And then it it time fro the last chapter. I know that there are quite a few in the world that also celebrates the twenty-fifth, but in Norway, where I live, it's mainly over with the twenty-fourth. So that makes this the end of my story and the end of the Las Noches celebration. I know this ending chapter might be a bit open in some ways, but the idea is to make it as much as through Orihime as possible - and she doesn't know all that is going on. If you do have guesses or questions about what was going on, then leave it in a review and I can clarify it^^.

So, it's time for the question of today: Who do you spend Christmas Eve with?

Also, there will be a new 'chapter' to this story. It will be up next week or around then, and it will be more of a info/summary/questionnaire. I know it might be a bit much to ask, but I wish that you might take the time to answer it - so that I can get even better when I do yet another Christmas Count Down story next year.

That said, I wish you all the very best Christmas and a happy new year^^
And feel free to fave and/or follow me as I am to publish much and more this upcoming year^^

Again, this story is more silly and humorous than the real deal, and with that in mind, II hope you will enjoy this chapter and that you will continue to follow it through the month. Also, I would really, really, really appreciate it if you would leave a review. Not only at the very end of the story, but also at each part - since I see them almost as twenty-four separate stories.

Do like /follow me if you enjoy my stuff:
FaceBook: WinnifredArtemisDub
Wordpress: WinnifredArtemis
Twitter: WinnyArty
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Fanfiction: WinnifredArtemis
Fictionpress: WinnifredArtemis

«I do not own any of the following pictures, music, characters or the original universe. I only own the story itself the main character and to the idea.»

December 24th

Orihime's eyes shut open. This was the day. It was the main day of Christmas – Christmas Eve! She threw the blanket of her and jumped out of bed. It was still early morning and she had more than enough time to get ready for the feast, but she just couldn't wait. It was Christmas, it was Christmas. She kept thinking it over and over. It was the most wonderful time of the year.

Although Orihime loved the whole celebration of Christmas – all the little activities and preparations, there still was something special about this one day. It was not the presents. She knew that the reason why many children looked forward to Christmas Eve was so that they could get their presents, but this was not the case with Orihime. Sure, she did love the exchange of presents, but to her it was the family that mattered. The simple fact that people everywhere in the world got together and decided to spend this very day together with their family and loved ones. That was something truly amazing.

Orihime went over to her dressers. In addition to her Arrancar-style clothing – dresses that had been made to look in the style of what the rest of the residents wore, she also had three other dresses. Now, standing with each of them in front of her, she would have to choose. It was a difficult choice. Orihime loved all three of them, but it wasn't often that she got to wear them. Although he had been the one giving them to her, Aizen had told her that he would prefer if she kept to the other ones while outside her room. So, in one way, this was the first – and maybe the last, time she would be able to wear in outside her room.

Orihime picked up the first one and held it up in front of her. It was dress made of silk with a deep midnight blue coloring, and with a thin layer of transparent fabric with little stars embroidery on it. It was such an elegant piece of clothing and Orihime had always felt that it had been made to be shared with an audience.

Still, it was red that was the official color of Christmas.

She picked up the other one and looked at it. This one wasn't even close to the elegance of the previous one. It was much shorter too, and was cut diagonally to give a better view of her long legs. Looking at it, it was probably the most Christmas looking one with the red color that would match the color of her Santa hat perfectly.

Orihime nodded to herself and didn't need to look at the last dress – a forest green and white dress filled with little embroideries of leafs. She put aside the red dress, but put both of the other ones back in the dresser. It would have to be this, she told herself. After all, it was only Christmas once a year.

"Come in, come in."

As the Espada came in through the doors to the main hall, they were met by a smiling Gin. The silver haired man was dressed in his usual white attire, but today he had added a Santa hat and a red scarf that hung down on over the white; adding a nice contrast.

"Yes, yes, do come on." He waved them all in and pointed in the direction of the thrones. "I'm afraid the table in unavailable, but we have put up the chairs for you."

The row of Espada marched inside and went up to the throne. Aizen had already arrived and sat waiting and nodded to them as they sat down.

"I know this meeting is a bit inconvenience. We all have a lot to do today, so I won't keep you long. First, are there anything that is still not ready for tonight?" He looked around on the faces surrounding him. "Good. Now that all is under control, let me just thank you all for everything. I have said it before, but your efforts are truly appreciated. All that is left is to enjoy it, so go and get dressed, and dinner will be on the table in a short while."

Orihime made sure not to be late for the dinner. She had spent the afternoon preparing for what would happen. She was nervous, but practicing it had made her feel a lot better. Now, as the dinner was getting close, she hurried to check her hair and then left the room to go to the main hall.

As she arrived, Orihime noticed that she was the first one. So, instead of sitting by the table all by herself, she decided to wait around in the hallway until someone else arrived. It didn't take long. After just a few minutes, Harribel arrived together with Grimmjow.

"Hi!" Orihime greeted them.

"Well well, didn't take you for such a girl." Grimmjow grinned at her.

Confused, Orihime blinked. Then she suddenly realized just where she was standing. Or rather what was hanging above her. "Ah, oh!"

"So, where's my kiss?" He teased.

"Well, ehm," Orihime blinked, but then she got up to her toes and gently placed a kiss on his cheek. "There."

"Not what I'd expected but." He winked and then proceeded down into the main hall in company with Grimmjow.

As they all gathered around the table, the volume of each of the guests got louder as well. Orihime had been seated at one end and was sitting with Lilynette Gingerbuck and Coyote Starrk on her one side, and with Baraggan Louisenbairn and Tier Harribel on her other. Normally this would have been a quiet group – except from the disputes between Lily and the old king, but today the mood seemed especially good for both of them, and they had yet to argue about something.

Dinner was served. Orihime wasn't sure what she had expected, but duck hadn't been one of them. Still, she had eaten it before and knew that she liked it – something that had been proven as she took the first bite. The birds was cooked to perfection; the meat so juicy that Orihime almost cried out in delight. The side dishes were amazing as well and the champagne and red wine that was served with it.

It was all heavenly until...

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

Orihime heard a soft splash and soon she could feel something cold a wet through her dress. "Ah!" She looked down on it and noticed a dark area on the front of her dress.

"It really wasn't on purpose!" The serving Arrancar looked at her with big, tearful eyes. "I am so, so sorry."

"Fool!" Baraggan cursed. "Useless creature. Get out of my sight!"

The girl ran off before Orihime could stop her. She sighed and got onto her feet.

"Excuse me," she told them. "I will be back as soon as I get into some new clothes."

They nodded and Orihime made her way back to her room. It was almost as it had been fate, she thought. Earlier she had been unsure which dress to wear, and now she would be able to wear them both. She made her way into the little bathroom of her room and got the red dress off and put in on the top of the laundry basket. Then, dressed only in her underwear and a pair off skin colored stockings, she hurried over to her dresser and got out the midnight blue one. She put it on and was about to leave for the party again, when she suddenly got an idea.

Getting out a piece of paper and the quill from her night stand, she went over to the table and sat down. She opened the inkwell, dipped the quill, and wrote down a short Christmas letter to Tatsuki. She told her about the last few days and of how the day had been so far. It wasn't a long one. Orihime knew she wouldn't have time to do that as the others were waiting on her. So, after only half a page, she ended the letter with a 'I wish you all a very merry Christmas. Your friend, Orihime Inoue.'

She folded the piece of paper and put it on the table to be posted later. Then, realizing she had already used more more time than she had intended, she hurried out of the room and towards the main hall.

As Orihime turned a corner, a shadow headed to her room. It opened the door with ease and, once inside, it went over and picked up the letter. Then, without doing anything else, it left the room again with the piece of paper. It didn't go to the feast, but continued down the hall until it reached a locked door. Unlocking it with a key, the shadow walked inside and went over to a drawer in a desk. It opened it and put the letter down. Then, before the closing the drawer again, the shadow looked down on the collection of letters. It was beginning to be quite many of them.

«You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town»

Orihime was able to hear singing as she reached the main hall. Seeking to the room again, she was able to get in between Ggio and Loly and sat down on the closest vacant seat. As she did, the Espada continued onto the next verse.

«He's making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town»

«He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!»

«O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town»

From her seat, Orihime cheered and applauded, making the remaining Espada do so as well. The group left the scene, and it was announced that the next number of entertainment would be from Orihime Inoue. The human got on her feet and went up to the stage.

"Okay, so I've been asked to sing you a song." She gulped, suddenly nervous. "I- I have to say I wasn't sure what to sing at first, but I think this one is something you might like." Coughing, she took a sip of water before putting it down on the table again. Then, giving a not to Ggio to start the instrumental track on the CD, she opened her mouth and sang.

«Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me;
Been an awful good girl, Santa baby
and hurry down the chimney tonight»

Cheers from the crowd helped a little with her nervousness, and she looked up and out on the crowd. They were all sitting still and listening to her. A smile appeared in the corner of her lips a grew and made her more confident as she continued.

«Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you dear, Santa baby
and hurry down the chimney tonight»

Without intending it, she had began moving around, and, as she mentioned the 'light blue', she walked behind Grimmjow's back, ruffling his hair as she passed by. The touch was rewarded with a grin from the sixth, and she could not help but gaining a shade of pink in her cheeks.

«Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be just as good...
if you'd check off my Christmas list»

She continued her walk, now suddenly aware of the lyrics of the song. What had she chosen that one? She didn't know, and did her best on continuing the next verse.

«Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot
Been an angel all year; Santa baby,
so hurry down the chimney tonight»

She walked up behind Aaroniero and placed a hand on his shoulder. Pleased with this simple choreography, she continued doing it as she passed the Espada during the next verses as well.

«Santa honey, there's one thing I really do need,
the deed - To a platinum mine, Santa baby
so hurry down the chimney tonight»

«Santa baby, I'm filling my stocking with the duplex, and checks
Sign your 'X' on the line, Santa cutie,
and hurry down the chimney tonight»

«Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany;
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me»

Lastly, she was at the end of the row. She was getting really into it so, in the heat of the moment, she took a jump and landed herself on the knee of the person sitting there.

«Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean a phone, Santa baby,
so hurry down the chimney tonight»

Giving a small wink, she jumped off the lap again and made her way back to the little stage, leaving Ulquiorra with a strange expression on his face.

«Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry tonight»

She bowed, as and she did, the applause broke loose and she thanked them for their support. As the cheering calmed down, Orihime stepped down from the platform. It was so warm, and she made her way to the bathroom to clean up and dress down.

Orihime closed the bathroom behind her, but before she could return to the main hall, she was stopped. They were just outside the east entrance and, before she could even greet the Espada, Ulquiorra's lips were pressed against hers. Orihime was stunned. There had been no warning and it had taken her completely by surprise. Still, as he withdrew himself, she found herself wishing they could have lingered a bit longer.

"I-" She began, but was cut off by Ulquiorra pointing up.

"The mistletoe."

From their seats in the upper part of the main hall, the three leaders looked down upon their subordinates. It had been a long day and even they needed a little break from the festivities. Still, they hadn't left without some refreshments. Gin, being a sweet-tooth at heart, had made sure to grab one of the bowls with mixed goods as they made their way to their table. And it had been good indeed. Not only had they tasted the cakes and cookies that had been prepared, but Gin had also made sure to send someone out to get a box-load of human chocolates. The ones with carry and rum was the best one, and Gin had already gotten past the point of worry about his future weight. Christmas was, as he told himself repeatedly, only once a year.

On the other side of the table had Tousen fallen asleep. He wasn't used to this much activity and the tasty duck had taken such a toll on him that he had dozed off with a pleased smile on his face.

Between them sat Aizen. He had only brought with him one of the bottles of champagne that Gin had made sure to get his hands on to be enjoyed at the party. However, the bottle was almost empty – Gin being especially fond of the mixture of the beverage and chocolate. Instead, he had taken the eggnog that Tousen had brought up with him but never drunk.

"It all seems to all have gone well. I have to say that when you spoke of this Christmas, I had my doubts..." Gin let a wry smile grown on his lips, and turned towards Aizen. "Seems I was wrong."

Aizen didn't return his co-leader's smile. He didn't even turn to face him. Instead, he kept looking down at what was going on there. They were all smiling, playing, eating. They seemed all to enjoy themselves, but that wouldn't be for long. The year was soon over, and then, as they went into a new year, everything would be different. That was still a few days away though. He lifted the glass of eggnog in front of him and, as he sipped it, a cunning smile grew of his lips.

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