History's Mightiest Disciple Kenichi: Fist from the West

Chapter 1: The Girl from San Jose

Fighters are everywhere. Most don't flaunt it, but some really know how to blend in a crowd. Such is the case of a young teenage girl named Mallory Yi. A Chinese-American from California's Bay Area, she is a master-less fighter but a strong practitioner of Kung-Fu. At 5'6 and a half (5'7) and 142lbs, Mallory is anything but a lightweight fighter.

She is a boyish-haired tomboy with long legs and large, powerful thighs. Unfortunately, her skills has caught the eye of YAMI, "So this is the girl?" said Alexander Gaider, "she has plenty of potential for a fighter with no master," one of the Nine Shadow Fists crossed her arms seeing YAMI's newest prospect, "something wrong, Mikumo?" He asked

She shook her head 'no', "She had a master, I knew him well, if I can kill the master, then I can dispose of the student," said Mikumo.

Meanwhile in San Jose, "Can I get a Bacon and Swiss Buttery Jack combo to-go please?" said Mallory ordering lunch at a local Jack-in-the-Box. After paying a few minutes later, she was out the door and enjoying her lunch. At times though, her figure does get her into trouble as a group of four men up to no good had picked her as a target,

"Check out that ass," One of the guys whispered to his friends, "big and smooth, just the way I like it,"

"Men...always thinking with their balls," She said sarcastically, not bothering to look at them,

"Mmm...this girl's sassy, I like that," said one of the guys as they surrounded her like vultures. Mallory took a bite from her lunch, rolled up the bag, and placed it on the ground, "now look here, Sweetie, we ain't all bad, we're just wondering if you're looking for a good time?" He asked, trying to put the moves on the Chinese-American.

"Four white guys and one Asian girl? Sounds like a search term on a porn site," She joked, but none of the men were laughing,

"Well, I found what I'm looking for," said one of the guys with a chuckle, making a pass and touched her butt. The Chinese-American in blue ripped skinny jeans took action. She grabbed a firm grip of his wrist, made a palm strike to the inside of the elbow joint, and kicked him in the face with a roundhouse kick, "you fucking bitch! let's get her!"

Another man took a crack at her. She moved her head back to dodge two round punches. She stopped the third with the back of her hand, and flipped him over her shoulder to the ground combined with a kick to the stomach. The third attacked with a knife. She weaved her head to evade the knife, and stopped his arm with a hand to the wrist.

She hit him in the face with a back fist, and leaped up with a jumping swing kick to the temple, "You're mine, bitch!" barked the last guy,

He swung at her with a broomstick. She weaved her head to evade the stick, and got inside his guard. Mallory gave him a knee in the gut, and finished him off with a back handspring kick to the chin. She sent him flat on his back. The men who attacked her were laying on the ground groaning in pain. The only one watching her was her lunch.

Mallory pulled up her jeans, and tapped her butt with her hands. Her lunch was safe, and unharmed. She picked up her lunch, and went on her way. After lunch and a stop at her apartment, she went to visit her uncle's noodle house for dinner, "Well hello, Mall-Mall, it's good to see you again," said her Uncle Eric with a welcoming hug for his niece.

"Don't call me that," Mallory said slightly annoyed by her nickname.

"Aww...Pushy pushy, mega-tushy," Uncle Eric teased her, and brought Mallory her favorite Peking duck pan-fried noodle, "I am thinking you got the letter in the mail today?" He asked, Mallory nodded 'yes', "so it looks like your master has an old friend that lives in Tokyo, this might be just the opportunity you've been looking for," said her uncle.

"Uncle, I've never been outside the country, the furthest we've travel is to visit Aunt Cynthia in Richmond," Mallory replied,

"Well then, this is a two for the price of one kind of deal, if you want my advice Mallory, I would take it," said her uncle, "just think about it, okay Sweetie?" her uncle went back to the kitchen while his niece ate dinner. With a parting hug to her uncle after finishing her meal, she left the small eatery, and thought about her uncle's advice to her.

A week later, she decided to go to Tokyo to train with a new master, "Be good okay? I expect you to be on your best behavior, Mall-Mall," said her Aunt Cynthia, one of the members of her family that still has a Chinese accent. With a hug from her aunt and uncle, Mallory was off to her gate, "she is going to do wonderful things in martial arts,"

"This is her chance to see the world for what it is, her master would be proud of her," said Uncle Eric, remembering when he was a regular at the eatery.

Many hours and a long flight later, she arrived at Narita International Airport. Mallory looked like a young student backpacker with a large backpack full of clothing, and a sleeping bag. She looked around, and saw a blond holding a sign and waving to her. Mallory tilted her head, and approached her, "Are you Mallory Yi?" she asked in English.

"Yes that's me," Mallory replied,

"Oh good, it is wonderful to meet you, my name is Miu," said the blond. Mallory smiled back, finding both her cute smile and her eyebrows a bit distracting. Instead of using a car, they leaped from rooftop to rooftop with Mallory keeping up with Miu until they were neck and neck. It was then that the seeds of friendship were planted between them.

"Not bad, Big Butt," Miu playfully teased,

"You're not so bad yourself, Blondie," Mallory teased back. They arrived at Ryozanpaku. This was the home of some of the most powerful martial artists in the world. Mallory took off her black and white three-stripe adidas shoes, and bowed to the masters. This was now her new home. Among the powerful masters was her new master, Kensei Ma.