of ooze to maybe use later for his potions. Dagon then quickly went and tried to pull Malacath out of the ooze but was then punched by Boethiah.
"Get out of here ya Oblivion failure...you got beaten by a simple mortal and by Akatosh himself." Boethiah said before she was punched by Dagon and was threw into a wall.
Once she was gone Malacath squirmed out of Mora's ooze and took a deep breath before he then heard Mora say "That will be 20 septims...being in my ooze is not cheap...my ooze is filled with knowledge." Mora said as he did know all about every secret and story and tale and person in the mortal world and his ooze held some of that knowledge.
"Oh be quiet you tentacle porn monster you loved it and with all of your infinitely knowledge you been outsmart by the nine divine multiple account." Azura said to him with a blank expression.
"Not to mention been outsmarting by your own champion." Clavicus Vile said with a trolled face as he see Mora eyes flash in angry from being reminded about that certain dragonborn who name would be revealed or uttered until the day that little dragon spawn dies.
"I like the Dragonborn...i think he is entertaining." Sang said as he sat in his seat and drank a ale.
(In a area a certain Thalmor Altmer and ⅓ Giant Stormcloak both snoozed in the same time wondering who was talking about them but for some reason they want to punch someone in the face.)
"Can we please move on, we are wasting time sitting here." The angelic voiced of Merida said to them as she tapped her feet from impatience and annoying.
"Yes my sweet light." Merida flushed in embarrassment from her nickname that daddy love to call her. "Now me and my little dawn has called you all here to express my very disappointment and shame for all of you." Those words echoes crossed the room as each of the daedric princes has the looked of shocked…before each and everyone of them jumped from they sit even Jyggalag and Sheogorath who break from their order.
The first to speak against their father was Jyggalag. "Wait father why have we disappointed you, i have done my duties to bring in new follower after they turn me into him." As he sharply glare at his moronic brother.
"Why you crystal ass fish stick. How dare you sir….HOW DARE YOU!" Sheo yelled as he jumped on the table and glared down at Jyggalag as his yellow eyes turned black with dark madness. "You dare say i am what made you fail so much sir!? I must say do you ever hear anyone say. Gee i want to be friends with Jyggalag he seems so cool and fun to hang with. WRONG!" Sheo said as he took his wabbajack and aimed it at his brother and shot out a giant toe and it hit Jyggalag straight between the eyes hard.
Jyggalag eyes inflamed with dark orderly obsession and he roared with hatred as he grab his claymore tried to bisection his younger brother with ferocity and Sheo jumped back with backflip. He smiled widely as he bowed then kicked Jyggalag right in the face and the skipped off the table.
Sang smiled and rooted for Sheo but felt a glare from Molag. "What are you glaring at?" Sang said as he stared at Molag and could tell Molag was supporting Jyggalag.
As he glare some more before he punch the drunkard in the face and tried to follow up with another one, but Sang due his experience with inn brawls manage to drunkenly dodge and headbutt the Prince Of Domination.
"Argh you f***ker i shall have you soul for that." As he roared at the drunkard before he tried to choked him as Merida looked at her ex-lover before facepalming.
Just for shits and giggles Namira grabbed Merida by the head and slammed her head down on the table. But after she did that she felt a ball of light hit her back which was from Azura.
Azura glared at the depraved bitch for slamming her favorite sister. "How dare you hurt her." She glared at Namira before she continued her sentence. "Only i can hurt her." she hotly fishing her words as right hands glow in twilight energy as she fire a twilight infused fireball at Namira.
Namira grunted in pain as she laid on the floor. Just then Azura will feel a raven bit her cheek. From behind her Nocturnal stood silently as she then summoned a whole swarm of ravens and had them attack Azura and bit her.
"How bothersome for you attack with such child's play spell." Nocturnal said this while thinking. 'You bitches better not hurt my Sheo-sheo or i am going to kill you all." She thought with something of akin of severe case of yandere.
Just then Nocturnal will see one of her raven's cut in half by Mephala's Ebony blade. Mephala stared at her and started to swing her blade at Nocturnal who dodged the attacks but was being pushed into a corner.
While this was happening Vaermina and Peryite were against Hermaeus Mora but they were not fighting in a physical way but were bicker at each other and calling each other childish names.
"Your Dreams power is no match for my intelligence and knowledge you old crow." Mora pompously said and insulted at the Nightmare goddess
"Well ill tell you this at least i am not abomination like you. You made all the worse decisions in picking your form. Go back to your anime dear brother...i see your dreams of wanting that woman." Vaermina said smiling as she turned into said anime woman who had long white hair and a white dress. She then looked at Peryite who nodded and put a plague onto her and the anime woman's flesh starts to rot and turn dark as it came off her until she was a wrinkled up corpse.
Mora eyes glowed in a sickly yellowish green as they ruined his dream women and insulated his great and powerful form who need a human form when you can be like this. "I shall consume you insignificant level of IQ." As Hermaeus Mora raised his tentacle which turned into a needles for malicious purposes and both Plague Lord and Nightmare Witch getting ready to get down.
"Oh dear." Peryite said as he started to try and fly away while Vaermina used her staff to quickly shuffle away and started to kinda regret picking the form of a old lady.
Meanwhile Clavicus Vile stayed away from Dagon as he not the most physically strongest by is second best at magically arts as he use his own varies of destruction, illusion, and alteration to attack the most more physically strong person. Clavicus also had Barbus bit at Dagon's leg and dig his teeth into the daedric lord of destruction's leg. Dagon tried to get Barbus off his leg but Barbus held on with his teeth while his master hit Dagon with all forms of magic.
Just then Azura was saved by Hircine who pushed Namira away from her and shot arrows at the cannibal goddess. He hurt Namira and forced her to retreat while he then picked Azura up and put her somewhere safe and started to tend to any wounds she had.
While everyone else fought Malacath and Boethiah sat in a corner and held each other's hand and cuddled and gave each others kisses. They had made up to each other and were now back together and after this they will maybe go back to one of their homes for alone time together.
[Trolldragonborn: Well that was fun to make...hope you enjoyed this first chapter of our story. Please comment on it and tell us what ya think and maybe give us some ideas that we will possible put into the story.]
The whole room was battle ensue and could affect the world of Tamirel, luckily sithis who was master enchanter as create several runes to seal off the power of fighting daedric, Sithis looked at fighting with blank face to the mortal eyes but non mortal he was furious yet cold as ice.
Sithis raised his right hand which was glowing with his magicka and snapped his fingers.
Nothing happened for few seconds before each and everyone was paralyzed with their own powers sealed off as they were frozen in mid-action.
Sheogorath with his face froze in mid-laugh with his wabbajack pointing at his brother who was rushing him and claymore raised.
Vaermina and Peryite were being sucked into Mora's oozy body and were halfway in him.
Dagon had a yelling expression on his face while Barbus had his teeth sank into his leg and a fire ball from Vile was heading to Dagon.
Hircine was tending Azura's wounds while they gave each other a look.
Nocturnal was having a raven bit into Mephala's arm.
Molag was being was falling on top of Merida as Sang pushed him on top of her.
Nemira was going to attack Malacath who was in mid kiss with Boethiah and he had his hand on her breasts that had a metal chest piece on them.
Sithis looked at each of his wayward children before he spokes with his voice dropping. "My sweet sweet precious and beautiful daughters and sons i was not done talking if you listening. Maybe i wouldn't harm you this much." His face has vague amusement before is gone back to his coldness as he increased the power making each of them flinch with pain as they remember the last time they were punished especially Dagon for his reckless behaviour.
Sithis looked at each of them before setting his sight on Sheogorath and Jyggalag before he got up from his orate chair as take measure step making the mad god and order god filch from each step.
"Now let talk to my twins boys and let go with you Jyggalag. You are a disappointment you have power, followers who will follow you to they own grave, the insight to see each and every vision and want did you do… you allowed you arrogant to blind you to the traps that the rest have for you, i have high hope for you yet you fall for a very obvious trap that even low-level daedra can see though, and years of trapped in your younger brothers form for a eon and finally released and what did you allowed? Your brother's mortal follower to beat you and taking your claymore for a prize when you were at your weakest, your weakest form was enough to destroy mountains, city's, small continents in other dimensions. You made me feel very shame to have you as a son. The God of order looked down in shame at his father's words echoed through his mind.
Sithis then looked at his youngest twin son Sheo who stared at him with his yellow eyes and tries to keep his happy madness filled smile up as he knew he was next to be sent to the slaughter.
"Now i do hope you will wipe that smile off your face soon because this is nothing to some about my son. What i think is wrong with you is that you are a man child. You act like a spoiled child who has eaten too much candy and is on a sugar high and thinks he can do anything he wants. You play with mortals like they were mere toys to throw around and some day end up burning with a magnifying glass under the sun. To your brothers and sisters you are joke. A damn fool that is too fully in his own world to know that he is embarrassing himself and showing that he is a dumbass. Your child like actions is what angers me because of that you don't know when to stop and you are like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off without a warning. Because of that i can not tell to take you seriously when you open that damn mouth of yours. It's time for you to grow up. I gave you the Shivering isles for a reason and now you use it as your twisted wonderland. Grow up my son and stop acting like a damn fool."
From hearing this Sheo stood there and his head twitched a bit as his smile started to go away. He started to mumble in some strange language as his face twisted up and a single tear went down his face. He sniffed a bit as he walked away and out of sadness rested his head on Nocturnal's chest and just cried silently.
Nocturnal softly rubbed the back of her Sheo-sheo while tried to stop the mad god tears. 'My sweet Sheo-sheo don't worry. I will make it better'. Her train of thought stopped when she a shadow tower over her as she look up to her father eyes.
"Nocturnal you are the worst princes i have laid my eyes on. You have allowed mortal to uses you own name for a religion that is transparent as this, you make think of yourself as clever but you are a failure as a mistress who allowed a mortal to take away your skeleton key that recklessness is borderline stupid and tactless. And don't get me start on a single puny thief named Emer Dareloth who is known as The Grey Fox…"
"Wait father i can explain." She exclaimed to her father for her mistake for the cowl.
Sithis raised a single eyebrow. "Well i'm waiting daughter. He wait for her answer knowing the answer already.
She looked nervously as she shifted her eyes right and left before she weakly answer. "Because this mortal...thief has the gall to steal from me, and i cursed the cowl so that whomever wore it would be erased from history; all who knew that person would subsequently forget who they were." She finished with confidence in her voice.
Sithis looked at nocturnal before he laugh sadistically yet hollowed at her which waver her resolve. "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH...oh my sweet shadow how naive you are that easily the most pathetic reason i ever heard." He paused before he coldly says. "I would have not gave him that..no i would have send him to the void where i would have tortured his souls for the rest of his life until he broken, yet you gave him a benefit future thieves to use the masks the very same reason you gave to me, that shown that you have poor impulse control, short-sightedness, stupidity, and very bad at curse. Daughter you are a failure as princes and matron of you own "Religious" hopefully you don't make a mockery of yourself again.
Nocturnal tried to say something but deep down her own father was right she was a poor princes and matron allowing other to use her name for they own gain, she put her head to sheogorath and a single tear drop from her porcelain face.
(3 hours later)
Sithis see his children leave all of them had gone home sad as they can be from what their father said to them.
"What a day that was." Sithis voice returned to normal after his "Talk" to his 'Children' as he watch each of his children returned their personal domain before use the a illusion spell to check the time
3:32 AM.
"Hmmm time sure do fly by when you talking to your kids." As the Dread Father stretch out his muscle hearing pops and creak. "Hopefully they be more respectable with their duties as well. Before he summon his portal to his home with his beautiful night Mother as he enter void
She had something planned for him a very special surprise and she was wearing a quite revealing black night gown as she laid in bed waiting for him. She was a quite attractive dark elf woman with nice breasts and a nice rear and she had long black hair that went to her waist.
"Hello my love welcome back. I hope your day was well because i have something very special for you." She said with a smile as she sat on the bed and looked at him.
Sithis looked up and down eating up her voluptuousness body and he seductively said. "Hmm i see something..vvvvery special my sweet Night Queen." As he take off his cloak showing of his muscular body to his wife who looked lustfully his body.
She smiled and looked at him as she sat up and went to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.
Sithis pressed his lips to his wife full lips before he slipped his long tongue to his wife willing mouth as she moaned contentedly as his hands roamed freely across his beautiful voluptuous body. He kissed her and touched her rear as the two then laid down on the bed and started to enjoy each other.
(About a hour later.)
The two of them lay in bed naked holding each other while Sithis is deep in thought about what happened today.
'Hmmm maybe i went to far, maybe instead of harsh speech they someone who can empathy them.' Sithis pause and he rub the back of his wife in thought. 'It's need someones who have gone through hardship, tales of being looked down, someone who know how it's feel to be looked down.' Sithis use a miniscule of power to looked though the world of tamiriel. Just then he see two people of different race, a Altmer Thalmor Officer and a ⅓ giant/nord Stormcloak General.
"Perfect" .He said as he hatched a planned to bring in these two to his realm.
[Sandkings321] Annnnd scene that was amazing and very long process of working this bad boy hope you like our secant Chapter of Rasmus And Salmar Meet The Daedric Prince.
[ Trolldragonborn: We hope you enjoyed this and cried like i did when i made Sheo cry. If you did not cry then your a sick bastard]
[Sandkings321] Comment us below, Do you like the ship tease, do you like the speech, fav us and this wacky story.