Hello, everyone!

It has been a while, hasn't it? I haven't forgot about this story. Life just happened to get in the way as well as the aging of my computer. For a while there, my laptop would not work without the blue screen when I tried to work on the internet and work on another program. It only does one thing, not both. So, I had focus on working on other projects that didn't involve the internet.

However, I did step away from watching One Piece for a while. Like I said, life got in the way and my steady paying job took center until the end of February when I got fired and I took the time to re-center myself. I only recently got back into the series since it is on a hiatus due to Covid.

I am in the progress of re-writing the 17th Division. I kept running into writer's block and couldn't figure out a way to progress the story. Hopefully, this time around it will be a lot better.

As for Ruby's story, I haven't written much on this story. I didn't lose interest in it but I had other projects I needed to focus on.

I am planning to keep up with both stories. I did manage to invest in a new computer system and I am loving it. I love the speed of this new computer. I missed that. And the ability to type without worry about my computer giving the blue screen middle finger.

I am in the processing of setting goals for next month, and the next quarter. If you are interest in seeing other of my writing related projects, look up on Amazon: Valerie Souders. That's me! I will be revealing a project I have been working on for the past couple years in June and I can't wait to share it. Here's a hint: The Fans of the Merlin series that was on BBC and the King Arthur legend will love it. It is my take on the continuation of the King Arthur legend, set in modern day, and it has a dark twist to it.