A/N: Did yall miss me? Cause I missed you. Sorry I was gone for so long. Updates will be inconsistent (like always) due to medical conditions of mine as well school/work and moving (:

Fun Fact: I lost my outline for this story so I have absolutely no idea where I was trying to go with this anymore, but I'm not gonna abandon it! This and The Fated Ones are my favorites! I'll think of something xD

Song: Oui by Jeremih

Disclaimer: I don't own NARUTO or any of it's characters.

About Last Night

Chapter Five


When they finally hit the streets, cars littered along the side walk and even in other people's yards. Hinata suggested they use her car, since it was in the driveway anyway. She was driving the all white Jeep and he couldn't help but glance at her a few times. Every few feet, the orange-yellow light from the street lamps would illuminate the gravel road just enough for them to see where they were.

Sasuke didn't really need the lights. He knew the way to Naruto's like the back of his hand. He could honestly get there with his eyes closed. He was thankful that the party was at Ino's and not at Sakura's house, which was clear across town. He told her a few directions before getting caught in his thoughts.

Speaking of which...he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. He wondered why she agreed to come with him. It wouldn't have hurt his feelings if she had said no and ran in the house. He honestly expected it, a little. Maybe she hated parties enough to go off with a near stranger?

She seemed content, in his large hoodie, driving the speed limit of fifteen. She must've felt him watching her, for she tilted her head, "Where are we going, Sasuke-kun?"

'Sasuke-kun...' He didn't approve of the horrific, but let it go since she called everyone with one anyway. "Naruto's house. I need a shirt since you seem pretty comfy in my clothes."

As he expected, her pretty features lit up with a blush while she stuttered out an apology, "W-Wha, oh I forgot. Did you want it back?" She stopped at a stop sign and made a move to strip it for the shirtless boy.

"Woah there," He said quickly, covering her hands in his larger ones gently. He looked out the windows then back to her with a smirk. "It's fine, really. It's cold so keep it on."

Sensing his teasing tone, she blushed prettily before dropping the fabric back down. He pointed to the left, indicating that they needed to turn. She turned the wheel as his low voice said off-handedly, "You look better in it anyway."

If his hand hadn't shot out to steady the steering wheel, she would've ran over the stop sign. Shooting him a flustered frown, Hinata regained control of the large car with ease, batting his hand away, "D-Don't say things like that! I'm really..." She trailed, not coming up with the right word.

"Innocent? Shy?" He offered, amusement swimming in his mysteriously dark eyes. "I've noticed."

The light way she laughed, her full lips pulling into a smile sent his heart doing flips erratically in his chest. Ripping his gaze from her, he frowned to the window. His hand rubbed where his heart was. What the hell? That's odd. Seeing a familiar house pulled him from his thoughts, "It's the next house. You can pull up in the driveway."

She nodded, seemingly not noticing his weird actions and parked the car in a long stone drive way of a large three story home. Opening the door, he glanced at her with a cocked eyebrow, "Come on."

Blinking, she released her belt and took the keys from the ignition. She hadn't thought of going into the house with him. As he lead the way, he didn't look too concerned about bringing a near stranger into his best friend's house at almost twelve mid-night. The more she thought about, he probably took home girls a lot. He definitely had the character of someone that would.

The thought instantly put her in a not so happy mood anymore. Her thoughts turned south quickly. How many girls had he been with? He couldn't still be a virgin, not with his looks! She'd just get upset if she continued thinking of it, so she let it go for now.

Fishing in his pockets, he got Naruto's keys and unlocked the door. Before he opened it, he leaned closely into her, "Naruto's parents are probably asleep by now so don't let go of my hand and be quiet. If we wake up Naruto's mom, she'll kill me."

She was going to walk back to the car before a strong grip wound its way on her wrist and yanked her forward. The door shut firmly, silently, behind her.

In the darkness, Hinata had no choice but to continue along with his tugging. Not that she could let go, she'd most likely get lost in this huge castle! He walked carefully so she did too, mindful of the old flooring and the squeaks in it. They walked up a flight of marble stairs before rustling was heard behind a door. The door handle turned slowly, pearly eyes widened at him for a moment.

Sasuke panicked for a quick second before opening the door next to it and pushing the Hyūga beauty in it, followed by himself. Not a second too soon too. A beautiful, red-headed woman emerged from what appeared to be the bathroom, by the flowery sent that followed her. She stopped to check her appearance in the mirror, which just so happened to be exactly on the opposite side of the louvered bi-fold door they were behind.

A lot of things happened in the second he yanked her in. One was she let out a small squeak, but it was muffled by another pair of lips firmly capturing hers in a lock. Another was the woman had tilted her head in question, silent as she strained to hear any other voices.

The teens stilled for a moment, lips pressed against each other before her slim hand pushed his chest faintly. The woman blinked a few times and turned her head left and right. After a few more excruciating seconds, she shrugged her shoulders and continued down the long hall to enter another room, "Mina-kun~! Don't tell me I wore you out already?"

Hinata glanced up to him with horror in her eyes, "I'm getting out of here," she whispered before pushing away from him. She really didn't want to be in this house if Naruto's parents were engaging in...nocturnal activities!

Remembering the original goal of being in this house, Sasuke threw her a smirk and bent to her ear. Her body tensed while his hot breath ghosted over her skin, "You should wait for me here."

Without waiting for her response, he slipped past the doors and closed it behind him.

Hinata breathed out shakily, throwing a hand over her fluttering heartbeat. Her face felt like it was on fire! She couldn't help but gaze at the doors and think, 'What was that?'

Shocked apple green eyes stared at the back of her best friend while he pushed past a crowd of people to get into another room. He never acted like that with her. 'What was that?' She thought, with a deep frown on her cheery-red lips.

TenTen noticed the exchange and was about to comfort her friend when Neji came back into the room, a stone cold face on. The girls turned their attention to him quickly.

"Hinata-chan didn't answer," he said with a tight tone. He left out the part where he called Sasuke's phone as well, and although it rang, there was no answer. He wouldn't have called him if he hadn't remembered seeing the Uchiha prodigy slip into the kitchen a little before Sakura had come to them. Not like the boy was his priority at the moment, or ever. He had a nagging suspicion that Sasuke might have seen her, or worse, be around her some where.

Sakura looked cautiously to the Hyūga boy when she noticed his tense posture but thought little of it for now. She assumed it was because he tended to be Hinata's mother hen and therefore was always worried about her in some way.

If she was going to ask about it, there wasn't a chance to. Ino crept behind her and swung an arm around her shoulders. On the top of her head was a large faux diamond crown with a matching sash around her body that said 'BIRTHDAY QUEEN'.

Teal eyes scanned the faces of her friends and noticed a few missing, "Hey, what happened to Hina-chan? I seen her jeep leave a couple minutes ago."

Sharp eyes narrowed on her form while she took a sip from her large cup. "You seen her leave? Was she with anyone?"

Ino hummed before shaking her head, "Na, I only saw her pulling out. Didn't see anyone else."

"You told me she hates parties. She probably turned in early," TenTen helpfully supplied, her hand resting on his bicep.

Neji sighed. Yeah, that had to be it. At least that what he hoped.

In the safety of her car, Hinata turned to glare at the basketball captain next to her, who suddenly had an innocent expression on. "Remind me to n-never sneak into houses with you."

His thin brow raised, "You've snuck into someone's house before?"

"O-once, ye-...What's funny about that?" Her eyes narrowed further, which didn't intimidate Sasuke one bit. In fact, she looked even more harmless than before.

His smile grew even bigger. "I would've never taken you for the B&E type, Miss. Hyūga."

With a roll of her eyes, she pulled out of the driveway and back onto the main road. "It was my own house so..."

Without being able to stop himself, Sasuke chuckled at her timid answer. "I should've expected that one."

She was very tempted to stick her tongue out to him, but thought better of it. She had more dignity than that, right? Obviously not, since she had let him kiss her in Naruto's hallway closet. In her defense, she had pushed him away almost immediately after his lips came into contact with hers. Would he really even consider that a kiss? He's probably done way more with a girl and the brush of lips they shared was probably child-like in comparison. Just thinking of it made her cheeks redden.

Thankfully, the night was dark out and the street lights were few and far in between. They were silent for majority of the ride, only breaking it when Sasuke was giving her directions to the town not too far from here. He hadn't brought it up either so made he didn't think much of it, or didn't bother to talk about it?

By the time they reached the café, her brain was fried from all the thinking that she eventually just gave up. She wondered why she even thought deeply about it in the first place, since Sasuke seemed unaffected or at least wasn't thinking it was important enough to give much thought. Her lips slid into a frown as they easily parked and slid out of her vehicle once more.

Sasuke waited for her to join his side before continuing his stride. The café was quaint and, despite the time of night, was pretty well lit. There were hanging lights that lit the front of the cafe, empty black tables and chairs basking in the warmth. Through the glass windows, she couldn't see much people in there, only two males with twenty papers scattered around them as their eyes were glued to the unforgiving screen of their lap tops. They must be Uni students studying for an important assignment.

Once they reached the door, a hand shot out before hers could touch the handle and held the door open for her. She blushed, only a little, at the display but didn't think too much of it. He must've been taught manners at a young age.

"Do you want anything?" He asked, head tilting down a bit as they came up to the counter.

Not really feeling any kind of hunger at the moment, Hinata shook her head, eyes falling towards a table a little ways from them. "I'm fine, thank you. I'll sit over there," she mentioned quietly, with a strange thought on her mind.

'Is this considered a date?' Pearly eyes stared at the back of the Uchiha captain before quickly moving to stare at her fiddling fingers. Being home-schooled gave the heiress a lot of time to watch dramas and movies and boys usually took the girls they liked to cafes, right? She looked down at her outfit, Sasuke's hoodie seemingly swallowing her small frame. She certainly wasn't dressed for a date and he had mentioned he wasn't much of a party person. He probably only asked her so he wouldn't feel guilty about leaving her alone in the backyard.

A small 'clank' from a cup of water being set in front of her dragged her from her subconscious. She glanced up to see Sasuke sitting across from her, a take-out bowl of fruits sitting in the middle of them.

"I thought...you said you were hungry?" She questioned after noticing that was the only food on their table. Whenever Neji says he's starving, he eats her entire fridge, condiments and all.

His right shoulder shrugged, popping a grape into his mouth before replying, "Guess I wasn't that hungry."

Her fascinating eyes examined him for a second, in which he wondered if she could tell he had only said that to have an excuse to be alone with her. But as she hummed and thanked him for the water, he let out a breath.

Their night went on with light conversation after that, for about an hour. Both teens accepted that they were not the best conversationalist around so there wasn't as much talking going on. Over the course of the hour, she had asked him how he knew that boy from the party and was slightly taken back when his head turned out the window besides them.

"Don't worry too much about that idiot Suigetsu. As much as pride as he has, he's harmless." The words came out of his mouth with confidence, but she hadn't noticed the slight pause at the last word.

Sasuke knew Suigetsu pretty well. Harmless was one word he would not describe the white haired freak of nature as. They had spent the better part of a year in the same town and had been nearly inseparable before Sasuke decided to move back home to Konoha. He didn't necessarily want to recant all the not so honorable things he had done last summer and easily pushed it to the back of his mind. The past was in the past now. Besides, if Hinata was around Sasuke then Suigetsu knew better than to try his luck with her. He had obviously had a few drinks at that point in the night, judging by how he hadn't recognized her infamous Hyūga eyes or even had the reflex to defend himself. Or, Sasuke mused as he sipped his drink, he was just dumber than he looked. No one fucked with the Hyūga family and got away with it.

Hinata didn't seem to notice his inner thoughts spirling every which way and instead, nodded. A message popped up on her phone, illuminating the screen and she finally caught the time.

"Oh, gosh, it's nearly one thirty in the morning!" She said more to herself than to him, grabbing her phone to look at all the unread messages and missed calls. Most the calls were from Sakura and TenTen, but some were from Neji and that was never a good sign. "Neji-niisan is going to k-kill me..."

"Let's get the princess home then." Standing fluidly, Sasuke grabbed the trash from the table and made his way towards the door, listening as the Hyūga girl quickly gathered her things to follow after him.

When they were back in the car, he didn't give her a moment to awkwardly ask where he wanted to be dropped off, instead, he told her to go back to the party. He had to drag Naruto home anyway, even if he was dreading that walk to his house. Ino's house was still bustling with people and loud bumping music when they arrived.

As he shut the door after getting out, the long haired heiress' voice stopped him from moving, "Uh...Sasuke-kun?"

Silently acknowledging her, he leaning over the the open window, raising a brow for her to go on. His dark eyes watched her fidget slightly in the drivers seat yet he was unaware how intense his stare really was.

Finally gathering the courage under his smothering gaze, Hinata bowed her head slightly, peeking at him from under her lashes, "Thank you."

At first, the Uchiha boy was confused as to why she giving him her gratitude, until he noticed her thin fingers play with the hem of his hoodie. Without meaning to, he smirked before leaning away from the Jeep. His parting words to her made her cheeks burst with embarrassment and confusion.

"Make sure your cousin doesn't see you in it. If he finds my jacket on you, he might jump to conclusions."

Light eyes watched his back as he weaved back into the party before back down at the all black hoodie. There looked to be nothing that could link this article of clothing to Sasuke so how would Neji be able to tell this was the Uchiha's hoodie? Not taking much time to think about it, she continued on her way back to the penthouse.

The next day when she gathered her clothes to wash, her blush came back in full force when the sunlight hit the back of the large jacket. On the back was Sasuke's last name in large white letters as well his jersey number under it. Hinata thanked whatever God was looking out for her last night, since Neji seemed to either still be at the party when she snuck her way back in or he was passed out in his own home.

The only problem was getting it back to it's owner without anyone noticing. She sighed. Monday was going to be a challenge for her.

The light stirred the basketball captain from his dreamless slumber. Stretching his long limbs out, a few cracks and pops relived his sore back and neck but the ache in his lower back wasn't going away any time soon. Sleeping on Naruto's floor wasn't the best idea he had last night and the pillow and blanket didn't help much either it seemed. However, he'd be damned if he stumbled in his house that late at night, especially after all the alcohol he'd consumed after rejoining Naruto at the party. His mother would lecture him on and on about responsible drinking all damn day.

Hearing his best friends obnoxious snoring tore him from his morning thoughts and he sat up to see the blond sprawled out on his bed, laying in a way that looked terribly uncomfortable.

Without caring too much for his actions, Sasuke grabbed his pillow and smacked him as hard as he could, which seemed just hard enough for the boy to jolt awake in his sleep. He tossed the pillow on Naruto's face before making his way tiredly to the bathroom, ignoring his friends whines of being up too damn early.

"Shut up and go make some cereal," he gruffly commanded, shutting the door behind him.

"Make it yourself, teme!"

A little while later in the kitchen, both seniors were devouring their second bowl of cereal when Naruto finally locked his blue gaze on the pale boy across from him. "Where did you go last night? You were gone for awhile then just showed up out of nowhere."

Hiding his smirk with another spoon full of the brightly colored pebbles, Sasuke shrugged, "Don't remember. You know how I get when I'm shit-faced."

After a minute of silence, Naruto shrugged and accepted the lie anyway. It seemed like a reasonable answer for the blond so he didn't push it. Sasuke did tend to...get lost all time when he was drinking. Usually they would find him with his lips locked onto an equally drunk girl or see him stumbling around the kitchen looking for food. Although Naruto was the one who got into the fights, Sasuke was the one who everyone felt the need to babysit when they partied.

Sky blue eyes cracked open only enough to glare at the source of the disturbance. Sakura had slept over, as per usual when they threw parties at the Yamanaka's residence but she was making so much noise!

Groaning, the hungover blonde rolled over and smashed a pillow over her head before grumbling, "Keep it down, will ya? I have a headache from hell."

She heard a small scoff before the bed dipped a bit with a new weight on it. "Let's go get some food."

Noticing the flat tone in her best friend's voice, Ino lifted the pillow to eye the pink-haired girl, "What's got you so down?"

Sakura couldn't help but smile humorlessly. She should've known she couldn't hide what was bothering her for very long. Ino was just too observant for her own good sometimes.

"If you get up and get dressed, I'll tell you over breakfast at McDonald's."

That seemed to be the push she needed to drag herself from the warm bed, mumbling complaints the whole way.