Chapter 17: The Longest Lesson

Nightfall begins to bestow in the sky castle. Inuyasha knows for sure that Kagome needs her rest since they had to get there by foot, well Inuyasha carried her on his back to save time. Even though it wasn't that long as they first thought, but it doesn't matter to them as long as they made it there. Even after arriving, Inukimi already knew about Inuyasha despite Sesshomaru mentioning anything about his half-demon brother. Nonetheless, she made sure that Inuyasha and Kagome were comfortable like she was Inuyasha's second mother, but knew for sure she couldn't be the mother that Izayoi was to him.

Sesshomaru didn't like the fact that his own mother would be like this to Inuyasha and his mate. 'What such nonsense.' He bitterly thought to himself as he is practicing more of his swordplay in the dojo that Inuyasha went to the other day. He easily defeated any of the other opponent that spared with him. Being here in the dojo made it clear that those who want to spare must wear special wardrobe. Instead of his fancy white kimono, the white hakama pants, the boots, and his armor are not being worn, he is in a simple sparring outfit of blue kodose, and blue hakama pants without the puffing end at the ankles. He is even barefoot, and more importantly, his mokomoko is around his waist instead of over his shoulder. Knowing that being in the dojo isn't going to do anything to calm his cold attitude, he had to come up with something else to do it.

He is about to put away the wooden sword back into the place where the others are, but a familiar gets his immediate attention. He turns toward the door and out comes Kagome. "Hello, Lord Sesshomaru." She respectfully greets, knowing fully well he isn't too friendly to anyone he thinks are below his league. "What is it that you want?" Sesshomaru responds to the girl. He sees Kagome in her kodose, proving that's going to bed pretty soon. "I just wanted to know to let you know that Rin is coming here." Kagome spoke to him in a calm voice.

"I know that already." Sesshomaru responds back as he goes into the room where he put away his usually outfit. 'No kidding.' Kagome thought sarcastically. "If there's anything to say to me, you should go to your mate and go to bed." Sesshomaru suggested from in the room. Knowing him, Kagome decided to take it and go back to her room where she and Inuyasha are staying.

Inuyasha is in the library looking around to see anything interesting to read. He then smells his mate's scent coming closer. He goes out to see Kagome in a sadden state. "What's wrong?" He asks as she comes close to him. "I just told Sesshomaru that Rin is on her way here." Kagome murmurs to him. Inuyasha was already aware about the news as well.


Inuyasha and Kagome are enjoying their time in one of the rose gardens in the back of the castle. Kagome leans onto her mate's shoulder. "I have to admit that this is nice up here." Kagome smiles as she sees a few cherry blossom trees growing their pedals. Inuyasha smiles too. "It is. Maybe we could have something like this back home." He wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"Lord Inuyasha, Lady Kagome." A voice gets their attention. Inuyasha turns around to see its one of the servants of the castle. "What is it?" He asks him. Kagome turns around with intrigue in her eyes. "I'm here to inform that the child Rin is coming her." Inuyasha and Kagome look at each other and back to the servant. "Are you sure?" Kagome asks him. "Affirmative." The servant simply said back to them. "I see. I guess Rin doesn't want to stay in Kaede's village anymore." Kagome comments to the servant.

Inuyasha stands up. "Does Sesshomaru know any of this?" He asks as he crosses his arms. "He does." The servant answers that question. "And what did he say about it?" Kagome asks this time. "According to the lord, he didn't seems interested to expect the young one's arrival." The servant explains the reason. "I see. Well you can dismiss." Inuyasha suggests. The servant nods and leaves them alone.

End of Flashback

"It'd be as if Sesshomaru is no longer interested about Rin." Kagome said as she brushes her hair. "Doubt it." Inuyasha disagrees with her. "What do you mean?" Kagome asks him. "Every since Rin crossed paths with him, she followed him like a long lost pup. I'm just surprised that my own brother would show sympathy towards a human child." Inuyasha said as he puts away his haori onto a random hanger.

Kagome thought back when she first discovered the human the first time. It was when Jaken was trying to steal Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha that night. Jaken knew that Rin could hold the sword and such, but Rin threw the sword back down to the ground, never knowing that was what Jaken was after the entire time. And the last time she saw her was when Kohaku was under Naraku's control to kill her because Naraku had to use him as a diversion to escape Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's combined wrath and they were close to kill him completely.

"I never expected Rin would be that important to him. And we never knew it for awhile." Inuyasha said as he gets onto his side of the bed while Kagome takes the other side. Once getting comfortable, Inuyasha scoops his mate in a protective manner. "What we were supposed to expect? We would learn something every day. The first was Sesshomaru slowing opening up to a human." Kagome mumbles as she slowly falls asleep. Inuyasha merely rolls his eyes and falls asleep after her.

Somewhere else, Sesshomaru is in his own room, having a hard time falling asleep. Sure he hardly sleeps for anything, even when it came to find Naraku and kill him right then and there. But since he's gone for good, he can really unwind, and that's something he deserves for a long time. "Can't sleep?" Inukimi asks her son. "Not a mere second." Sesshomaru replies to her. "Mother, why would Rin come here? Of all places?" Sesshomaru asks her. Inukimi sighs as she sits on the bed.

She knew that Sesshomaru used the Tenseiga to revive the child when she was killed by wolves. But what he didn't know that the sword of life could only revive one person just once. He should be grateful the Inukimi used the meido stone she wore around her neck. She stated that the stone has the same principal as the Tenseiga as. "I can sense how conflicted you are about this. Ever since you killed Naraku, you wanted Rin to reside with other humans in the Kaede where Inuyasha lives in. But it's easier said than done." She tells him calmly. "I ever heard that you were nice enough to get her a new kimono every other time for those three years." She smiles, which made Sesshomaru show an annoying look instead of blushing.

"I just wanted to do what was best for her." Sesshomaru admits to his mother. Inukimi nods. "You wore just did what you thought what was best for her, trying to do the right thing." She comments to him. Sesshomaru turns his eyes outside to look out of the window with so call interest. "I really did." He murmurs. Inukimi sighs. "Sesshomaru, it's not that easy for one child to get over for what happened to her past, how her parents, and he brothers were killed by thieves. And then you came into the picture and saved her life with the Tenseiga. Ever since she wouldn't leave you alone because she counted on you to protect her."

And she had a point. Sesshomaru was being extremely too proud to admit such a thing. His own father told him that protecting someone is the true path to supreme conquest. And over the years, it took him over 200 years to realize that.