IMPORTANT: Chapter One was re-written as of 04/17/2017. Akita's personality has taken a pretty hefty change, so I suggest rereading it before reading this chapter if you started this story before that date. I realized her and Ryo were too alike, so I switched it up a bit. In any case- enjoy the new chapter!


Akita flew through the trees. Ordinarily, she would use her Hidden Mist Jutsu to keep out of sight from her new students. But the Mikazuki girl was of the Hyuga Clan. Her eyes wouldn't be so easily tricked. She would have to get them separated before she could truly test them. There was only one course of action she could take for now. She'd long since learned how to perfectly distribute her Chakra throughout her Water Clones. It would be easy enough to make certain Mikazuki wasn't able to tell which one was truly her.

She'd use the clones first, separate them, and then work from there.

The Hokage really put her in a tricky situation putting her with a Hyuga Clan member when Akita's main skill was staying hidden. It seemed she was going to be getting her own training.

Akita paused on a branch. Ten seconds had passed. The Genin were on their way. She let out along, even breath through her nostrils. A challenge would be nice. She brought her hands together, and prepared for the onslaught.


Ryo's heart hammered in her chest, threatening to leap up into her throat. She stayed close to Mika and Kurai as they launched through the trees, branch after branch.

This was it! If she passed this, she'd officially be a Genin. Of course, she thought she'd qualified for that when she passed her exams, but hey, this was way more exciting.

Mika led the way. She was easy to keep track of with her wild hair. She came to a sudden halt in one of the trees. Ryo barely managed to stop in time, yelping as her arms windmilled to keep balance. Kurai was surprisingly more graceful. He perked a brow at Mika.

"Problem?" he asked.

"She's using clones," Mika muttered. Her pale eyes were narrowed with irritation. "And it seems she's pretty good at making her Chakra even out between them."

"That's Aunt Kita for you," Kurai said with a chuckle. "But it's alright, ladies. I know all her tells."

"Tells?" Ryo echoed.

Kurai nodded. "Little things she tends to do before she does them. Remember, Aunt Kita helped train me." He unsheathed the short katana from the back of his hips, twirling it expertly. "One quick tip, she'll feint attack twice in a row a lot, thinking that you'll be expecting her to do it again. And she'll furrow her brow a little before she lunges."

"Anything else?" Ryo asked warily. She couldn't hear anything approaching, but she saw Mika tensing.

"Not that I have time to get into. I suppose a sound piece of advise would be: Don't screw up." Kurai grinned toothily at them.

"So helpful," Mika muttered sarcastically.

And then they were upon them.

There was no way to tell which of the Akitas rushing forward was the real thing. All of them had the ribbons, all of them bore the same clothing, and all of them seemed just a deadly as Ryo would expect a Jonin to be.

She wailed as two descended upon the branch she'd been perched on. Deftly, Ryo managed to dodge the first punch, but the second one's kick sent her sailing to the ground. She flipped just in time to land on her feet, but the two Akitas landed on either side of her. One swiped a leg to trip her while the other reached for the red ribbon in her hair.

Ryo moved.

She'd trained non stop for years. Both at the Academy and with her twin. She wasn't about to lose this.

She jumped the leg while pushing herself to the left. She was determined not to let the water clones flank her. Landing in a crouch, Ryo reached into her kunai pouch and lashed out two at her attackers. They pierced through both of them, reducing them to puddles of water.

Nervously, Ryo still reached back to make sure her ribbon was there and felt relief at the silky touch of it. She then turned her attention back up into the trees where her teammates were.

Mika was on the defense. Even as Ryo watched, she parried a blow from one of the Akitas and punched it hard in the chest, reducing it to water. She then dodged another and flung a kunai into its shoulder. It too dissolved.

Kurai too was holding his own, slicing his sword into two of them at once, causing them to rain down in liquid from the branches. But even as they fell them, there were still more coming.

"We're never going to get anywhere like this," Ryo breathed as another landed at her side and lunged for her ribbon.

She dodged and launched herself at a tree, scrambling up its trunk by the lower branches. The objective was to get the ribbons. But if they were just stuck here trying to fend off all these clones... and seriously how many were there?

"She can't keep this up!" Mika said as she downed another water clone. "Even a Jonin runs out of Chakra."

"Yeah, she might run out," Kurai said, leaping at one of the images of his aunt, trying to snatch the yellow ribbon from her ponytail. "But not until like, tomorrow or the day after!"

The Akita he launched at dissolved into fluid when he landed a kick into her back.

"They aren't that tough, honestly," Ryo said as she punched another away. Her arms and legs were decently soaked at this point."

"That's because of how many there are," Mika said. "She has to distribute the Chakra evenly between all of them, otherwise I'd be able to see the real her."

"Is the real one even among these ones, you think?" Ryo asked. "She might be hiding deeper in the forest!"

They'd beaten back the closer clones, so Mika had a moment to look around. She narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"There is one hiding back- it isn't moving at all!"

With that she launched into the trees to the north. Ryo yelped.

"Wait up!"

However, when she and Kurai attempted to go after her, more clones dropped in from the branches higher above them, cutting off their path.

"Easy," Kurai said, jumping forward and lashing out his blade. He fell two of them, but it seemed like two more took their place from below.

It was as if all the clones suddenly stopped focusing on Mika, and were only concerned with Ryo and Kurai. And as Mika got further and further away from them, a mist descended down upon the forest.

"Ah shitsticks," Ryo breathed.


Mika smirked wickedly as she got closer and closer to the lone figure deeper in the forest. Akita Sekai might be a renowned Shinobi, but she couldn't fool the Byakugan. Not with keep tricks like this. Sure, distributing her Chakra so evenly was a good move, but to slip up and hang back while her clones did all the work...


Mika had managed to get past the clones and she jumped along the branches with even strides. She'd get her blue ribbon, and then hopefully Ryo and Kurai wouldn't need to much hand-holding to get their own.

Then the mist came.

At first, Mika was annoyed. Did Akita seriously think that this would work? On her? She honestly felt insulted.

But then she slipped.

Mika let out a shriek as she fell down to the forest floor. She flipped and landed on her feet, but her heart was still in her throat. She shook herself and made to start running again, but her footing didn't keep- she slipped again and fell to one knee.

"Damn," she breathed.

Akita's mist wasn't to hide her. She had coated the entire forest in a thin layer of moisture- enough to make any wooden or grassy surface as slick as ice. Mika would not be able to move as fast as she would like.

"Kurai, tell me that you're used-" she began, but when she looked back, she saw that Kurai and Ryo were not with her.

They were all the way back where she'd just been- still fighting with the clones. Not a single one had pursued her. She could see 360 degrees around herself while her Byakugan was activated, but somehow, she's been so caught up in reaching who she was certain was the real Akita that she hadn't focused on the fact that she'd left Ryo and Kurai.

"Your first lesson."

Mika flinched and whirled to see Akita land before her. At least, it looked like Akita. It had her voice. But it looked the same as her other clones, Chakra and all.

"Never leave your team behind," Akita said.

How had Mika not seen her coming? Her back had been turned, and she knew that the Akita she was trying to reach was close- did Akita know where the Byakugan's blind spot was?

"You have an amazing gift given to you by your bloodline," Akita continued as she steadily approached. "But even with the ability to see just about everything, you're still somehow so narrow sighted. You see a goal, and you rush for it."

"Goals are meant to be achieved, aren't they?" Mika demanded.

"Would you have so easily left your sister behind?" Akita asked. Her pace was even and smooth. The slick surface of the grass had no effect on her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Mika snapped.

"You don't like those you've been placed on a team with," Akita said. Mika hated the way she stared at her. Like she was a mere child. Like she was nothing. "But you'll have to learn teamwork if you're going to become a Shinobi."

"I'm already a Shinobi!" Mika shouted and darted forward.

She could see all the Chakra pathways, and she'd been training with the Gentle Fist since she could walk. She would disable all Akita's Chakra, leaving her to take her ribbon and letting it be simple enough for Ryo and Kurai to get theirs as well. Real Akita or not- she wouldn't be as strong as she could be with all those water clones.

But Akita merely stared at her as Mika slammed her kick into her side. Stared- just before she burst into water.

A water clone.

And then something slammed into the back of her neck.


Kurai was out of breath and his body was peppered with bruises, but he was still standing which was more than he could say for Ryo.

The Uchiha girl was picking herself off the grass for the fourth time as a trio of clones approached them.

"I didn't know mist Jutsu could do this crap!" she spat.

Kurai chuckled. He was more than familiar with this trick. He'd grown up in wetlands, and was long since used to keeping his balance on slick surfaces. Ryo, however, was not.

"We still have our ribbons, so that's one thing," he said.

True enough. Aunt Kita's clones had tried to get to their ribbons each time they lunged, but Kurai's was still on his wrist, and Ryo's in her hair.

"How the hell are we going to find Mika?" Ryo whined. "She was our eyes. Literally!"

"Her running off like that wasn't the smartest move," Kurai muttered. "Aunt Kita knows that her Hidden Mist Jutsu won't work on Byakugan, that's why she broke out the clones first."

"And why there's mist descending now?" Ryo asked, her voice small.

All around them, mist was beginning to thicken. Kurai let out a long breath. Of course. Akita separated Mika from them, so now they were blind to her attacks. But if Akita was using her Hidden Mist Jutsu, that had to mean she'd lessened the amount of water clones that she had out. She wouldn't have enough Chakra otherwise.

"Stay close to me, sweetheart," Kurai said to Ryo with a wink. "I've trained in these conditions. Just use your ears."

"Call me sweetheart one more time and we will have a serious problem," Ryo growled.

"Alright, I'll just stick with Ri."


The clones had backed off as the mist grew in density around them. But now that it was almost absolute, Kurai could hear the small footsteps approaching them through the grass. He felt a grin touch his lips. Akita should have realized it would be tricky to fight him- she had trained him herself in not relying on sight to fight.

There was a whistle to his right. Kurai swiftly ducked just in time to avoid a kick to the head. He swiped out with his blade and felt satisfaction when the sword connected with his attackers side. It looked just like his Aunt, but it burst into water the moment he struck it. Another clone.

Ryo stumbled into him and cursed. "Sorry, can't see-" she began.

Kurai reached over and grabbed her around the waist, yanking her out of the way just before another form of Akita was attempting to snatch her ribbon from her hair.

"Hey!" Ryo cried.

Kurai smirked at her. "Sorry, can't resist helping a damsel in distress," he said.

"I swear, I will kick you so hard in the-!" she began.

Kurai cut her off as he gripped her arm and pulled her out of the way of another attack. He swiped his blade out and caused yet another clone to burst into water. He grinned at Ryo.

"You were saying?"

Ryo shook her head. "This isn't working- I have an idea."

"Should I be worried?" Kurai asked.

"Just stay clear, if you get burned, not my fault!"

The Uchiha girl held up her hands before her, swiftly making signs with practiced ease. Kurai had to note, Ryo might seem scattered and an all around spaz, but when it came to NinJutsu, she knew exactly what she was doing. Perhaps being one of the only two survivors of her clan made her determined to succeed.

A great orb of flame blossomed from her fingertips. Kurai's eyes widened at the sheer size of it. She was trying to burn off the mist. He dove to the side, heat beginning to swelter against his skin. The fire seemed to be doing the trick- the mist was parting around them, revealing three forms of Akita facing them, eyes cold and unflinching.

"Suck on this!" Ryo cried, flinging the fire ball forward.

For its size, the speed of it was surprising. It rocketed forward and crashed into the center of the three Akitas. Kurai held up an arm before his face as the light and heat of the flame erupted. When it finally calmed he looked up to see there was nothing left but three puddles of water and some small spurts of flame in the grass.

"Clever," Kurai said. "But it won't keep her down for long. We need to find Mika."


Kurai blinked and turned to see none other than Mika stumbling toward them. She was clutching her head, and her eyes were no longer enhanced- her Byakugan wasn't activated.

"Mika!" Ryo cried. "What happened, are you okay?"

Mika shook her head. Her eyes stayed downcast, her jaw was clenched. Kurai had never seen her look so... upset. It wasn't just rage and embarrassment. She looked crushed.

"I didn't expect Akita Sensei to know about the Byakugan's blind spot," she said, voice soft. "She got my ribbon."

Ryo's face fell. Then it twisted in anger. "Why did you run ahead like that? Do you really think you're better than us?"

Mika glared at her. "You were the one who was complaining about how we all had to pass in order to become Genin."

"Well apparently, I was right to be concerned!" Ryo shouted.

Kurai sighed. "Ladies, come on, we aren't going to get anywhere with you both yelling at each other. We just have to get Mika's ribbon back."

"You mean she has to get it back," Ryo snapped. "If we touch it, we get another penalty point, and we only get five. We already have one."

"There isn't much room for error, is there?" Kurai sighed.

"Look, I understand I messed up," Mika said, voice tight. "But Kurai is right. We don't have time to waste arguing."

"It seems Aunt Kita's backed off for now," Kurai said. "I don't see any clones, and the mist has gone down."

"Ground is still slick," Ryo muttered. "Traction is going to be a problem."

"As Shinobi, we need to learn to fight in all environments," Mika said. "Kurai, any tips on slick terrain?"

"Slow and steady," Kurai said. "No sudden stops or starts. Keep your body weight centered in your shoulders if you can."

Steadily, the three of them made their way through the forest. Kurai was in the lead, and he had to force himself to slow down for the girls to keep up. They only slipped a few times, however. It seemed Mika caught on quicker than Ryo.

"Can you use Byakugan again?" Kurai asked her. "She's going to be tough to see coming otherwise."

Mika nodded. "Yeah..." Her voice sounded disconnected. Kurai didn't realize how hard it was going to hit her that she lost her ribbon first.

"We just need to find her," Ryo said.

"Alright." Mika held her hands in front of her face. "Byakugan!"


Akita crouched in the tree, her left hand hovering near her kunai pouch. She had a feeling that if she just kept with the water clones, there was a good chance that she could keep her team at bay for the duration of the day. Mikazuki's Byakugan only worked to a certain extent when Akita distributed her Chakra evenly between all of them.

But she was meant to be training them to deal with multiple situations. Just throwing her mist and water clones at them over and over wouldn't do. Mikazuki's Byakugan would lead them right to Akita when she stopped using the clones. However she wasn't worried about being found.

She had plenty of other tricks up her sleeve.

Carefully, the Jonin adjusted the blue ribbon she'd stolen from Mikazuki on her wrist. They'd already gained a penalty point, which left them with four more. Akita sighed and let what remained of her water clones disperse. It was time to see how her team did up close and personal with a Jonin that hadn't spread out her power so thinly.


Ryo was finally able to run consistently without losing her footing every other step. Mika was leading the way through the trees. They'd elected to stick to the forest floor to avoid falling from the trees given the slick conditions.

"She's gotten rid of all her clones," Mika said.

"Well that's good," Ryo breathed.

"Don't be too relieved," Kurai warned. "Aunt Kita is just changing up her strategy- without her Chakra being evenly distributed between all those clones, she's going to be difficult to handle, even if we can see her coming."

"What sort of Jutsu does she know?" Ryo asked warily.

"Come on, Ryo, you should at least have some idea," Mika scoffed. "She's known for her mastery of the Chakra Natures. That's what caused her to rise to the rank of Jonin so quickly."

"Water is her affinity," Kurai said. "Just like mine. So naturally, that's the strongest one. But she's been studying the other natures since she could walk. Or at least, that's what my Dad told me."

Ryo saw his knuckles stretch white, his face twinging slightly. She realized that she and Kurai had something in common- both of them losing their parents when they were very young. All he had left was his Aunt. All she had left was Sasuke.

"How many has she mastered?" Ryo asked.

Kurai let out a breath. "Honestly, I don't know. She's quite secretive over her personal training. For all I know it could be all five."

"All five?" Ryo cried.

"No way," Mika said. "There's only been a handful of Shinobi that have accomplished that- our current Hokage included. At most I would bet three."

Kurai chuckled. "Underestimating her is what made you lose your ribbon, Mika."

Mika let out a tight hiss of annoyance through her teeth. "I'll get it back."

"Well you better," Ryo muttered.

She couldn't imagine what she would do if she missed out on making Genin because of these two. She couldn't help but wonder if Sasuke was having any better luck with his test. He'd gotten Kakashi as a mentor, and told her that him and the rest of Team Seven were due to be up at the crack of dawn too. Apparently, not a single Genin team had passed Kakashi's test. She hoped that Sasuke would somehow luck out.

"She's just up ahead," Mika said, coming to a halt. "Perhaps stealth would be a better option to approach her."

"Are you kidding?" Ryo snapped. "She's a Jonin. I say we just charge in!"

"Both apt ideas," Kurai sighed. "That will most likely get us screwed over."

"What other option is there?" Mika demanded.

Kurai grinned wickedly. "Distraction, of course."

Ryo placed her hands on her hips. "What are you talking about?"

Kurai twirled his blade. "Here's how it'll work..."


Mika carefully picked her way through the trees. She'd been training since she was a toddler. She was well schooled in how to make her movements soft and soundless. Her Byakugan showed her the two shapes of Ryo and Kurai making their way straight toward Akita's. She could hear them talking to one another.

"I can't believe Mika ditched us, where the heck is she?" Ryo was whining.

"I'm guessing it was Aunt Kita's plan," Kurai replied. "But the clones and the mist have gone down. Our dear Sensei must be getting serious."

Their voices were conversational, and maybe it was just because Mika was fully aware that the whole thing was a ploy, but she felt her teeth grit. To her, it couldn't have sounded more phony. How were they supposed to trick a seasoned Jonin, especially one as practiced as Akita Sekai?

When she and her nephew first arrived in the Hidden Leaf Village with Kakashi, rumors had spread like fire. They were from the Village Hidden in the Mist- outsiders- yet the Hokage was willing to let them stay. Apparently, their village had fallen prey to a vicious attack. The only reason they survived was because Kakashi showed up. He'd been on his way back from a mission. The coincidence that he happened to be going by their village saved their lives.

The Sekai name wasn't really known. But some of the villagers were curious and did some research. Their bloodline had been Shinobi for generations. Kurai's father, Satoro had been a skilled swordsman while his mother, Miako, was a weapon smith. Akita was Satoro's younger sister, and she was a Shinobi that was already a Chunin at the time of the attack on their village, despite her young age.

Evidently Akita had devoted her life to training in ninJutsu and Chakra natures since she was very young. There were rumors that she was always cold and distant, that she only cared for improving as a Shinobi and didn't have time for any sort of relationships, be that with friends, colleges, romance, or even family. But Mika had seen her spend time with Kurai.

She found herself wanting to ask Kurai what their Sensei was like before that attack on their village. If she had been just as detached, or if it was the loss of her brother and the rest of her family and village that made her that way.

Mika shook herself. She couldn't focus on that right now. She had to get her ribbons so that they could pass this test. So that she could become Genin, the first step in being a true Shinobi.

Ryo and Kurai had reached the clearing Akita was in. Mika slipped into the trees overhead and got closer so she could hear.

"Gah! Aunt Kita!" Kurai cried out. Mika saw him and Ryo scramble to a stop.

"Do you really think this will work?" Akita said, her voice colorless.

"W-will what work?" Ryo stammered.

Mika felt her heart accelerate. Akita knew. She knew Mika was going to try and sneak in while they distracted her. She knew her nephew as well as he knew her- of course she'd be able to see his tactics. Mika nearly growled. She should have never listed to the moron.

But she still had to try. With her Gentle Fist technique, if she could just get a few hits in to stop Akita's Chakra...

"Well, Ryo, I guess she found us out," Kurai sighed.

Ryo groaned.

"I mean, it was pretty rude of us to leave Mika back there in the dust. But she was holding us back- what with her losing her ribbon already," Kurai went on. Mika saw him wave his hand dismissively. "We can do this without her."

Akita folded her arms. "How exactly to you plan on succeeding without her when she needs to get her ribbons from me herself? Did you truly leave your teammate behind?"

"N-no Akita Sensei!" Ryo yelped. "Wh-why would we do that? She's part of our team- we- we need to work together, we'd never leave her behind- right Kurai?"

"She already knows, Ri, give it up," Kurai sighed.

"Don't call me Ri!"

Mika suddenly understood. With Kurai trying to overly convince Akita of one thing and Ryo the other, she wouldn't be sure which is the lie.

Now was the time to strike.


Kurai had to hope this would work. Akita always seemed to have a sixth sense for his lies. But if he was over the top, if he kept telling so many different lies that she couldn't tell which was the right one, he might have a chance.

"I mean, come on, Aunt Kita," he said. "She might be a Hyuga, but she must be the weakest link of that clan with her losing her ribbon first." His grin became wicked. "She was holding us back."

Ryo looked positively distraught. Kurai had to admit, her acting was convincing.

"We didn't leave her," Ryo assured Akita. "We're a team now- Kurai are you crazy? Stop!"

"Oh, right. She ditched us. Forgot." Kurai winked at her in an exaggerated fashion.

There was a soft sound. Kurai turned to see Akita had just let out a sigh. Her eyes were closed. He felt apprehension seize him. He was familiar enough with her to tell when she was frustrated, mask or no.

"Enough," she said.

Her eyes snapped open and her hands swiftly made several signs.

"Lightning style," Akita breathed.

Brilliant, crackling blue light flared to life in her hands.

Kurai wailed as he turned, trying to get out of the path. If that lightning hit them, they'd be paralyzed, at least for a short moment of time. Enough time for Akita to get their ribbons. Lightning release... that was new. Last he knew, she hadn't gotten to that element yet.

There was a wild flare of light, and Kurai shut his eyes tight, preparing for the pain.

But instead he heard a scream.

Kurai whipped his head around. He and Ryo had bolted toward the edge of the clearing- but while they were running, fully exposed to being caught by Akita's attack, Mika had leapt down from the tree.

She stood rooted to the spot, yelling through gritted teeth, lightning flickering around her entire form.

Akita's eyes were wide.

"She had the chance to get her ribbons back," Ryo rasped. "But... she took the hit instead. Why?"

"Because she doesn't have any ribbons left for Aunt Kita to take," Kurai said. "It was a waste. Come on! Now's our chance!"

He bolted forward, Shinoyami tight in his hands. He lashed out the blade, making Akita twist and easily dodge his blow. But Ryo was waiting for her.

"Fire style!" the Uchiha girl shouted, and a burst of flame erupted forward from her mouth.

Akita rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding catching fire. Kurai leapt at her again, throwing a few kunai first to make her jump up into the air. Ryo pounced up into the nearby tree overhead and rocketed down from the branches, her hand reaching out for the red ribbon on Akita's bicep.

But their Sensei was making no allowances for them. Akita twisted and slammed a kick into the side of Ryo's torso, sending her flying across the clearing. Kurai made to shove his blade up at his Aunt, aiming to cut her ponytail clean off so that he could have his own yellow ribbon.

Akita twisted midair, her lavender gaze locking onto his own. Kurai had a brief moment to realize he was screwed right before the punch found his face. He fell to the ground hard, the breath leaving his lungs in a mighty swoop. He laid there, stunned, coughing. A foot pressed against the wrist that was clutching Shinoyami, making his grip become slack. He opened his eyes in time to see Akita kick his blade across the clearing.

"Perhaps you aren't ready to become Genin," Akita said.

Kurai felt a mixture of rage and anguish swallow him. His Aunt's gaze was cold and unfeeling. She was all he had left since their village fell, but over and over he realized that he was utterly alone despite that. She spent time with him, but never once had she truly given him praise.

He didn't even try to stop her when she reached down and snatched his ribbon from his arm.

"That's two penalty points," Akita said. She turned away, releasing him and walking further into the clearing.

"No!" Ryo shouted, rushing at her.

Akita parried her away and twisted her around, pinning her arm behind her back. She pulled the red ribbon from her hair, letting the black locks fall in a wave.

"Three penalty points," Akita said.

She kicked Ryo hard in the back, sending her into the ground. Ryo cursed colorfully as she tried to push herself up on all fours.

"You have two penalty points left. I think now would be a good time for lunch. If you go toward the center of the woods, there are some packed lunches waiting for you," Akita said. "Go. Eat. Replenish your energy. And try again."

With that she leapt up into the trees and out of sight.

Kurai laid in the grass, feeling the moisture from his Aunt's mist Jutsu seep through his hooded vest. He closed his eyes. It felt like his body was melting away.


Hands shook him and he opened his eyes to see Ryo over him.

"What are you doing, come on!" she snapped. "Let's get after her, she won't expect us to attack again right away!"

"What's the point?" Kurai muttered. "She has all the ribbons, Ryo. How are we going to each get both?"

"Well we're not getting anywhere with you just lying around!" Ryo kicked him in the side. "Come on!"


Kurai turned his head to see Mika trying to pick herself up. Her limbs were still twitching slightly.

"Mika, are you okay?" Ryo asked.

"I don't know," Mika muttered. "That Jutsu... You'd think she was trying to kill us..."

"You took that blow for us," Ryo said. "Th...thanks."

"I was hoping to save you morons from losing your ribbons like I did," Mika rasped. "So much for that."

Kurai sat up and stared at Shinoyami where it lay in the grass a few feet away. The lightning Jutsu that Akita used was too strong. He wondered if she was still getting used to it- after he hadn't seen her use that element before. But now Mika was likely not going to be of much use. How was she going to get her own ribbons back?

"Perhaps you aren't ready to be a Genin."

Kurai gritted his teeth. Ever since they'd come to the Hidden Leaf Village, he had been trying to show Akita that he could handle being a Shinobi just like her and his parents. He could be just as strong. But she constantly held back while they trained. Constantly didn't look at him with any sense of pride or happiness.

"Come on." Kurai got to his feet and went over to get Shinoyami. He sheathed it with an elegant whirl before going to Mika's side. "Ri, help me with Mika. Let's go eat. I have a plan I'd like to discuss over lunch."


It had been about an hour. Akita adjusted herself in her perch within the tree. She was finishing up her own lunch, but her ears were open as she made certain to listen for her students' approach. She felt a bit silly with all the ribbons tied on her. She could only imagine Kakashi's comment at the sight.

She popped the last of her rice ball into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. She realized this test might have been too much. The Lightning Release she performed was a tad too strong. They were just three Genin against her. Genin fresh out of the Academy to boot. But she wasn't looking for them to truly best her- to truly get the ribbons back. She was looking for signs that they were ready to be Shinobi.

But part of her wasn't even certain what those signs would look like. Resourcefulness? Clever tactics? Carefully performed Jutsu?

Akita let out a long breath and pulled her mask back into place. Maybe she was going to become a Jonin Sensei like Kakashi and never accept a Genin team. But Kurai was part of this one. She glanced down at the grass swaying below, her stomach twinging slightly.

There was a soft sound to her immediate right.

Akita whirled, barely missing getting a kunai in her arm. She hung from the branch she'd been sitting on, eyes narrowed now. Below Ryo was readying more kunai.

"We're full and ready to go!" the Uchiha shouted.

She threw her next kunai. Akita dropped from the branch so it thudded into the wood where her hand had been a heartbeat before. But the moment she landed in the grass, a body latched onto her back.

Akita blinked in surprise, twisted to throw her attacker off of her. The body fell away, but she didn't have time to look back to see who it was. Ryo was leaping at her, flames flying from her lips. Akita rolled to the side to avoid them, but still felt the heat scorch her skin.

"Water style." Akita made the hand signs with fluid efficiency and water erupted forth in a wild wave.

It caught Ryo head on, sending her flying back into one of the trees. The back of her head clacked against it hard.

"My turn!"

Akita turned in time to see Kurai leaping at her, Shinoyami at the ready, the black blade glinting. Akita ducked and lashed out her leg, sweeping Kurai's feet out from under him. He yelped but caught himself on one hand, pushing himself up in a swift motion. It was still the only opening Akita needed.

Had it not been for the kunai soaring at her.

Akita jolted backward, narrowly avoiding being stabbed in the shoulder. The shoulder where a blue ribbon used to be.

Blinking rapidly, Akita remembered being jumped upon when she landed.

Then- her blue ribbon... and the one who just threw a kunai...

Mikazuki Hyuga stood near one of the trees, a grin on her face. She didn't have just one ribbon- but both blue ribbons tied around her ankles.

"Impressive," Akita murmured.

But further thought was cut off when Kurai lunged at her again. He twisted his blade, aiming it for her hair. Akita ducked down and darted out a punch toward his gut. It landed home and he bent double, coughing. But while he was down, he latched onto her arm.

"Now Ryo!" he shouted.


Akita turned in time to see Ryo soaring through the air toward her, kunai in one hand. The Uchiha girl twisted around to bring a heavy kick down on Akita's head. Akita moved her free arm over just in time to block the kick. She rotated her arm around to latch on to Ryo's leg.


Mikazuki came running forward. Perhaps she thought she was safe because Akita's arms were occupied. She wasn't even using her Byakugan...

She wasn't... using her Byakugan...

Akita's eyes narrowed. Leaping onto her back like that... Mikazuki was good, but so far Akita had been able to hear her and Ryo coming. The only one here that would ever manage to sneak up on her would be someone she trained herself how to remain hidden.

With a grunt, Akita whirled around, slamming Ryo into Mikazuki's form.

A form that burst into water the moment it was damaged.

Ryo fell to the ground and Kurai instantly released and scrambled away from Akita, as if sensing a coming electric shock.

Akita slowly walked over to the puddle that had been taking on the appearance of Mikazuki, picking up the two blue ribbons.

"Water clone and transformation Jutsu," she said slowly.

Kurai got shakily to his feet. "Aunt Kita, I can explain."

"Where's the real Mikazuki?" Akita demanded.

Ryo and Kurai exchanged a genuinely terrified look.

"She... she's too weak to move on her own," Ryo said softly. "We-"

"Where. Is. She."

Kurai winced and beckoned her. "This way."

They'd left Mikazuki in a small cove nearby. She was leaning against the rocky wall, her face pained. She turned and her pale eyes widened at the sight of them with Akita.

"A-Akita Sensei," she stammered.

"Did the three of you not listen to any of my rules?" Akita asked bluntly.

All three of them flinched.

"B...but there was no way Mika was going to recover before nightfall," Ryo murmured weakly.

"She's right," Kurai said. "So we came to a decision to just... risk it with my clone and transformation Jutsu to get Mika's ribbons back."

"You came to the decision to cheat," Akita said.

Kurai sighed and shook his head. "Look, we all need to pass in order for even one of us to pass- and with Mika so weak, we couldn't just expect her to go out there and get even more injured."

"Mika didn't want us to do it," Ryo said. "She wanted to try again. But we knew that she wouldn't be strong enough."

"But she took the blow from us for us to keep our ribbons, and we still screwed that up," Kurai went on. "We had to try something instead of just giving up. She deserved to become Genin from that act alone."

"It was my fault we got in this mess in the first place," Mikazuki said, hanging her head. "If I hadn't just ran ahead... I would have never lost my ribbon in the first place. Listen, Akita Sensei, these two shouldn't be punished for my foolishness." She raised her head, locking her gaze with Akita's. "I'll go back to the Academy. But let them become Genin."

"No," Kurai said, looking over at her. "It's just as much my fault as it is yours. We should have come together and planned before just sprinting into the forest."

Ryo stared at Mikazuki then at Kurai. She shook her head slowly. "I'm sure there are plenty of amazing Shinobi that work alone but- but today was actually pretty fun." A grin found her face. "Can you imagine the kind of things Shinobi can do in teams? And with the three of us- a Hyuga, an Uchiha- and Kurai, you're pretty skilled, I guess."

"Gee, thanks, Ri," Kurai scoffed.

"I'm just saying, I'm not going to become Genin without my new squad." Ryo beamed.

And there it was. Akita stared between her three students, feeling a small smile take her lips behind her mask.

"You all have a lot to learn," she said. "But I suppose I can teach you the fundamentals on being a Shinobi well enough. You already have the piece that isn't teachable. The willingness and ability to work in a team."

"Wait- Aunt Kita- does that mean-?" Kurai's lavender eyes were wide with new hope and thrill.

"Congratulations," Akita said. "You're all Genin now."

Cheers erupted and the three of them piled in, even pulling Mikazuki to her feet and crying out their triumph.

Akita escorted the three of them back to the village. Ryo and Kurai helped Mikazuki walk the entire way, chatting cheerfully and beaming nonstop. Mikazuki would heal in the next few days, and then their real training would begin. Once her new team was off to their rooms for the night, Akita headed toward her own quarters- more specifically, the roof just outside her window.

She leaned back against the tiles, closing her eyes and letting out a long breath. Her first Genin team. She'd dreamed of this moment since she made Chunin. Of course, that had been back in the Village Hidden in the Mist. She'd planned on training Genin side by side with her brother. Akita felt a small shiver pass through her.

Akatsuki, if you could see me now... if you could see your son... would you be proud?

Kurai was growing strong, that was for certain, but she felt like he was holding back. Like he wasn't reaching for his full potential. She tried to push him to do so. But she was starting to think her stern words weren't having the effect she intended.

But he was Genin now. In her team. Team Eleven. She just had to hope that she could teach these kids what they needed to know to be true Shinobi.

There was a soft sound and Akita turned her head to see a familiar figure slide down the ceiling tiles to her side.

"Thought I'd find you up here," Kakashi said. "I heard Team Eleven passed to Genin."

Akita glanced at him. "And I heard some news I never thought I'd hear about your own team."

Kakashi sighed and shrugged. "What can I say? They have what I've been looking for."

Akita let out a small breath of amusement. "Is this the first team you're actually teaching?"

"Sure is," Kakashi replied. "But isn't that the same for you?"

"I haven't been testing teams for the past few years, Kakashi."

Kakashi chuckled. "I guess my methods were a little tricky. But that says a lot for Team Seven, eh? What do you say we share some missions sometimes? Could be good practice for them to get used to working with other teams."

"I have the other Uchiha twin in my team. I'm sure she wouldn't be opposed to working with her brother," Akita said.

"Then it's a plan!" Kakashi said cheerfully, his eye closing to show he was smiling.

Akita glanced back up at the sky. She still felt the memory of her brother heavy on her mind.

"Hoping for rain?" Kakashi asked.

Akita gave him a small nod. The sentence held a lot of weight between them. Perhaps only Kakashi truly understood her attachment to the rain. Not even Kurai grasped it.

"I don't think it's going to tonight, Aki," Kakashi said, gripping her shoulder. "Why don't you just go back inside?"

Akita stared at the sky for a moment longer before getting to her feet.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kakashi," she said.

He smiled at her. "Don't we both have teams to train now?"

"That doesn't get you out of sparring with me," Akita told him flatly.

He laughed.

Akita headed for her window. Kakashi made to follow her but she shot a glare back at him.

"You're still not allowed in my room."

"Even after all these years?"

"Kurai's not even allowed in my room, Kakashi," Akita said. She softened her tone a bit. "My Lightning Release seems to be just about perfected, by the way."

Kakashi raised his brow. "That makes three natures mastered. That's pretty impressive for someone your age, Aki."

Akita turned toward her window. "It's still not enough," she murmured before slipping through and closing it behind her.