Disclaimer: I don't own the One Piece concept. I just own Ruby and her sisters. Please enjoy the story.

Last time on Ruby's Story:

"Next time, Usopp," Ruby commented with raised eyebrows, "Say that with pride." Usopp blinked in surprise. Maybe she was acting too hard on him, she mused before she continued, "You have some formal training with a slingshot. Do you like to learn how to use a gun or another weapon?"

"I used a gun when I faced Daddy, the bounty hunter," he replied.

"Was that your first time using a pistol?" she asked. She knew it was, at least, in the show. She didn't know about the manga.

"No," Usopp admitted, shifting uncomfortable on his feet, "It was the second time."

The red head blinked, shocked, before she had to remind herself this was no longer just a story, that there were events happening or happened that changed the One Piece Story line, some of them she had no clue about. Usopp had used a gun in the past was one of those times.

She stared at Usopp, waiting for him to go on, but he remained tight lipped. Interesting, she mused before she continued on, "Did you noticed any difference between the times you fired a gun?"

His eyes went to the deck as he shifted his weight foot to foot and he kept silent.

Ruby frowned at Usopp's actions, thinking about it. He obviously noticed a difference between the two times. She knew her personal experience - the first time: she was scared shit less, hoping the Glock wouldn't jam, the long time for the trigger to be pushed by her index finger, hands shaking, then the gun fired, echoing loudly in her ears as her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened and her arms dropped to her sides like lead as the gun slipped from her hands, hitting the ground at the same time the body did.

The second time was a lot easy. She knew what to expect and she was able to steel herself. That didn't mean she was not scared shit less about the encounter.

"Usopp," she announced, catching his attention. There was something in her tone that cause him to look up at her. "Come with me," she said, "Sabo, Zoro, show Nami how to stretch properly where she doesn't hurt herself during training," she turned on her heel.

Chapter 10: The Ripples of Change

Ruby led Usopp to the back of the ship. She stopped by the railing, resting her elbows on it, staring at the sea. She waited for a long moment, seeing if Usopp would speak. He didn't. He stepped up beside her.

"Tell me what happen the first time you fired a gun," she said in a soft tone. She felt the long nosed sniper stiffen in surprise.

"Why?" Usopp growled, "So, you can make fun of me?"

Ruby chewed on her bottom lip, thinking. Was she willingly to drag up old, painful memories of that place? She didn't want to talk about it, but maybe, if it would help Usopp to understand, maybe she could deal with the memories. She took a deep breath. The scent of the salty sea breeze helped calm her rolling stomach.

"I was 14 when I fired my first gun," she started. Usopp turned and watched her, "I was kidnapped by an organization that my mother used to work for and was under the impression it was gone, but they went underground. They wanted to know where she was." She let out a laugh. "I'm the adoptive daughter of the infamous assassin, the Black Widow. I thought, at 14, I wouldn't be a target for her enemies. I was wrong. My ass got kidnapped because of it." She took another break, "I woke up in a room," She grabbed the railing as that room drifted from the depths of her mind, her knuckles turned white. "At first, they just questioned me. I truly didn't know the answers to their questions."

The room suddenly had darkened figures. She knew they were speaking, but she didn't understand a word they were saying. It was like a faint conversation you know was happening but didn't understand what they were speaking about. She went on, "They started to beat me for not having the answer they sought, claiming I knew where she was, that I just didn't want to tell them." The darkened figures laughed silently as she had tried to fight back and two of them held her arms out to the sides, leaving her torso wide open to their attacks. "Then they sent him. The ghost. The assassin that was only rumor to exists, just a nightmarish story, the assassin that other assassin feared - the Winter Soldier." The darkened figures left the room and another man with mental arm stormed in. Her throat seemed to close off as her heart thundered in her chest. Ruby took a shuddering breath. She closed her eyes, repeatedly silently saying to herself, 'I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm no longer there.' She sunk to her knees, holding the railing in a tight gasp.

A hand cupped her left shoulder. Ruby jumped. A hand flying out and grabbed the other's wrist with a tight grip before her left leg flew out, kicking the other in the leg. She heard a cry of pain. She blinked. The ocean came back into focus. The sun peeked over the horizon. She smelt the sea breeze. She heard running footsteps on her right as she turned to look at the person she attacked. Seagulls cried in the morning air as the sounds of waves slapping the haul drifted up. She blinked, again. Her eyes focused on Usopp laying on the deck, hissing in pain. He glared up at her. Pain filled his expression.

"What happen here," Nami questioned. Ruby slowly raised her eyes to stare at their feet - Name, Zoro, Sabo, Sanji, and Luffy. She saw Koala on the stairs behind the crew. She was trapped. The crew blocked the stairs. She couldn't escape that way. She glanced at the other side of the railing. She couldn't go that way. She couldn't swim. Hell, it was hard for her to stay afloat. She glanced toward the other staircase, leading up to Nami's tangerines trees. She could escape through there and jump over the kitchen railing to the middle of the deck before she disappeared back under the deck. That was a decent plan, but how wonder she escape from there? Where would she go? The answer was the sea. She would probably die, trying to make it to land or another vessel, but it would be better then being trapped, beaten, and possible raped.

Ruby charged at the crew. Zoro immediately went on the defensive. Sabo narrowed his eyes at her. She knew he had Haki and she didn't have a doubt he was using it on her, now. She jumped up the stairs, by passing Zoro as she headed to Nami's trees.

"Ruby," Zoro snapped out. She ignored him with ease.

"Ruby," Luffy called out. Something that was drilled into her reacted. She fought against the urge to slow down as she did just that. She remembered how many times a beating disguised in the form of training with the SHIELD officers she had to go through to have that drill into her head. Most of the times, those agents couldn't call her by her surname since there was another in the same room with it, but they did with her first name. She trembled as she came to a stop on the edge of the trees. Internal, she cussed up a storm. All that training she forced to go through paid off. Mother Fury would be laughing if he knew so would a few of her teachers. She bit her lower lip. Her eyes darted around, trying to figure out a way out of this situation. "What happened?" His tone held a firm note in it. It was the same note she knew.

Ruby opened her mouth to explained what had happened when Usopp spoke up, "She told me to stay on guard." She blinked. "I didn't listen, of course, and this is the result."

Ruby's back slowly tensed with surprise. Her eyes widened as they focused on the base of a tree. What the hell? Why the hell was Usopp covering up her actions? She was sure he would have told Luffy and the crew what happened and she would have been dropped off at the nearest island with barely enough supplies to find a way off it. In fact, knowing Nami, the greedy bitch would try to take the prize money from Ruby, claiming it was compensation for Ruby's stay. It just didn't make any sense for Usopp to lie to the crew about her reaction to his touch. She thought about the possible options. One stood out.


Usopp had blackmail on her. She had shared that she had a weakness, that she was afraid of being beaten again, but thankfully, she didn't share the entire story with him. It didn't answer the question. Why did Usopp lie to Luffy? She didn't understand why. She made a mental note of it, to ask him later. What if she went along with Usopp's lie? It was true she has promised to train him and Nami. She could use that as an excuse - it was training, not what it was.

What if she didn't go along with the lie and told Luffy what really happened? It would show weakness on her part. It proved she had a weakness. She never got over the fear of that happening again. A fear of being trapped in a room, no way to escape, beaten daily, and eventually raped, again, and again. She knew the anime and manga characters of One Piece. She knew those characters would not do that. This crew were not those character. These were real, flesh and blood people, not black and white drawings on paper. They had a darker side to them then the story had hinted at. The were more dangerous then the story had portrayed them to be. She knew them to be. Hell, she was trying to help Usopp and Nami to be more dangerous to their enemies. She already knew what kind of shit the Straw Hat Crew was going to go through after they enter the Grand Line. If Usopp and Nami didn't get stronger, they will be forced to rely on the other members of the crew to provide them back up. If they went through the training with Ruby, they will be stronger and won't be relying on the stronger members of the crew for help.

Damn it! There were too many possibilities in this situation. Ruby didn't know what to do. Something hardened inside and she made the decision - Lie and protest yourself. Treat this just like a SHIELD mission.

"Is that the truth, Ruby," Luffy asked. She didn't hear the rest of the crew, but she felt their eyes on her back.

"Yes, it is, Captain," she said, trying to keep her tone light, "I was also in the process of showing him how to escape a situation where you had enemies coming at you."

Silence stretched on. It was at a point where she beginning to think that Luffy wouldn't believe her and she started to reaccessed the situation before Luffy said, "How come you didn't say so, Ruby."

Ruby felt relief rush through her, but she didn't allow it to show physically. A small smile flickered across her lips and her eyes softened before she shoved her emotions aside. She had to act that part. She turned to face Usopp and said, "I'm sorry, Usopp." She paused for a brief moment before she went on, "I kinda got caught up in the moment. Too many missions like that."

"It's alright, Ruby," Usopp said, sitting crossed legged at the deck with his back against the railing. There was glint of remorse in his eyes as he looked up at her. Their eyes met. "Let's make sure it doesn't happen with me again."

"Sure thing," Ruby sent him a grateful smile.

"Seesh," Nami spoke up, "You have us a heart attack. I had thought Ruby had attacked you, Usopp..." Ruby raised an eyebrow, turning her gaze over to the navigator as she realized what she had said and who she had said in front of, "Hehe. I think I heard the news gull approaching. I'm going to grab the newspaper and read that to see what is going on in the world today." The navigator turned on her heel and disappeared from sight.

Ruby let out a sigh. She probably deserved that snide comment. Nami didn't know how right she was though. Sanji was the next one to voice a comment, "I need to get back to working on breakfast. It should be ready in a couple minutes." He disappeared around the corner and, the red head knew, he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Too much drama for this early in the morning," Zoro commented with a yawn, "I think our training for the morning is over for today." Ruby silently agreed with him. There was no use in trying to get Usopp or Nami to agree to any more training the rest of the day. He turned and went back toward the front, leaving Sabo, Luffy, and Koala blocking the way to the rest of the ship.

"You might want to put some Ice on that, Usopp," Sabo commented, "Before it swells up." He walked over to Usopp and helped him up on his feet. Sabo turned to Luffy, commenting, "Maybe you can help me over here, Lu, to get him to the kitchen."

Luffy nodded as he walked over to Usopp and helped him to his feet with Sabo. The trio quickly disappeared around the corner. Ruby walked down the stairs from the trees back over to the railing. She sensed Koala following her. The other woman stopped beside the red head, lending against the railing.

"We know Usopp lied," Koala started, "You probably already know that." Ruby didn't say a word, but she glanced over at the other woman. "Why did he lie?"

For a long moment, Ruby didn't reply. Koala just stood there. However, Ruby slowly tensed when Sabo appeared on her other side. She was trapped between two revolutionaries. The former SHIELD agent glanced up at Sabo. He had the appearance of someone enjoying the sea breeze, but there was a glint in his eyes. Ruby knew she was not getting out of this without someone else getting hurt. She finally spoke, "I don't know why he lied. What happened was in order to understand what happened to him when the last time he fired a gun, I shared something personal with him." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "Something I went through when I was younger and it is still effecting me, even though, I am trying my best to move on from it." She took a deep breath. "He placed his hand on my shoulder when I was still in those memories and I attacked."

"Bad memories?" Sabo asked, "From when you were 14?"

"The kind that leaves a weaker person will break under," Ruby said, nodding. Sabo nodded, apparently understanding. Koala hummed from Ruby's right side. They stood there, looking at the side, until Sanji called out that breakfast was ready. Ruby pushed away from the railing, heading to the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder as she started to round the corner and saw that the two revolutionaries didn't follow. She frowned. She wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, but she knew with their haki abilities, she wouldn't be able to. She didn't make a noise as she continued making her way to the main deck. It was time for Ruby to start training Nami.

Sabo stared out at the sea, thinking about what the strange red head told him and Koala. She didn't lie, but she didn't tell the entire truth. Whatever happened to the newest member of the Straw Hat crew haunted her in ways he could only imagine. He let out a breath.

"She is a strange one," Koala commented, hand cupping her jaw as she lend on the railing. She glanced up at Sabo. "She kinda reminds me of you in some ways. How you hid things until they reach a point and cause problems for everyone involved. It could be the fact she is slowly reaching her breaking point."

Sabo sent her a scandalous look before he said, "Perhaps, but I won't have lashed out like she did." He glanced over his shoulder. "Maybe Usopp was right. She is dangerous."

"We all are, especially you and me," Koala sent him a look, "She just shows it a bit more than anyone else does." She paused, "Let's see how this play out." She straightened and stretched her arms above her head. "I'm going head to the kitchen. See you there." She walked away.

Sabo stared at the ocean, still thinking about Ruby. She kept to her story about what happened to her, even though she gave vague details. That part didn't matter. She knew more then she let on and things that she shouldn't have knowledge of. Not to mention that tattoo on her shoulder. A circle of an eagle with A. It tickled his memory. Something about another organization with that as its logo. He would have to add it to his list of things to research on when he reached an island with a decent bookstore or was able to send a message with a bird to Dragon. Until then, he would have to keep an eye on Ruby and be prepared to eliminate her if she proves to be a threat to the Revolutionaries. He personally hoped she wasn't binding her time to allow their guards to drop before she attacks them. If she was, like Koala said, reaching her breaking point, he hoped the crew would be strong enough to help her through it, both physically and mentally.

His thoughts drifted to Luffy. That 17-year-old was something else. Sabo was not expecting the young pirate captain to be a borderline dumbass at certain things while a secret genius at others and a clingy kid at times. When Luffy became a clingy kid, it stirred up something in Sabo that he didn't think it was possible, something on the edge of being friendly or almost straight out caring like he did for Koala and Hack. Maybe he really did know Luffy before he lost his memories. It was like something on the tip of his tongue during the times Luffy won't leave him alone. He wanted to pass the teen off to someone he didn't know, but knew if that person was there, the person would take over caring for Luffy. He once again wondered what exactly happened for him to lose his memories and who he was before the event took place. Maybe going with Luffy when the crew reached Luffy's home island to see these Bandits he kept going on and on about and even go down to the local kingdom Luffy had claimed Sabo had lived.

Goa Kingdom. That name did ring a bell. It was not a good one. He had been curious enough to read up on the Goa Kingdom when he had the chance. According the most recent news out of that Kingdom, the Princess married a local noble by the name of Sully Outlook, an adopted son of Outlook III, causing that family to raise up in status. Sabo was lucky enough to see a picture of Sully and felt sorry for the Goa Princess. The Princess, herself, was a fine-looking lady, but Sabo knew her beauty could be just skin deep, and the foul of the nobility probably ran deep in her veins. She was nothing more than a breeding machine for the nobility, now and no doubt would raise her children to follow in her footsteps.

After a morning filled with Nami's training, Ruby entered the kitchen with Nami followed, limping slightly. Ruby had pushed her to the other woman's limit and asked her to do one more before the red head called it a day. Now, Ruby spotted Usopp sitting on the infirmary bed with an ice pack on his knee. A flickered of guilt darted through her as she knew he was in pain. She didn't let it bother her. What happened had happened and there was no turning back the clock to deal with the actions. She turned her attention to the others in the kitchen and settled down by Zoro as Sanji handed out the dished plates. She inhaled the savory meatloaf, and some sort of kabobs that had potatoes and other vegetables. She noticed there was a side of fruit on her plate while there wasn't one on Zoro's. Perhaps he already ate it, she mused. Another thing she noticed was that Luffy had meat filled kabobs. The space on her right was filled by Sabo who wondered after Koala did, sitting at the end of the bench.

Ruby quickly ate the fruit side and started on the meatloaf when she noticed an arm stretch over her plate. Her eyes followed the arm up to Luffy and snapped her teeth at him. He paled, slightly, and nodded in understanding.

"HEY! That's mine!" Sabo hollered beside the red head and jumped to his feet as Luffy's arm snapped back with his prize of handful of meat kabobs. "Give those back!" Luffy didn't say anything as he stuffed his mouth full of the meat kabobs. He gave Sabo a grin. Sabo glared at the rubber man, sitting back down. It wasn't long before Luffy tried again, grabbing a few more meat kabobs. This time, Sabo grabbed the rubber hand and slapped back of Luffy's hand, causing the rubber captain to drop the kabobs. "Try that again, Luffy, you won't like the results."

"Can't be any worst then Ruby threatened to do," Luffy shot back with a gleam in his eyes. Within a blink of an eye, Luffy's other hand flew out and grabbed the meat kabobs he was forced to dropped before he shoved them into his mouth.

"That's it," Sabo stood up, letting Luffy's hand go. Luffy gave him a mile-wide grin and shot to his feet, staying just out of Sabo's reach as he danced backwards. Sabo followed him until Luffy disappeared outside with a laugh and Sabo gave chase, growling, before he shouted, "I'll teach you not to touch my food, Luffy!"

It was not long before the sounds of Luffy laughing and Sabo cussing up a blue streak drifted into the kitchen. Ruby shook her head in amusement as a thought drifted through her mind, 'if Ace was here...' And tried not shudder in horror. Their food supply wouldn't last for two days, if they were lucky, and the food thief during the meals would be a headache. Yet, a small part of Ruby, if she managed to stay through post time-skip and managed to save Ace from the marines, was looking forward to. It wouldn't be a dull moment on aboard the ships - it didn't matter if it was the Going Merry or The Thousand Sunny. She let out a sigh and glanced at the plate beside her. It still had a couple meat kabobs. Her eyes darted up toward Koala. The revolutionary woman returned her look. Acting as one, the two women quickly parted the remaining food between them until the plate was clean and most of the remaining crew snorted in amusement.

"This should teach him not to leave his food unattended," Koala commented in a way to explain the reason why she was doing it, "Plus, it's payback for the all-time he did it to me."

"What she said, minus the pay back part," Ruby pointed at Koala and quickly ate her food before Sabo got back. The red head shoved the last bit of her food and stood up, grabbing her plate and her other dirty dishes. She walked over to the sink. She spotted Sanji opened his mouth to say something. She cut him off, "I'll do the dishes, Sanji-kun, after all you had cook a wonderful breakfast." Sanji closed his mouth before he opened his mouth again, "You either sit your ass back down and let me do the damn dishes or I will toss your ass out of the kitchen and I will do the damn dishes without you hovering over me like a mother hen." She gave him a smile, "Your choice."

"That doesn't sound like much of a choice," Sanji grumbled. He turned away from the smirking red head, silently smoking his cigarette.

"I'll help," Koala volunteered as she pushed herself to her feet.

"Me too!" Apis called out.

"Alright," Ruby said, "Koala, you put away the dishes. Little one, you can rinse the dishes, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan," Koala grinned. Apis grinned, obviously likening the plan. The girl rushed over and pushed a crate over to the sink. She climbed up onto the crate as Ruby turned on the water and started to place the dirty dishes into the sink. Ruby went through the motions of preparing to do the dishes.

Once the sink filled with a water level that Ruby felt was enough to do with the dishes and turned the water to pour into the other sink, she glanced down at the little girl as she placed her hands into the hot water and grabbed the washcloth and a random dish before she washed it, she spoke up, "So, your name is Apis, right?"

"Yup," Apis replied cheerily, "And your name is Ruby, right?"

"Oh," Ruby's voice took on a teasing note, "We have a smart one here."

"Is Usopp corrected?" Apis asked as Ruby placed a dish into the younger female's sink before she repeated the process.

"About what," Ruby said as she gave the girl her attention.

"About you being a demon?" Apis said, innocently.

"He only thinks that because I showed him up and proved a point," Ruby explained, "Boys don't like being showed up by girls." She winked at Apis, who giggled.

"Yeah, I have noticed that," Apis chattered, "It was like that at home."

"Where is your home?" the red head asked.

"Warship Island," Apis answered, "Nami and Luffy said they are taking me home."

"What happened to you that you left home," Ruby questioned as she glanced toward the navigator who nodded. Ruby turned her attention to Apis. She wanted to make sure the girl was telling the truth. Apparently, Nami and the rest of the crew already discussed this with the girl.

"Well," Apis started, "I asked the Marines for help with a project and they ended up kidnapping me."

Ruby frowned, pausing cleaning the dishes, "What kind of project were you doing that you had to the Marines for help? Was there anyone in your town able to help you?"

"My grandfather possible could have helped me, but he has the habit of going on and on and on about my family history," Apis complained, "From the way he talks, you would think I'm some sort of a princess or priestess." She took a breath before she went on, "He always talked about the family being charged with something important, but he doesn't remember, anymore." She frowned, "Though I did hear him saying about searching for something that will grant immortal life..." she trailed off, her eyes widening in surprise.

Ruby glanced up at Koala. The blond-haired woman shrugged her shoulders before they both turned their attention to the girl standing between them. Ruby waited for Apis to continue, but she didn't. Ruby said, "So, you think your grandfather could be looking for something to grant immortal life."

Apis didn't acknowledge Ruby, however, the girl started to mutter, "Maybe that's why the Marines are looking for it, too. Someone in the Marines is looking for the dragonite. It doesn't explain anything about Lost Island." Ruby shot a glance over her shoulder to Nami. The navigator's eyes met Ruby's and winked. The red head lips twitched into a smirk. Nami knew already what to do. "But what happened to Lost Island? Maybe it sunk into the sea? Grandpa Ryu did say something about Lost Island being close to Warship Island. Grandfather's stories did say something about Aunt Michelle and Uncle Michael being forced to look for an important item, but he never told me what, saying that I wasn't old enough. Maybe the Marines are looking for the same thing."

Ruby went back to cleaning the dishes as Apis continued to mutter about her family and how each of her family had left over the years. The red head smirked. She somehow managed to get the girl to spill her story with a few well phrase questions.

She remembered that the Straw Hats didn't found out Apis' story until they had reached Warship Island and spent hours, waiting for Apis' grandfather to finish telling his story about the royal family, but he never finished it for the Straw Hats, falling asleep. Meanwhile, from what Ruby remembered, the Straw Hats met Ryu, a thousand year dragon and they did found Lost Island with the rest of the dragons coming to Warship Island, but beyond that, nothing important really happened to the over plot of the story.

Koala waved her hand over Apis' head. Ruby turned her attention to the honey blonde woman. She gave Ruby a closed eye smiled with a thumbs up. Ruby nodded her head in thanks.

The moment broke a moment later when Sabo walked back into the kitchen and yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FOOD!?"

Ruby bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Apis let out a choked screamed. Koala managed to school her expression and turned to Sabo, saying innocently, "I thought you ate everything you wanted, Sabo."

Sabo let out a groan as he slumped down on the bench, muttering something about not being fair.

Crystal growled underneath her breath as she left the large room that served as the Captain's quarters. She couldn't believe the Marines would allow that fat fuck to serve as a Marine. Of course, some of the Marines serving in the Navy and their reasons didn't make sense to her, but this Commodore Nelson took the cake. He probably ate it, too.

He was a large man. Not large as in tall or anything to do with height. He was large in the wide sense. It took a special design chair to hold him up and he ate nearly the entire time he was awake. Plus, he had no manners. She had noticed the way he had looked at her. If her boyfriend was there, he would have been court marshalled. It was something Crystal and the other women had become used to, over the years. Some of these men didn't like there were women among them that was able to kick their ass. There were others who hadn't look upon a female in years due to their assignments.

Crystal paused by the railing of the extra-large ship that served as the Flag ship of Branch 8, thinking. There was another reason she strongly disliked the Commodore. He was using this Branch for his personal gain. He was looking for something called dragonite, an excilar to immortality. She was not for sure if there was a law about using the Marines for personal use. She had a half of mind to report him to the higher ups. She frowned. Reporting the Commodore for using the Marines for personal use would require evidence, perhaps if they did find the dragonite, they could be enough evidence to get him court marshalled or worst. However, she spotted a non-Marine coming aboard. She watched him from the corner of her eye.

A strange looking man with purple haired stormed across the deck, heading to the commodore's quarters with a furious expression. He paused outside the door long enough to school his expression into a neutral one before he entered the large room.

Crystal hummed, about to stop a passing Marine when the cry went out, "PIRATE SHIP! OFF THE STARBOARD SIDE!"

She jerked her head up, casting her gaze out to sea. She frowned as she spotted a small ship on the horizon.

"What flag are they waving," the Captain roared up to the crow's nest.

"A skull wearing a Straw Hat," the lookout hollered back.

"The Straw Hats Pirates!" Crystal announced. She glared at the ship. Ruby was aboard that ship.

"Is the Target aboard that vessel," the Branch 8 Captain asked. There was a long pause before the answer rang out causing Crystal to grin. She was going to capture Ruby and toss her into Impel Down for what she did to their family and for becoming a Pirate.

Ruby lend back in her lounge chair with her eyes closed. Her mind roamed over various topics as she warmed under the afternoon sun. She went over the training session she had with Nami. The navigator was proving herself to be flexible enough to learn some of the Black Widows move and her skills definite lay with the Bo staff. However, throughout the training session, as Ruby went over some of the different weapons that Nami could learn, she had noticed the organette had took an interest in using a gun, but from the way she acted, Ruby knew it would be a last resort for the navigator. That was not the only thing the newest member of the Straw Hats Pirates took note in. Apis had watched Ruby and Nami like a hawk, an gleam of interest in her eyes. The girl didn't join them during the training session. Ruby knew she wouldn't. She probably wouldn't until she was asked about it. Ruby tried to remember more about the arc that involved Apis, but she couldn't. She knew it was a filler arc, but there were plot holes in it. Something about Zoro's skills in this arc that appeared to be a plot hole or an element of foreshadowing, she didn't exactly remember. She flung an arm over her eyes, trying to block out the sun.

She pushed the current issue out of her mind, putting it off for later when it became an issue. She relaxed into the chair. She didn't remember when the last time she was able to do such a thing. Her life for the past few years had been hectic, ever since Loki had unleashed an alien invasion on Earth. She had volunteered to help with the cleanup in New York City after that before she decided to go off to college. That took nearly the entire summer before the fall semester had started. At least, she heard they were still finding pieces of the alien ships and technology around the greater New York City area. It sparked an entire debate on alien life, if there were friendly life forms out in the universe or not if Earth would be invaded again and how they were going to defend themselves from such attacks. Most of it was fear munging. Nobody really knew what to do with the alien technology. There was talk of trying reverse engine it and re-purpose of the usable items by the tech-companies and war-machines to experimental use. Ruby's personal training went up a few knots once her complete and total battle prowess was analyzed by the higher ups in SHIELD. She somehow became the poster child of the next generation of Avengers, being the youngest member.

Before Loki had invaded Earth with his alien army, Ruby was just another young woman in the Big Apple, going about her days with ease and went to post-school training at the SHIELD Headquarters, just outside of the city. When Nick Fury offered her a chance to join the Avengers, she didn't even need to think about it. She wanted to do something to help the world. However, her desire to help the world changed after the invasion then she couldn't get a moment of peace. She had forgot how much she enjoyed the peace and quiet. She missed it in fact.

"HEY! LUFFY!" Usopp roared as Ruby heard the running thuds of Usopp trying to get across the deck. Luckily, Usopp's knee was turning out to be fine. There would be large bruise on his knee. If there was any lasting damage, time would inform them of it. "Let's fish!"

Luffy let out a cry of delight before he obviously grabbed Sabo who let out a cry of alarm and surprise. Ruby chuckled under her breath. She felt pretty proud of herself for getting Sabo and Luffy back together. She had a gut feeling he was still around and kicking, but something had prevented him to going to Marine ford to help rescue Ace. She didn't expect him not to have any memory of his childhood years with his brothers. Hopefully, that would change soon.

"I hate to ask," Koala spoke up from Ruby's left, "But is Luffy always like this?"

"Yup," Nami replied from Ruby's right. The sound of shuffling papers echoed from her direction. The newspaper arrived sometime between breakfast and lunch and Nami was just now getting around to reading it, trying to stay current with the news. Ruby was planning to read it after the navigator was done.

"Good lord," Koala commented, "Here I thought Sabo was bad enough."

Ruby's lips twitched in an amused smirk. Koala, poor woman, had no idea once ASL got together. She would probably end up with a few gray hairs by the time Ace left the Crew in Alabasta.

"Here you go, ladies," Sanji's voice rang out, " A lovely fruit smoothie. A tangerine for the lovely navigator."

"Thank you, Sanji-kun," Nami said.

"A Banana smoothie for you, Miss Koala," Sanji handed over the smoothie he made for the revolutionary woman.

"Ooh, I can't wait to try it," Koala cooed, "Thank you, Sanji."

"And A Strawberry one for Ruby-chan," Sanji said. Ruby put down her arm and opened her eyes, trying to avoid getting blinded by the bright sunny weather. She smiled at the cook who held out a pink colored smoothie.

"And I helped to make them," Apis popped around Sanji with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Sanji," the red head said, "Did you get one, little one?" She sat up and taking the tall cup from the cook. She took a sip. The flavor of strawberries burst over her taste buds.

"Yes, I did," Apis beamed, "I had an apple flavored one. I never had an apple flavor smoothie or a smoothie in general before. The island doesn't get fruits like apples very often. Usually, travelers don't have a lot of extra stuff that they can trade with us."

Nodding to she was still listening, Ruby let out a hum of delight, closing her eyes. She shallowed the first sip. "This is delicious!" She sent Sanji a smile before she turned her attention on Apis, saying, "You really did a great job, Apis. I'm sure Sanji was grateful for the help."

Nami and Koala made noises of agreement when a whistling noise overpowered the other two women before a splash sounded and a column of water went soaring into the air.

"We got Marines off the Port bow!" Zoro yelled.

"Really? I hadn't thought of that. I thought it was a random object breaking the ocean's surface and cause that water column," Ruby muttered loud enough for the women and Sanji to hear. Koala snorted in amusement. Nami sent her an amused glance. Sanji just shook his head as he hurried away to the kitchen. "I swear to the gods if those marines managed to board us, I am not putting down my smoothie."

Nami snorted as she hurried over to the railing to access the situation. Her jaw dropped with shock as she took in the Marine ship trailing them. She stated, "What the hell...?"

Ruby turned her gaze toward the Marine ship and blinked. There were multiple ships trying to catch up to the Going Merry. She shot a look toward Sabo and Koala, asking, "Is that a fleet?"

"Yeah," Koala drew out the words, looking to the incoming Marine ships.

"I did hear a rumor while we were in Loguetown about Branch 8," Sabo commented as he walked up to the women with Luffy and Usopp following him. "They were looking for something called dragonite."

Koala and Ruby glanced at each other before they turned to Apis who was trying inch away from sight. The girl froze when she noticed the older women were looking at her with knowing looks. Ruby commented, "Is that so, Sabo?"

"Yeah," Sabo stared at the incoming Marines, "The Explosive Crystal had been transferred over to this Branch, according the contacts I have within the Marines, for a couple missions."

"The what crystal?" Ruby turned her head to look at the blond.

"Your sister," Sabo explained. She sighed, shoulders slumping. "She got that nickname thanks her explosive arrows." Ruby nodded.

Luffy frowned, looking toward the Marines before he glanced at Ruby and gave an order, "Ruby," his tone caused the red head's eyes snapped up toward him, "You said you wanted the ability to form an attack plan for us." She nodded. "Form one."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Ruby said. She turned to view the fleet. "We don't have the numbers to against that fleet, right now." She announced, "Nami, show me where we are at, on a map."

"Sure thing," Nami hurried to the kitchen with Ruby hot on her heels. Once in the kitchen, Nami spread out the map. Ruby's eyes ran over it, noticing the Grandline sandwiched between the Two Calm belts and the South Blue on the far side of the Calm Belt; the reverse mountain emptied into Paradise side of the Grandline; and saw some of the nearby island, including Warship Island. "We are here," Nami pointed at a spot on the map. Ruby frowned. They were close to the Calm belt. She glanced at Apis who peered into the kitchen.

"Alright," The red head started, "We head to the Calm Belt - hang on -" Ruby held up a hand to stop Nami from protesting, "I know the Calm belt is a stagnant area, however, if the Marines think we are heading into it, they would stop following us, questioning our motives in doing so. It's a perfect cover." She dropped her hand and curled it into a fist, leaving her index finger sticking out. She pointed her fingertip along an invisible path, tracing it, along the edge of the Calm Belt line, "We follow Calm Belt edge for a few miles, just enough to cause the Marines to think that we won't be coming back this way before we change course, heading to Warship Island." She smiled at Nami. "I think we can do this, thanks to you, Nami. You are a highly skilled navigator."

Nami blinked at her, listening the red head's plan. She nodded in understanding. Her brown eyes glinted with pride when Ruby flattered her. "Well," The orangette started, "Only the best for the Future Pirate King."

Ruby nodded in agreement. The Going Merry rocked as another cannon ball landed on the port bow. The two women heard Luffy call out, "Ruby! What's your plan?"

Ruby walked out of the kitchen with Nami following her. The red head quickly explained the plan she came up with and waited for any objections. There was none. Sabo stared at her in surprise and muttered loud enough, "Why I didn't think of that?"

Ruby glanced up to see half of dozens of seagulls sitting on the top of the kitchen before Apis muttered, "There is a huge gust coming this way."

"Anyway, Sabo, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, I need you on the ropes. Two of you for the Main Sail. Two of you on the back sail. Nami, Usopp get to the front - you are going to be our eyes, look for still water, that is the Calm Belt. Koala, hop on the helm, you will be guide the Merry, skirting the Belt," Ruby snapped out. The seagulls let out a cry as the crew moved along the deck. She moved Apis closer to the railing, positioning herself behind the girl in order to protect her, in time for the gust to hit the Going Merry.

The Going Merry shot forward. Nami and Usopp let out a cry of surprise. Sabo turned and gave Ruby a long look with a frown. Ruby's gaze dropped to Apis before she looked back up. He nodded and turned his attention to the Main Sail rope, grabbing it. The Main Sail billowed out. Sabo jerked on the rope, trying to get ready for Ruby's call.

"Dead Ahead, still water," Usopp called out.

Ruby licked her lips. Her body tensed. She counted to 10 before she called out, "Koala, hard to port!"

"Aye, Aye," Koala called out as the Going Merry shifted to the left.

"Sabo, Luffy, head to Starboard with your ropes," Ruby ordered. "Zoro, Sanji, shifted that sail to Starboard!" Her heart thundered in her chest. She chewed on her lip. She hoped her orders didn't tipped the Going Merry onto its side. The Going Merry changed her direction. Ruby called out, "Alright. That's good!" She watched as Sabo re-tied the rope, Luffy followed Sabo's example, and she didn't know about the other two, but she didn't have to wonder long since Sanji and Zoro appeared a moment later. Ruby turned her attention to Nami as the organette approached from the front deck of the ship before she asked, "Nami, are we still on course for Warship Island?"

"Let me double check a few numbers then I will be able to tell you," Nami replied. She checked her compass and some other equipment Ruby didn't know anything about before she turned to Ruby with a grin, "We just need to go to the North West for a few miles, but overall, we are still on track to arrive to Warship Island. In fact, we could arrive there sometime tomorrow."

Ruby nodded, thinking she would have learn how to navigator, soon. She knew Nami would fall sick on the Little Garden. Ruby also knew Vivi or Sabo, assuming he would still travel with the crew for a long term, would handle the navigation, but she still wanted to make sure they had a person with some understanding with navigation. She glanced back into the kitchen where one of the few bookcases on aboard the ship. There might be a couple books about Navigation. She would have to check it out later. She changed her attention to the rest of the crew, saying, "Good job, everyone!" before she took another sip of her smoothie. She was glad she kept a hold of it throughout the escape.

Luffy beamed in agreement. Zoro lend against the nearest railing. Usopp humbled over to stand close to the railing on the middle deck, hand on the railing to help steady himself. Sanji pulled out a cigarette and placed the bud between his lips before he lit up. Koala came out of the kitchen with a gleam in her eyes. Sabo strolled up to stand, blocking the stairs, giving Apis a look. Apis tried to make herself look smaller, pressing up against Ruby. A nervous laugh escaped her.


"LAND OH!" Zoro cried out, later that evening. Ruby glanced up from the book she was reading over navigation. She heard Luffy darted across the deck, heading to his spot onto the figure head of the Going Merry.

"Well," Ruby started, looking at Nami, "I thought we weren't supposed to arrive until tomorrow."

"This isn't the first time I have been wrong," Nami quipped, getting to her feet, "Be glad we arrived ahead of schedule."

Ruby let out a soft snort as she got to her feet. She gazed around the kitchen. Sanji just finished putting away the dishes from supper. Usopp was fiddling around with something. Apis, on the other hand, shot out of the kitchen like a lightning bolt. Sabo lay on the infirmary bed, sleeping, having volunteer to take the night watch. Ruby would have to create a system for night watches so each of the crew members would take a night and if the guests - Koala and Sabo - wanted to help, the red head would pencil them in. Koala covered the blond with a blanket as she passed him, heading to join the others out on deck.

Ruby stepped out and paused at the railing. Her eyes were glued to the western horizon. She knew the Red Line was in that direction, but the view of the setting sun glittered with the colors of fire along the line of the sea meeting the sky. As her eyes traveled further away from the setting sun, the sky turned from the fiery color to soft pink and darkened to dark blue of night. She turned her gaze to the other direction to see sparkling stars dotting the darkening blue sky. It was stunning.

"Do you want me to guide us to port?" Nami asked.

Ruby nodded, "Yes, for now. I will just shadow you until I can get a hand of it before taking over permanently." Nami nodded in understanding. Ruby was still trying to wrap her head around the fact, she was the second mate. While Zoro was the first mate, he didn't really care who took charged on situations and Luffy appeared to be the same, despite being the Captain. The red head had the feeling she would be coming across a lot more responsibilities over the next few weeks or months until she figured out who and successful recruit them would fill the positions as a backup option.

Nami called out various orders causing the men to dart around, getting the Going Merry ready to sail into port. Zoro, already up in the crow's nest, and Luffy, who climbed the rope ladder, pulled up the main sail and tied it up to the mail sail beam. Usopp and Sanji disappeared around back, probably did the same with the back sail. Koala went back to the kitchen, manning the helm, guiding the Going Merry into place, along the dock. Nami turned to Ruby, saying, "Drop the anchor please."

Ruby nodded and head to the anchor room. She stepped into it and allowed the anchor to drop. She heard a splash, signaling the anchor had dropped into the ocean. She reappeared from the anchor room as the rest of the crew gathered on the deck. Apis danced around the mast with a beaming smile. Ruby chuckled. Sanji threw the rope ladder overboard before he swung a leg over and started to climb down. Luffy didn't bother with the ladder and just jumped over the railing, landing on the dock, laughing. Koala appeared a moment later from the kitchen and walked over to them, saying, "I left Sabo a note, explained where we disappeared to." Ruby nodded, indicating that she heard the other woman. Nami went down the ladder next followed by Apis almost fell into the space between the dock and the ship, but Sanji was able to catch her in time. Zoro went next, leaving the two women to figure out who would go next. Koala shrugged when Ruby looked at her and stumbled down the ladder. Ruby left the ship and touched on land for the first time since they left Loguetown, nearly four days ago.

Her legs felt weak under Ruby as she tried to get to use the fact the ground didn't move. Zoro hovered close by Ruby as they started to move, following Apis on a path. The girl danced around, almost rushing forward, having a huge desire to get back to her house, again. Ruby didn't blame her. She would be the same way once she figured out a way home. The nearby houses' windows were lit from fires within and Ruby spotted shadows dancing on the walls as the occupants moved inside their homes, going through the motions of settling down for the night.

Apis suddenly let out a cry of cheer and rushed forward, leaving majority of the crew behind as Luffy kept pace with her, as a house separated from the rest of the village came into view. She headed straight to it. She barely paused at the front door before she threw it opened, crying out, "Grandpa! Grandpa! I'm back!" she disappeared into the house. Luffy waited just inside the door, waiting for the rest of his crew to file into the house. Ruby calmly shut the door behind her as she entered the home last. Her eyes roamed over the comfortable looking room. The anime depicted the room well. There was a small round table in the center of the room with a large fireplace placed in the right wall. Ruby's eyes settled on the fireplace, frowning as the crew waited in silence. Something settled in her stomach. The room was darkening, thanks to the setting sun, but for some odd reason, this room seemed darker. The other homes in the villages had a fire in their fireplaces, roaring with life from the way the shadows danced. Ruby turned to Sanji, intending to ask for his lighter when Apis let out a scream. It echoed through the house. Ruby's heart leaped into her throat and she acted without thinking, breaking into a spirit. She hurried through the side hallways until she spotted the girl in a hallway, staring at something in a lit room.

Ruby slid to a stop and stepped in front of the girl, on guard, ready to protect the girl if she needed to. She blinked as she took in the room with a pair of narrowed eyes. There were an old man sitting in a chair with his shirt slashed to ribbons. Blood splattered the room. Ruby held up a hand to stop the rest of the crew before speaking, "Get Apis back to the ship. She is going to need something to help her calm down, Sanji. Nami, Koala, Usopp, go with them." She glanced at Luffy and Zoro, indicated they needed to see the room.

Nami moved forward and let out a gasp as she saw the room. She wrapped an arm around Apis' shoulders and started to drag the girl away. Koala peeked inside and Ruby saw she paled, but she nodded as if she understood why Ruby was sending four people back to the ship with Apis. She didn't say a word as Sanji and Usopp gave her a questioning look. Ruby heard her say to the two men, "I will tell you when we get back to the ship. It's not good."

Once Luffy and Zoro stood behind Ruby, she stepped into the room and took a longer look at what could possibly happened. She turned her head back and forth, taking in the blood splatter on the walls, the floor, and the other furniture in the room.

"Shit," Zoro breathed, taking in the scene.

"Well," Luffy started, "That's not good."

"No, it isn't," Ruby agreed. She stepped closer to the body of who obviously was Apis' grandfather. "I'm assuming this is Apis' grandfather. From the way his shirt is cut, I have to say this was torture. The killer was after information." She reached out and touched the old man's cheek with her index finger. It was cool. She frowned. She reached down and grabbed the man's arm. It lifted easy. Her heart stopped in her chest. The killer was nearby, or the man was killed recently. She grabbed his jaw and tried to move it. "This man was killed a minimum of two hours ago," She announced. She glanced up at her Captain and her first mate, before explained, "The body starts stiffen sometime after death. Usually, the head is the first part to go stiff, around two to four hours after death. Four hours of death, the rest of the body starts to stiffen." She glanced around the room, trying to figure out the weapon of choice, "If we had a skilled doctor, he or she would be able to tell us more like roughly the excat time of death and the cause of it. I'm guessing it's blood lost played a huge factor along the man's age."

"These cuts appeared to be slashes," Zoro mused. He had inched closer to study the man. Ruby made a noise of agreement. "However, I don't think these were made by a blade of a traditional kind."

"What do you mean, Zoro," Ruby asked, curiously.

"See here," Zoro pointed at one of the slashes. Ruby bent over to peer closer and saw the meat of the man's torso had been slashed by a weapon that was wedged shaped, but it was different like the wedge shaped had layers of wedges. It was hard to explain, but she could see what Zoro had meant. "The weapon was wedged shaped like my katana, but it appeared to be a serrated edge."

Ruby frowned, looking at Zoro, "You mean like a steak knife?"

"You mean the killer was going to eat the old guy!?" Luffy's eyes widened in horror.

"No," Zoro shot toward their captain, "But instead of the serrated edge going length-ways, it's going width-ways."

"So, at first glance, the slashes are not as deep one would think," Ruby mused, "But that kind knowledge is only available upon closer look." She looked at Zoro, asking, "Do you know any blade like that?"

"No," Zoro said, looking frustrated.

"So, it's a mystery blade," Luffy summarized, with a proud look on his face.

"Yeah, it's a mystery blade," Ruby agreed, nodding. She couldn't believe she would have to agree with Luffy on this mystery blade. "Since Apis is going to stay with us for another night and thanks to this discovery, I think we will need to double the night watch. Just in case, the killer is still around and could be targeting Apis."

~~Ruby's Story~~

Well, that took a dark twist then I thought it would. In my notes, it didn't go that way. The story just flowed that way. Yeah. I must say I almost trashed this entire arc. I had stopped right toward the beginning of it and had misplace my notes on what I wanted to happen, etc. Luckily, I did managed to find my notes and just expanded on them, but that plot twist on the end of the chapter, that was not a part of my notes, but I am curious on what will happen next. I will try to update again in two weeks, the second Friday in July, but I don't know since I haven't started working on Ch 11 yet, plus it is Camp July NaNoWriMo.

Please, let me know what you think of this chapter. What is your favorite part of it? Did you like the dark turn it took? Why or why not?

Thanks to the following for leaving reviews:

Sillverwolf-fox: Possible. It just depending on what I can do with the future arcs. I know right now, they will have their own scenes within their own story lines, but I don't know if those story lines will overlap with Ruby's and the Straw Hats', just yet.

Squirpsdolphin: I'm glad I am back. I will let you know when the Camelot/Arthurian continuation is up on Amazon.

Nameless Angel 00: You will eventually meet the 6th sister. I don't know when though.

Brazilwolf: I'm juggling different projects all the time. This project just took front view last few days. Why? Instant glorification! The Knowledge that there are people reading my works! That my words don't suck enough where people leaves flames or starts trolling me.