Chapter 1

Positive. The test reads positive.

From inside the ensuite bathroom, twenty-four-year-old Lucy Dragneel is utterly thrilled. She is jumping and twirling around in her bare feet. Pregnant. She is pregnant! She is even able to think back to the session that is the cause of her being pregnant.

Grinning from ear to ear, Lucy does a little dance. All of it is a dream come true! She comes to a stop when she thinks of her husband, Natsu Dragneel. He is a police officer and the man she is happy to say is her best friend. They have known each other since middle school and are high school sweethearts.

"How am I going to tell him?" Lucy asks herself. She has never put much thought into revealing the news to him since she has not been pregnant before. She supposes she can just tell it to him straight, but she does want to have some fun with it. Maybe she can turn it into a game for him…

Of course, with whatever she ends up doing, she wants to do it in person. Unfortunately, Natsu is not at home since he is heading over to his work for a bit. Apparently he needed to drop something off for someone. At least Lucy has some time before he returns home.

"Hey, I can look things up online!" Lucy reaches for her left back pocket only to find her cell phone is not there. "Oh, right. I left it downstairs." So she leaves the bathroom and makes her way to the kitchen where her phone is on the island counter. Just as she exits the bedroom and descends the stairs, she hears the back door open up for some reason.

"Natsu?" Lucy asks, stopping towards the bottom of the stairs. She finds it odd he did not use the front door or even the door that connects the garage and kitchen. After all, he should have parked his car out in the driveway or in the garage depending on his plans for later.

However, she does not hear him say a word. Instead, she only hears the back door shut.

"Natsu?" she asks again, using a louder voice. Lucy finishes walking down the stairs and makes her way towards the family room. Just as she enters the kitchen, she freezes in place and gasps. Chills race down her spine at who she sees. Natsu is most certainly not home.

Standing on the other side of the kitchen that is adjacent to the family room is a grown man. He has tan skin, reddish brown hair, and dark eyes. He is wearing scuffed up shoes, dark jeans, and a plain grey tee.

"Hello, Lu Lu," he says warmly, looking at her with adoration.

Of course, Lucy recognizes him. Besides, the nickname for her is a dead giveaway. "Dan Straight…" she murmurs.

The two of them went to high school together. Dan had always wanted to date her, but she never wanted that since she had eyes for someone else. After she and Natsu started dating, Dan became more determined to make his dream a reality. At some point, his behavior seemed borderline obsessive. Her circle of friends considered him to be a crazy stalker when it came to her.

"It's just me," Dan says to assure her.

At least she only has him to worry about. Things can be worse if he showed up with friends or something else.

"Why are you here?" Lucy asks after she finds her voice.

"I wanted to see you, Lu Lu. I missed you."

She is not sure what to say since she never once missed him.

"You know, it took a bit for me to find you. I was looking for Lucy Heartfilia, but you changed your last name to Dragneel. Why'd you do that? It's a weird last name."

"I married–"

"M-married?" he interrupts, eyes growing wide with shock. "Oh, say it isn't so, Lu Lu! I always thought we'd end up together!"

"Life doesn't always go according to plan," she says.

"So who did you marry?" He seems nervous, as though he will not like what she has to say.


A forced grin forms on his face. "Natsu? Natsu Dragneel?"

Lucy slowly nods, not liking this situation.

"He's the one… ? You chose him over me… ?"

She is unsure how to respond. She might make things worse for her if she confirms what he asked her.

Dan gives her his best puppy dog eyes. "What about the something special we have between us, Lu Lu?"

"But the last time we saw each other was graduation," she points out.

"Well, it seemed like me popping in to visit was long overdue!" Then he holds his arms out wide. "Come here and give me a hug!"

However, Lucy remains rooted in place. "Why are you really here?" she gulps.

His arms lower an inch or so. "Lu Lu, weren't you listening earlier? It's because I've missed you!"

"Then why didn't you knock on the front door and wait for me to get it? You came in through the back."

"It's because I wanted to surprise you!" Then he raises his arms higher and laughs. "How long are you going to keep me hanging now?"

"Dan," Lucy says, wanting to be firm.

"Yesss, Lu Lu?"

"I think it's time you go."

His arms drop to his side and he pouts. "But I just got here." Then Dan perks up. "And while I'm here, we should pretend we're married and this is our home! If you like it so much, we can really get married and live together! We can make up for lost time!"

She really does not want to give him any sort of false hope that he has a sliver of a chance with her. "Dan, listen to me. Really listen. I'm happy with my current life. I'm happy being married to Natsu and living here with him."

Something dark flashes in his eyes. "But what about us, Lu Lu?"

Lucy jumps in surprise at the sudden noise when her phone starts going off from the kitchen island counter. By the assigned ringtone, she knows it is Natsu. His timing is certainly impeccable! It is like his Lucy-is-in-trouble radar is going off!

On the other hand, Dan reacts to the unexpectedness of the call by drawing a gun and aiming it at the phone.

Lucy is completely on edge now, knowing she needs to be extremely wary of her future actions. "Natsu is calling me," she explains slowly. "He'll call again if I don't answer."

"Natsu is calling me," she explains slowly. "He'll call again if I don't answer."

Dan's eyes dart between from her and her still ringing phone before he finally rests on her. "But I want you to pay attention to me."

"But I have to answer my phone. It'll be rude of me to not answer."

"And it'll be rude if you ignore me," he points out.

"I'll talk with you when I finish talking on the phone. How does that sound?"

Her phone finally falls silent.

Dan jumps in surprise when her phone stops ringing and he glances at it. He is readying himself for what is about to happen.

"I can call him back–" Lucy starts.

"No!" Dan interrupts, barely lowering the aim of his gun.

"He's going to call again if I don't call him back."

"Why would he–"

Just like she said, Natsu calls again and her phone goes off.

"Answer it," Dan instructs. "No funny business. No asking for help. Tell him you were in the bathroom before."

Not making any sudden movement, Lucy slowly walks over to the island and picks up her phone, answering it. "Hey, Natsu," she says, attempting to sound natural and not seem stressed.

"Hiya, Luce."

"Sorry that I missed the first call." She goes with what Dan told her. "I was in the bathroom."

"All good. I just wanted to letcha know that I plan on hanging out with the guys tonight."

Her gut wrenches. He is about to receive horrible news. "And then we can watch TV when you're home, right?" she asks.

"Uh, I plan on being out late, but I guess–" he begins.

Lucy laughs suddenly, cutting him off unbeknownst to Dan. "Remember the episode with the one moose in the greenhouse?"

Natsu falls silent for a moment. "Moose… ?" he whispers in a monotone voice.

"Yes, the one moose in the greenhouse!" she giggles, feeling a tight ball form in her throat.

There is some more silence on his end before he speaks again. "You–"

"All right, I'll see you when you get home," she interrupts, trying not to get choked up.

"Luce, don't hang–" he starts desperately.

"I love you, Natsu," she adds sweetly.


She hangs up her phone, trying not to lose her composure. She feels as though Natsu will come through for her.

During a free evening, Lucy and Natsu were watching some cop show on television. There was a case with a moose in a greenhouse, and the couple found it humorous. In fact, they found it so humorous that they made a code out of it. Although, they did make it up hoping they will never have to use it.

By saying the phrase twice, she only confirmed his fears. There is an intruder in their home. The fact she specified with one moose, he will know there is one intruder. She can only hope help arrives soon enough. She is already done with this twisted dream. She wants out of this nightmare.

x-X-x (POV change and is set in the past by a bit) x-X-x

Natsu had hopes to simply enjoy the whole day with his wife, but a friend called in a favor. At least he can spend the rest of it with her when he returns home.

He parks his car in a free spot and steps out, locking it up behind him as he walks towards the station. He makes his way inside the building and passes some familiar faces here and there.

"Hey, what are you doing here, Dragneel?" a man by the name of Loke Regulus asks. "I thought you're off today."

"I am, Regulus, so don't go asking for anything. I'll leave once I save Ice Pincess' ass."

Loke merely chuckles. "Have fun with that. Tell Lucy I say hi by the way!"

Natsu continues on his way and stops in front of a certain Gray Fullbuster's desk. "Special delivery for one Ice Princess." He proceeds to drop the folded white tee onto the desk.

The pale skinned man with dark locks looks up with his dark blue eyes. "Thanks." Even though he is wearing his uniform, it clear to see he is not wearing an undershirt.

"So what happened to your other white shirts? I know you own a bunch because you always strip 'em off and lose 'em."

For whatever reason, Gray tends to mysteriously lose articles of clothing. It is like he is under some sort of curse.

One of Gray's eyes twitches. "Didn't I say no questions when I asked for the favor?"

"But the favor is over," Natsu points out.

Gray avoids eye contact when he speaks. "I was with Juvia last night and couldn't find my shirt this morning. She didn't have any I could wear. I needed to get to work and couldn't make a stop. I ran out of the spares I normally keep in my car."

A gleam appears in Natsu's eyes. "Oh, so you're in a good mood today… For certain reasons… Juvia related reasons…"

"Don't press your luck," Gray warns.

"Hey, you were the lucky one last night–" he begins to snicker.

Gray's glare becomes ice cold. "Flame Brain…" he growls.

"I'm just messing with you," Natsu says, holding his hands up in defense. "And good for you."

"Thanks, I guess."

"But…" Natsu begins.

"But?" Gray questions. "Why does there have to be a but?"

"Buuut when are you gonna ask Juvia to be your official girlfriend, huh?"

A bashful look comes across Gray's face, an unusual sight for the man. "I'm planning on it…" he mumbles. "Not today. Soon. Maybe."


"Maybe soon." Then he sighs. "I guess I'm waiting for the right time."

Natsu claps him on the back. "No time like the present!"

Gray cracks a grin. "Hey, speaking of the present, do you have plans later?"

Natsu thinks for a moment. "I think I was just gonna be with Luce."

"The guys and I plan on going out. Wanna join?"

"I'll hafta let Luce know," he replies, already taking out his cell phone.

"You're so whipped," Gray teases.

Merely shrugging in response, Natsu dials Lucy's number and holds his ringing phone up to an ear. Oddly, enough, she does not pick up. "Huh…" he says as he lowers his phone.

Gray shrugs. "Maybe she's busy."

"But she shouldn't be." Natsu tries calling again. "She's off today."

Finally, Lucy answers. "Hey, Natsu," she says.

He smiles at the sound of her voice. "Hiya, Luce."

"Sorry that I missed the first call. I was in the bathroom."

"All good. I just wanted to letcha know that I plan on hanging out with the guys tonight."

"And then we can watch TV when you're home, right?" she asks.

"Uh, I plan on being out late, but I guess–" he begins.

Lucy laughs suddenly. "Remember the episode with the one moose in the greenhouse?"

He should be confused by her seemingly random question, but because of it, his mind goes blank for a moment. "Moose… ?" he whispers in a monotone voice.

"Moose?" Gray questions with an incredulous look on his face.

"Yes, the one moose in the greenhouse!" she giggles.

One moose. Greenhouse. Natsu knows what the phrase means. It something he and Lucy have. "You–"

"All right, I'll see you when you get home," she interrupts, trying not to get choked up.

"Luce, don't hang–" he starts desperately.

"I love you, Natsu," she adds sweetly.

"Luce! Stay with me, Luce!"

However, he is met with silence on the other end. He lowers his phone to discover the call is over. "Lucy!"

"Hey, what's going on with you?" Gray asks, treading lightly on the matter. He can tell his friend is not acting like his normal self.

"She's in trouble," he breathes, staring at the black screen of his phone.

"What kind of trouble?"

"She used a phrase when we spoke. She told me there's one moose in the greenhouse."

Gray blinks in surprise. "I don't follow…"

"One moose. That means one intruder."

"And greenhouse?"

"That's home."

"So one intruder at home."

"Exactly." Then Natsu snaps himself into reality. He has to bring officers together for a home invasion and possible hostage situation that will hit close to home for many.

A/N Part 1: So a couple of things about this work. I got the base idea for it because I was watching a show and there was a literal moose trapped in a greenhouse. I joked with my mum about making that a phrase for something and this idea came to mind. On that note, this fic isn't gonna be my normal style of fluff and romance XD And I have no clue how this actual situation would be handled. Just my interpretation of it.

A/N Part 2: On another note, some personal experience is involved. There have been two people involved in my life that have been obsessed with me. One more psychological than the other. Everything is fine now, but the past is still a factor. Both cases heavily affected me then, but I'm stronger now. In a way, this is helping get some things outta my system in a good way.

A/N Part 3: When it comes to replying to reviews, I'm gonna try something different and only reply to the reviews I can reply to with PMing. In past works, I've written replies below my notes and I've had a lotta people complain about that XD At least for this work, I'm gonna stick with replying with PMing! But I still do appreciate every single review along with followers and faves :D Y'all rock!