Title: About Last Night

Summary: When the new girl catches the eyes of a notorious bad boy, Hinata has absolutely no say in how he flips her sheltered world upside-down. AU. High school. SasuHina, NaruSaku, slight NaruHina.

Rating: M for language and illegal activity

Fun Fact: The chapter names will be named after songs that have inspired me to write it. This chapter's song is Downtown by August Alsina.

A/N: To my loyal readers who read my other fics, don't hate me for starting another project! I've come to a few bumps in the road but will be updating each fic. To new readers, WELCOME! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own NARUTO or any of it's characters.

About Last Night

Chapter One


Immaculately polished teeth bit gently down on the pink lips below it. Hinata Hyūga tightened her fingers around the handle of her duffle bag. Anxious pearl hued eyes glanced at her enthusiastic mother as the woman bounced around the lobby.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Okaasan..." She mumbled, watching her little sister take another suitcase from the backseat of their expensive SUV.

Her mother's smile only widened, amethyst eyes sparkling. "Nonsense! Your father and I thought this would be perfect for you to learn some independence."

The heiress didn't know how much of that sentence was true. They were moving her to a lavish penthouse suite so she could finish her senior year of high school because they were going abroad. She glanced at her baby sister, not so much a baby at sixteen and although she would miss Hanabi so much, she didn't regret her decision.

Being homeschooled her entire life was boring. She had no friends, other than her family (which was enough to fill a graduating class at a University), so when her parents offered her the choice to go to a real high school, she nearly pounced on the opportunity. What she didn't know was that her parents were going overseas. Her mother, ever the worry-wort, refused to have her oldest baby alone in the four story, twenty-nine acre mansion.

Upon the request (demand, actually) of his wife, Hiashi Hyūga got her the penthouse at the family owned hotel in the upper part of downtown. His identical twin brother managed that particular hotel as well as a few others in the area so they would also have a pair of eyes on their daughter as well. Her mother thought it worked out just perfectly.

The upside of this whole situation was that she would finally be going to a public school, which was one of her dreams since she was ten years old and that her cousin, who lived in the penthouse suite below hers, would be going with her.

While her father talked with the desk clerk (something about the cleanliness of the desk), her mother pulled both of the sisters towards the private elevators. A few of the bellhops scrambled to keep up with the Hyūga matriarch with arms full of bags varying in sizes. They couldn't make it in time for the elevators, to which the two young daughters shot them sympathetic smiles. At least they didn't have to be in the small space with their gushing mother for about fifty floors.

"Hinata, this suite is just so cute, I saw it just a few days ago," she continued, "I swear, if I wasn't married and about twenty years younger, I would be taking boys here left and right!"

Hinata sent her little sister a nervous look, "Okaasan, please, Hanabi-chan is too young to be hearing these things."

Their mother waved her hand dismissively. "She is sixteen. Besides that, she has a boyfriend, isn't that right, Hanabi?"

Feeling their stares, the only brunette leaned her head forward, letting her chin-length hair cover her cherry red features. "N-No! Konohamaru-san is not my boyfriend!"

Deep violet eyes narrowed devilishly, "Not yet anyway!"

Before Hinata could intervene to rescue her, the elevator came to a smooth stop and the doors slid open to reveal a cream colored hall way which was about twenty feet long and just as wide. There were two windows on either side, clear glass covering it so there was a view of the city. A white door stood at the very end of the hallway, with no numbers on it to indicate the room number.

In the back of her mind, Hinata had hoped her parents didn't over do it. Her mother was a fashion designer and owned multiple clothing lines and stores, however, she had horrible taste when it came to decorating and interior design. Her father didn't care too much about those things, but when he noticed she was going to paint Hanabi's room bright orange and add fuchsia furniture, he immediately gave the project to the experts.

She hoped her father did the same this time around.

They all held their breath while Hinata slid the key in the door and pushed it open.

To her right, Haruka squealed with delight before curiously wandering towards the kitchen to the left of them.

Hanabi dropped the suitcase handle she held. "Woah."

They stood on freshly polished white hardwood floors that spanned all over the suite that their eyes could reach. The wall directly in front of them was made of purely glass, with thin metal beams separating the sliding door. It stretched across the entire wall, giving them a picturesque view of the deck outside. A few feet in front of them was in-floor grey couches in a large circle, with stairs on opposite sides of the odd furniture. A round glass table was in the middle of the two couches, with a tall glass of sunflowers decorating the middle of it. The walls facing the couches each had a large flat screen television mirroring the other. The one on the right of them had a stand under it with an XBox and a PS3 sitting next to each other, controllers by their respected consoles. The T.V. to the left of them had an identical black stand with DVD player, along with a stereo system to the sides of it. A glass case off to the side was filled with popular DVD movies as well as classics.

Picking up the suitcase Hanabi dropped in her awe, Hinata turned to the left and found the open kitchen, fully stocked with the newest, chrome appliances. The porcelain countertops twinkled under the recessed lighting fixtures, which were throughout the suite as well. The grey cabinets pulled the look together as well as the wide stainless steel sink. There was a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter facing the dining room. Four, tall, steel bar stools sat on the other side, with a fully stocked wine cabinet to the side of it. She thought that was a little too much, but her mother didn't hesitate to pull a wine bottle.

"Let's make a toast girls," she called out, rummaging through the kitchen then grabbing three wine glasses from a random cabinet.

Hanabi poked her head out from the hallway, where four white doors were. She was in the first door to the left. "Okaasan, I'm only sixteen. I don't think I should be drinking wine."

"It's also ten in the morning," Hinata casually supplied while observing the dining room, which was thankfully very simple. An elegant deep grey table with a few white cushion seats surrounded it. The magnificent glass wall was still a feature in the room with the large pool in the view as well. Another glass of sunflowers added a subtle but lovely hint of color. Both walls were bare of decoration and the room would've been considered that plain, if it weren't for the large, sparkling chandelier that hung down over the table.

Walking towards the hall and past the kitchen, lavender eyes stopped at the first door to see what her sister was up to. Hanabi had found the bathroom and was marveling at the stone shower in the corner. It had frosted glass surrounding it, so her figure was slightly fuzzy until she opened the door and pointed towards the porcelain sink and dark grey cabinet under it.

"Hinata-nee, this is so awesome," she gushed, "Maybe I should've picked going to a public school too."

Rolling her eyes good-naturedly at her, Hinata turned on the white tile and down the hall again. The first door on the right was the laundry room with, of course, a brand new washer and dryer set and more counter space. The door a little ways down from that was a chic office, but she didn't bother to stop or look at it. She'd hardly use it anyway. The last door on the end was most likely her room.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see it was elegant, yet not too much. The bed was in the floor, which was a little odd but it didn't bother her at all. The wall on the right had an open sliding glass door over looking the balcony, which she noticed was a recurring theme in this suite, but had heavy light grey drapes to provide some privacy. She'd probably won't open the curtains much.

There was a door a little ways to the left, which was the master bathroom but she wasn't interested in it at the moment. Dropping the suite-cases on the floor in front of the bed, Hinata dropped ungracefully face-first on the fluffy white sheets. About twenty pillows surrounded the round bed but she didn't bother to drag one under her cranium.

Her peace and quiet was short lived as her boisterous mother came in, with two glasses of wine in her hands. "Oh, Hinata, doesn't your father have such good taste? The color scheme is a little bland, but it's certainly modern..."

Her voice continued to babble about the house before handing her eldest the glass. "Come, let's go look at the deck! The pool looks so inviting, even if it is the end of September..."

Hanabi saved her at that same moment, "Mother, the bellhops just dropped off the rest of the things. Father also called, we have to go before we miss our flight."

She placed the glass down on the pure white night stand as her little sister, who was pretty much almost her height, wrapped her thin arms around her shoulders.

Hinata smiled, quickly returning the hug. They separated after a long moment and she placed her hand on the thick locks of brunette. "Make sure Okaasan doesn't get into too much trouble, alright?"

Behind them, Haruka huffed, consuming the last of her wine with a wide smile at the rare display of affection between her children.

Her youngest chuckled before bobbing her head up and down. "Of course, Neechan. You'll Facetime or text me every day right? I want to know about your new school!"

"Me too!" Their mother agreed, before roping both her daughters in a tight hug. "We'll miss you, Hinata," she said, placing a kiss on the dark locks of her eldest.

After a few more minutes of saying goodbye, the two Hyūgas were just about outside the door when she heard her mother's voice once again, "No boys in here! Well...unless they're cute! Okay, only cute boys allowed!"

This time, Hinata groaned out loud, but couldn't help but laugh as her sister reprimanded their mother about her behavior. A few months without them, especially with all the holidays coming up, was definitely going to be hard. Hearing the elevator door close, she already felt lost without them.

Sighing, the seventeen year old heiress grabbed the glass of wine near her bed and went towards the kitchen. She stopped when she noticed all the bags she had to unpack before she had to go to school tomorrow. There were at least twenty.

Without a second thought, she downed the wine in one go and set it on the counter. Looks like she'd be unpacking all day.

A exaggerated sigh left the older woman's cherry red lips, matching nails drumming on the mahogany desk below her. Tsunade Senju stared at the young man casually draped in her chair. "Have anything to say for yourself, Uchiha?"

He smirked subtlety. His deep monotone voice was highly amused as he replied, "The bastard got what he deserved."

There was a sickening crack sound, followed by the busty woman on her feet. Her dark haired assistant pursed her lips with a white-knuckle grip on the clipboard in her palms. All traces of mirth left the young eighteen year old, only to replaced with a deep scowl.

"Stop fucking playing around, Sasuke!" She screeched, itching to warp her hands around this kid's neck. "You sent that poor kid to the hospital!"

"Poor kid?" The teen scoffed, his relaxed posture now extremely tense. He looked like a panther, ready to pounce. "That sick fuck set up a security cam in the girls' locker room."

Although that did nothing to pacify her anger, Tsunade was taken aback. Hazel eyes shot to Shizune, who shook her head. They hadn't known about this but he did? "Was that why you dislocated his jaw?"

For a moment, his ebony eyes glanced out the window in thought. He was sure if she knew the real reason, he'd probably get expelled but - his eyes caught the ten framed news articles, each one with his picture on it, dunking in a basket or dribbling - he doubted she'd have the heart. He was really popular with the news agencies here and he brought in a lot of money from game tickets and as well as people around the country taken an interest in this boring public school.

Besides that, he really just didn't give a fuck, so he decided to tell her the real reason solely on that fact. "No, he rimmed me on a drug deal. His weed was shit, too."

His principal's face instantly turned from understanding to pissed beyond belief. He hadn't seen an expression change that quickly except for when Naruto stole Sakura's thong last year after a party at her house, which ended with his blond best friend with a broken wrist and a cast, not to mention a black eye to match.

Tsunade sat back down and counted to ten in her head. At a time like this, she was so glad she didn't have kids. Lord knows how Fugaku and Mikoto deal with this fucking brat. She would've killed him with her temper. From the corner of her eye, she saw Shizune sneak towards the door to make a quick escape just as a bell rang from somewhere behind them.

Looking towards her clock on the wall, her fingers massaged her temples, "For fuck's sake, it's only eight o'clock in the morning?"

Silent, Sasuke Uchiha adjusted in his seat. He had a bruised cheek and a serious headache. The kid he fought was no weakling and he took his fair share of hits, but, well, Sasuke overpowered him quite easily. His anger and quick temper was no laughing matter as well. This wasn't the first kid in the hospital because of him and he was sure it wouldn't be last as well. People just need to learn to stop testing his fucking patience.

Aside from that, he was pretty much intact. His dark navy shirt was wrinkled, with three buttons on the top missing, and the sleeves rolled up from when he had decided to throw blows earlier in the morning. Both his arms were littered with tattoos, which he inspected just in case. The black jeans had a little dirt on them from when he had gotten on the ground to slam the fucker's face into the cement, but Naruto pulled him off too quickly for him to follow through with the motion. It was probably a good thing since some people would consider that attempted murder and he didn't need that bullshit on his record. He was pleased to say his Nike's looked normal. His knuckles were cut and bleeding from missing his target and slamming into the pavement, but he hadn't bothered with it. All in all, he was fine.

Leaning in her office chair, the blond huffed, "What am I supposed to tell this boy's parents?"

Shrug. "That their son should be selling top quality weed."

She ignored his smart-ass comment and continued, "You'd better thank whatever god you pray to that it was only you two and Naruto out there. If there were witnesses, you could kiss your scholarships goodbye."

Another shrug. "I'm sure my parents would just pay them off anyway."

Knowing his father, a handsome amount of money would be in his victim's father's bank by dinner tonight. Not that he was complaining. It kept him from dealing with a lot of unnecessary bullshit and his father only had one rule for him - Maintain his scholarships.

So he did.

On records, he was the squeaky clean six foot, three inch basketball star of the city and a straight A student with no detentions in any of his school years. In the streets, it was a different story completely. His reputation was something he didn't acquire on purpose, just due to anger and getting caught in drug deals. To him, it was minor things. His enemies couldn't touch him due to his parent's status in the town and even the country. He didn't like using their name but it helped when dealing with old geezers that he couldn't beat into submission.

With a defeated sigh, Tsunade shoo'ed him from her presence. "Get your hand wrapped at the nurse's. I have to deal with this shit storm you caused, Uchiha." She was getting a migraine and reached for her office phone.

More than happy that he didn't have her job, especially with Naruto and himself always fucking something up, Sasuke slid from the chair and fluidly exited the room. Just as the door to her office closed, something bumped into his chest.

Curiously, he glanced down and noticed it was a person. More accurately, a female.

His first thought should've been to shift away from her and create space, but it wasn't. Actually, he was particularly curious about her odd hair color. It was a deep indigo shade, bone straight and ridiculously long. On reflex, he reached out and steadied the girl as she basically fell onto his chest. The strands brushed against his collar bone as she nervously took a step back.

The second thing he noticed was her body. Not many girls, if any at all, in this school were as developed as this one. It was a refreshing change to the thin, tall females he was used to.

As if feeling his eyes on her, the girl lifted her head, moving the long tresses from her front to behind her. "I'm sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention..."

The third thing was her eyes. At first, he didn't register her words because of his gaze on her. His eyes zeroed in on her's and for a minute, he marveled at the odd color. It was rare to see someone with lavender-silver eyes, framed with thick, black eyelashes. Sasuke was speechless for longer than his pride would allow him to admit openly. No one would blame him. The girl really was a beauty in every definition of the word.

Still without a voice, he nodded and moved to open the door to the room he just exited. She gave him a shy smile then mumbled her gratitude.

She passed by with graceful steps, unaware of how his head craned to the side, eyebrows dipping as he watched her ass. Her long hair covered her back, but stopped right at the curve of her lower back. To say he appreciated the view was an understatement.

He heard a familiar cough from in front of him. "You can leave now, Uchiha."

Onyx eyes slid from the new girl towards the irritated blond. The sight of her dark scowl only deepened his haughty smirk.

Indigo hair swished to the side as her pearly eyes glanced over her shoulders, just in time to catch the handsome teen smirk and wink at her before disappearing behind the door.

"Sorry about that, Hyūga-san."

Outside of the room, the basketball captain walked towards the infirmary with slow movements. 'Hyūga-san, hm?'