I traced my index finger in the dirt on floor, scrawling 'happy birthday, L!' Not that birthday mattered to me, instead the way my life was passing in this dark dungeon, nothing did. It was not even worthy of being called life but a mere intake and exhale of breath. I don't even get to know what date it is, instead what month of the year is going on. Life just kept on passing away on its own, time gradually slipping away.

I just got to know about the date as a deal was done in front of me; a deal to sell off a slave confined to my left, to a big bulky man for a night. Though I wasn't the one to complain about looks, but the man was… someone you wouldn't wish to give a second look. His face was completely charred and distorted. And poor Stephen was trembling with fear, afraid that a stranger (one with the most repulsive face) was about to fuck him for the whole night.

We were considered lucky if we ever get a customer with normal looks not the one whose face would just scare shit out of us or not the one who would beat us to death. For, there was no law for slave rights' protection. Instead, according to law, they were master's property, yes property! And the Master had complete right over their body, soul and life. If they wished for us to live, we did and if not, we were as good as dead.

And for slaves selling corporations, we were just commodities; a source to earn revenue, otherwise they would dispose us off to any prostitution institute. Well, there wasn't much difference except for the fact that over there people were sold dirt cheap.

I can't thank heaven more for not making me attractive enough for them, so at the age of twenty eight, I was still a virgin. No one ever bothered to waste their money on me. I have been locked in this cell for years, never seeing anything but darkness.

Light beams infiltrated the dungeon, dimly lightening it as the workers came down, holding a torch. 'A customer at this time?' Every head turned toward the entrance. As I couldn't see the person, I observed the reaction of other slaves in opposite cells. They were gaping, eyeing the said person in awe.

And then my glance met the sight of a young, handsome man, neatly dressed in an expensive suit. His chiseled face was set in a stern expression. And a crew of workers was buzzing around him like bees around a hive. And then . . . his golden hued eyes met mine. For a moment, time stood still. Everything was a blur except for him. I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath.

There was something about his look or the way he carried himself that gave him a godly aura. He turned his eyes away, said something to a worker in hushed manner and then left.

As soon as he left, everyone shot each other a questioning look that what a handsome man has to do with the slaves when he can get any free man or woman. And soon everyone started talking about how good looking he was, admiring his single feature.

"I wonder who he will choose." The boy who gets the most customers said, a dreamy smile playing on his lips. I couldn't help but wonder the same.

It was around noon. I didn't sleep for the whole night, not only because that being an insomniac, I don't need it, but also due to fact that it was rather uncomfortable sleeping on a concrete floor. Not to mention that the whole place was infested with rodents and insects.

I stretched my body and wriggled my toes, every joint made a cracking sound. Today, they have skipped the breakfast. Well, what they usually give can hardly be called a breakfast. Just some dried crumbs of bread, along with water to swallow it down the throat.

My stomach started grumbling nosily. I ruffled my hair to distract my mind from hunger, but it didn't do any good. I have no idea that how I have survived this long over here. One week after when I arrived here at the age of ten, I was sure that soon I will die out of boredom.

That is the reason that the most slaves here were satisfied doing what they were destined to do, rather than getting your mind fucked my boredom. But my personality severely clashed with what fate demanded from me; an absolute submission. So I refused to accept this as a purpose of my life.

They all were eager to know whom the brunette will choose. They wouldn't have dreamt of having a customer as handsome as he was.

If something happens, it would be forced. I refuse to accept my fate as someone's slave and sit here, waiting for my master to fuck me.

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps advancing towards my cell. Then the boy in the next cell exclaimed lowly, "It's him!" His eyes gleamed with excitement. I could tell that it was Light. And it was!

As much I hate to tell, anticipation crawled up my spine. And when he stopped in front of my cell my heart froze in my chest. He was looking dead straight towards me, his gaze piecing through my soul.

A worker unlocked the door and read out the deed loud:

"Slave number 422, L, aged twenty eight, without any physical disability, is being sold to Mr. Light Yagami against a cash payment of seven hundred dollars in advance for a week."

'A week?' my heart was now in my throat suffocating me.

"Come L!" he said as he moved towards the stairs. His tenor voice sent a bolt of electricity to my body, making me shiver. 'Get hold of yourself L!' I mentally scolded myself.

I don't know what was causing this behavior. My inexperience, inherent fear of the unknown or the fact he was the most gorgeous creature I have seen.

As we headed towards the exit, I could feel the weight of the glances of everybody on me. They all were gaping in disbelief.

As we exited the building, for after such a long time, fresh air hit my face and sun beam warmly brushed against my cold skin. It was such a foreign feeling to me.

Light got into black mustang and I slipped into the seat beside him. He started the car and pulled it on the main road. His every movement had an indescribable suave charm, and despite all of my observational abilities, I couldn't point it out that what made them so elegant and decent.

In day light, I could have a better look at him. This time he was wearing a black fitted T-shirt that gave him much younger and casual look. The pitch blackness of his dress contrasted well to his deeply tanned skin and ocher eyes. His hands were stretched, making his every tantalizing curves prominent. Though, not very muscular they looked so strong.

Something coiled in my stomach and I had to tear my eyes away. I didn't dare to look at his face, his eyes, his lips-

'No! You shouldn't be thinking like this! Respect yourself L. Remember, you mean nothing to him. Just a fuck toy. A mean for satiating his pleasure.'

The ride was silent. We were now on the high way. I lowered the car window as cool air rushed in, hitting my skin. I enjoyed the temporary feel of freedom as a gust of wind blew my already wild hair in all directions. Closing my eyes, I savored the feel of air brushing every strand of my hair. I even shook them further to dishevel them.

Then there was a sudden jerk as Light yanked the steering to the right. The car lurched around the blind corner, making a sharp screeching noise, as we missed the truck on our left slightly by inches.

After a few seconds, when I remembered to breathe, I look towards Light who was also taken aback by the abrupt movement but again got the firmer control over steering.

"Sorry!" He mumbled lowly in an embarrassed tone.

'Hun? That was a new one!' I don't think that in the whole history of slavery, any master would have apologized for his action.

There were no pleasantries involved between them. Usually master would take a slave home and just fuck him whole night, to make most of the money they paid.

Blood started rising to my cheeks as my mind crossed this line of thought and I looked away praying that Light wouldn't notice this.

The rest of the ride passed in a silence. Both of us avoided each other's eyes. At last, we reached his house which was a large one, having an elegant design and decor. He called for a servant and asked him to guide me to my room.

'My personal room?'

"Meet you later L!" the way my name rolled from his tongue made my heart flutter and for no reason it sounded too intimate.

He gave one last prolonged look at me before again leaving in his car. As soon as he left, a strange disappointment filled me. So shaking it away, I followed the servant to... oh yeah my room.

The room wasn't like something I was expecting. It was spacious and no need to mention neat. There weren't many things except for a bed, table rug and empty shelves.

After escorting me to my room the servant left me on my own. Without wasting the time I freed my feet from strapped sandals and proceeded towards the bed. My feet landed on something really soft. I looked down, to find it was a rug. I wriggled my toes in it, feeling its softness. The soft fur grazed my skin gently, tinkling it.

After playing a bit with the rug I went towards the bed, it was neatly done. Its softness engulfed me and I realized that how easy it was to sleep here. I buried my head in a fluffy pillow, cuddling other to my chest and soon my eyes begin to close and I drifted off to sleep.

After wakening, I took a bath and then I was served with a lavish dinner. For a while I could almost forget that I was a slave.

It was nine now. I haven't seen Light since he dropped me here. And as the night approached, anticipation rose inside me that he would be here at any time now.

Anticipation, anxiety, nervousness - they all mingled together. Fear crept inside me thinking that what he would do. Would he be rough? Will he hurt me? Dozens of questions struck my mind.

His beautiful face flicked in my mind, his golden eyes filled with desire and lust staring directly at me. A look that could take anyone's breath away. His pristine brown locks fell over his eyes as He leaned forward so all I could focus on was his kissable pink lip. I wanted to move forward and lick –

'Ugh!' I threw the pillow across the floor, utterly frustrates at myself. Why he had to be so handsome? Was it sort of joke of fate to prove that indeed I do have a nature of a slave, that I like being controlled?

Why he couldn't be ugly just like the customer that came yesterday so that I could hate him with passion. And hate every idea of him kissing me, touching me, fucking me.

'Oh god!'

I threw my head on the bed. My mind torn between jarring emotions. I was anxious and excited at what was to come and in other hand I was angry that I had to be a slave that anyone could fuck me.

Then there were footsteps coming towards my room. I froze in my place as I realized whose steps it must be.

'Oh my...!'