Chapter 6 - Unknowingly

Migi slowly lifted his eyes open in the dimly lit room, finding himself tucked in Shinichi's bed with a blanket over his body that kept him from the cold. The silver haired male adjusted himself a little, getting into position to sit himself up on the bed, before he eventually let his bare feet reach the ground, gaining enough energy to stand up from the bed. He took awhile to let his vision get adjusted to the dim lighting, facing the glass door leading to the balcony to witness that the sun has already set, leaving the azure blue sky to get swallowed away in darkness. Migi walked closer to the glass door, noticing his own reflection through the glass as he approached it, placing his left palm onto the slick surface, gazing over the sky he thought he would never see again before he hibernated within Shinichi's body just a year ago. Emerald eyes mirrored the navy blue from the sky.

Beautiful, he thought, before bringing his right fist to his chest, clutching the fabric resting on his torso into his balled up fist. What is this? He questioned himself as he feel. He felt.

He felt himself thinking as a human.

The sound of door creaking open had him snap out of his thoughts. Migi spun himself around, seeing Shinichi standing by the door. The silver haired male took a whiff of the air with his sensitive nose and quickly escalated the situation.

"You're up?" Shinichi smiled at the taller male before urging him to go down stairs.

"Something smells really pleasant." Migi strolled over to Shinichi, closing the large gap between them, until the distance felt almost too uncomfortable for Shinichi to handle. They were just inches apart from a physical contact.

"Umm.. Migi?" Shinichi muttered under his breath, with a startled look painted over his face. Shinichi then noticed Migi inching closer to his head, his hair getting ruffled with by Migi's pair of hands. The brunet closed his eyes shut, not knowing what to expect from the taller male. Migi took a whiff of Shinichi's hazel hair, where the pleasant scent that tickled his nose was coming from.

"This," The silver haired male stated, "is it the smell of food?"

"Ah." That explained why Migi was so fascinated by the scent. Shinichi snapped his head up to meet Migi's empty gaze. "I was cooking earlier, probably why the scent got caught in my hair." The flustered brunet then looked away, bringing his own hand up to his head and pried off Migi's fingers that stuck themselves to his hair, leaving a hint of nervousness in his awkward laughter.

"You're probably hungry, right? Dinner is ready."


The hungry duo settled themselves infront of the dining table, with Shinichi placing the utensils, serving bowls of steaming rice, miso soup and some side dishes on the table. Migi stared in awe and felt his cavern watering from the overwhelming smell that filled the whole room.

"Go on, dig in." Shinichi encouraged the hesitating male, whom then heeded the brunet's suggestion and picked up the pair of chopsticks laid infront of him.

".. I humbly receive." The silver haired male mumbled beneath his breath, picking up a mouthful of rice and side dishes using the chopsticks, guiding it into his mouth that eagerly consumed the food. He chewed slowly, savouring the taste in his mouth. Recalling his table manners, he made sure to swallow his food before speaking.

"It's delicious."

Shinichi wore a grin on his features, seeing how Migi enjoyed his meal was enough to make him feel happy, further more it was the meal he made by himself. Shinichi went for grocery shopping while Migi was asleep for almost 3 hours, it gave him plenty of time to think up of what to cook for dinner, and replenish the stocks in the refrigerator, making sure it would last them for at least 2 days.

Shinichi snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Migi staring intensely at him, with the tip of the chopsticks in between the pair of lips that clamped down tightly on it. The emerald eyes' gazes were cold and sharp as always, and it caused a shudder to run down his spine.

"Migi?" Shinichi spat out timidly, awaiting for a reply.

Migi then took the tip of the chopsticks away from his lips, picking another mouthful of the side dish with the chopsticks and held it close to the brunet's mouth.

"Shinichi, say 'Ahh'." The silver haired male spoke in a monotone, sounding totally emotionless, leaving Shinichi confused and surprised by Migi's actions. The brunet thought this side of Migi was rather rare but adorable, seeing how Migi had actually wanted to feed him and had taken the trouble to hold it close to his own mouth. Was Migi hinting him to eat instead of spacing away? If so he should have said so. Migi actually cares, thought Shinichi.

"I observed this from the television the other day, and thought I should try it on you." Maybe Shinichi was expecting too much from Migi.

Shinichi honestly felt a little disappoint, silently cursing himself for having such a high expectation from a parasite that shouldn't be able to possess emotions or a thought for others.

"If I hold it like this for too long it will turn cold."

"Alright, I'll eat it if that's what you want." For a moment he thought Migi was annoying. Not that he never was annoying before that. Shinichi was hesitant at first, but decided against it knowing nobody else was at home. He leaned himself further forward, opening his mouth wide as his cavern welcomed the mouthful of food.

"What are you guys doing?" A voice by the doorway of the dining room caused Shinichi to lurch backwards, the sudden movement caused the mouthful of food to fall off from the chopsticks Migi held in the air.

"Ah, what a waste." The silver haired male had only reacted to the food that fell onto the dining table, while Shinichi snapped his head around to face the doorway with his scarlet red face, stuttering idiotically as he came face to face with the man that stood rooted to the ground by the entrance of the dining room.

"D-dad!? I-It's not what you look like! U-Uhm..-" Shinichi wanted to bury himself deep into the soil, away from this horrifyingly embarrassing situation.

"You didn't tell me you had a friend over, Shinichi." Shinichi's father was rather calm and collected, facing Migi whom immediately stood up from the dining table's chair, keeping his manners in check as the silver haired male bowed to the middle aged man that stood before him.

"I am sorry to intrude, pardon my late introduction. I am Shinichi's friend, Mitsuki. I will be under your care and guidance from today onwards." Migi remained in his position, keeping his head low until he assumed that it is okay to lift his head up.

Shinichi's dad, bewildered by the suddenly introduction by the new face turned his attention back to Shinichi and demanded for a detailed explanation from the situation. The brunet had a face of shock plastered over his features. He could feel sweat forming on his pores, allowing his shirt to stick to his skin temporarily. He took in a large gulp of air, calming his increasing heart beat down as much as possible, hoping for the best as he squinted his eyes shut, explaining Migi's made-up background story to his father.


The duo went back into their rooms, Shinichi was totally drained out from the amount of stress he had facing his own father. It wasn't easy to gain his father's acceptance at all, but he was pretty surprised by his own father's encouraging attitude after he explained to him the story of how Migi came about. Either way, it was a lucky escape.


"What do you mean overseas? Are you telling me he can't remember his own country at all?" Shinichi's father raised his voice a little, seemingly troubled judging from the reaction and his facial expressions.

"So, in other words, he don't have a place to live in right now and he needs my help.." Migi kept his head bowed down as Shinichi pleaded for his father to accept Migi into the household.

"He can share a room with me if he have to!" Shinichi added, anything to make sure Migi could be kept close to him and he could make sure Migi would not do anything out of the ordinary.

A sigh of exhaust from Shinichi's father. The hope is dim, the atmosphere remained tensed and silence was exchanged for a few seconds.

"Alright. Young man, you can stop bowing to me like that. Mitsuki, right?" Migi lifted his head, straightening his back as he nodded as a reply to Shinichi's father. Shinichi could almost feel the weight in his heart instantly lifted, knowing Migi had gained the acceptance by his father. Was it out of sympathy? Empathy? None of that mattered to Shinichi anymore as he felt his lips curve into a smile.

"You do not have to worry about supporting me financially, Sir. I will look out for a part-time job to support myself, but other than that I will be under yours and Shinichi's care. Allow me to express my gratitude as I spend my time here with you and Shinichi." Migi bowed his head down again as a form of respect. He had read it from a book that this was the way to formally address someone when they want to be part of their family, and Migi is putting his knowledge to good use.

Shinichi's father smiled at the well mannered Migi, reaching his hand out to gently pat the silver haired male on the shoulder.

"Please take care of my Son in return, Mitsuki-san."

Migi raised his head up, emerald eyes looking into the dark brown ones that are framed by wrinkles around it. The silver haired male's voice purred with assurance as he replied to the middle aged man, the emotionless pair of eyes glistened with determination for a split second.

"Yes, I will."


"Hey Migi, I'm going for a shower. You wanna tag along?" As the brunet asked, he picked out his fresh change of clothing, including extra ones for Migi and two towels, and he proceeded to head out of the room. It's unusual for Shinichi to ask a friend to join in for a shower, but the brunet had figured that Migi might need some help considering the fact that he is still new to his body.

"If it is going to shorten the time spent to shower alone I wouldn't mind." Migi replied, as blunt as usual, following behind Shinichi's steps as the duo took a turn from the hallway, into the bathroom.

"Don't forget to lock the door." Reminded a certain brunet, and the door closes shut behind Migi.


"Why do we remove our shirt when we shower?" The clueless Migi questioned the brunet, while the V-necked shirt he borrowed from Shinichi was forcefully tugged over the silver headed male, exposing Migi's bare toned chest.

"You need to shower your own body, not your clothes." The brunet tossed the shirt into the laundry basket, lifting his own shirt over his head and piled it above the black shirt in the laundry basket. Shinichi was getting a little impatient with Migi, with all those ridiculous questions raised by the silver haired male. Shinichi had thought that Migi was supposed to be knowledgeable, but never did he ever expect the silver haired male to be so clueless about every little thing humans do in their daily lifestyle. Then again he reminded himself that Migi was once a parasite, not that a parasite would be bothered about how humans live their daily lives, doing their daily tasks.

It was then a tug around his waist jolted him back to reality and out of his thoughts. He took a glance down his waist only to see a pair of hands tugging his pants forcefully, trying to slip it down his waist.

"M-Mi-Migi!? W-What are you trying to do!?" Shinichi choked on his words, his arms immediately flung themselves up to push the taller male away from him, but to no avail.

"Can't you tell? It's obvious. I'm trying to take it off for you." The emerald gazes were cold as usual, and his tone was mysteriously calm as he replied straightforwardly without taking his hands off the brunet's hips.

"It-It's alright, I can take it off myself so let go!" The flustered Shinichi protested, his cheeks were beet red and his movements were clumsy as he tried his hardest to push the taller male away from him. It became clear to Shinichi that Migi is still stronger than he is, even after Migi has obtained a human physic, even when Shinichi's strength is supposed to be inhuman. Another forceful tug on his waist and the bottom half of his clothing came off, including his undergarments. The tug came unexpected while Shinichi was in his own world, causing the brunet to lose his balance and slip, hitting his back onto the cold hard tile.

The brunet had grabbed the silver haired male's arm as he slipped, dragging Migi along as the taller male piled himself on top of the completely nude Shinichi. The duo, laid in an awkward position, on the bathroom floor, with Migi's arms pinning Shinichi down by the shoulders coincidentally, and a leg between the brunet's thighs.

Shinichi's flustered face had by then been scarlet in colour, turning his face away to avoid any eye contact with Migi, he had killed himself countless of times in his mind from sheer embarrassment.

This is the worst!


"Be sure to properly rinse yourself before getting into the tub." Shinichi grumbled before pouring some shampoo into his palm, rubbing his palm together to form white foam before he placed his pair of hands onto the long silver hair that felt smooth to the touch. Shinichi took his time to wash Migi's hair, overwhelmed by the length and smoothness of the hair as he fondled with it. He made sure to massage Migi's scalp, being thorough in washing the silver haired male from the head down to the body. The brunet turned on the shower head, letting the warm water hit both of their bodies and soak them through, rinsing the soap off the silver hair he had just washed.

"For once it's not cold water that you're splashing on me." Migi commented, only to receive a chuckle from Shinichi as a reply.

"You can get in the tub now." Shinichi urged Migi, whom then stood up from the stool he had sat on as he got his hair washed and back scrubbed by the brunet. Migi took a cautious step into the tub with his right foot in, followed by the left, and he proceeded to soak his whole body in the water by sitting in the tub, staring at the brunet whom currently is scrubbing his own scalp and washing his hazel hair. Migi did not take his eyes away from the Shinichi covered in white foam, and by the time Shinichi had noticed Migi's stares was when Shinichi was done with rinsing the soapy content off his body.

"Why the hell are you giving me those stares?" Shinichi could feel his eyebrows twitch in irritation as he growled at the silver haired male whom seemed absolutely ignorant about his own actions.

Migi was almost as clueless as Shinichi as to why he had his eyes on the brunet in the first place.

"Who knows." The silver haired male gave the only reply he could afford, his voice coming out as mere mutter as he took his eyes off the brunet, staring straight into the air before closing them, shutting out his vision as if it would shut out his own thoughts.

"I'm getting out of the bath, I'll be in the room."

Migi then stood up from the tub, stepping out of it as he walked towards the door, opening them only to feel a gust of cool air wash over his soaking nude body, leaving him to shiver for a split second. He immediately closed the bathroom door behind him, not wanting the cool air to enter the bathroom and cause the brunet to shudder from the cold as well. Migi then walked over to the shelf located outside of the bathroom, reaching for the towel Shinichi had left on it for him. The silver haired male made sure to dry himself before he put on the fresh change of clothes Shinichi had lent him, leaving the towel draped over his dripping wet hair and he headed towards Shinichi's room.


Shinichi took awhile to soak himself in the tub after Migi left. The brunet sunk himself beneath the surface of the water, opening his eyes underwater as he stared blankly at the ceiling until he ran out of breath, poking his head out of the water again as he inhaled deeply. He sat in the water for a full minute before he decided it's time he should get dressed and head to bed. Shinichi lifted the drainage system's switch and let the water get emptied away down the drain, stepping out of the tub and he opened the door, grabbing the towel on the shelf to dry himself before he dressed up.

The brunet then walked through the hallway to his room, noticing the door left half opened and the lights in the room still lit.

Shinichi swung the door open, only to find Migi asleep on the bed with the towel still draped over his head, and his hair still not fully dried. The brunet exhaled a sigh of exhaust, walking over to silver haired male whom fell asleep the second time in a day.

"You could've at least let your hair dry first." He gently pulled the towel away from Migi, leaving him with no choice but to let the silver haired male sleep in, since it's impossible to wake him up when he is deep asleep, or so he thought.

It then hit Shinichi that he had to share his bed with Migi. Not that he hasn't shared it with Migi, but it's a different story when he has to share it with a human guy, and it had to be Migi. Just when he thought his day couldn't get any worse than it already is. Shinichi sighed deeply, he was exhausted from today. He turned his back against Migi, which was a wrong decision. In the blink of an eye, the light's switch was flicked off, and Shinichi's eyes were not yet adjusted to the darkness, leaving him blinded by the darkness. The brunet yelped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso and he was lifted off the ground. Shinichi dropped the towels that were in his hands, and the next moment he was on his own bed, held down by the pair of arms that is recognisably familiar. It's Migi.

"Migi, what on Earth-" Shinichi's vision had finally got adjusted to the darkness by then, and he could see the emerald pair of eyes flicker under the dim moonlight. Shinichi wasn't sure if he was seeing illusions, and he wasn't given time to think more when the silver haired male wrapped his arms around Shinichi, leaning his weight onto the brunet that laid still as a wooden block.

"Shinichi, just stay the way you are now and don't say a word." The usually monotone voice had a hint of gentleness to it, and the way Migi whispered in Shinichi's ear while the duo exchanged their body heat in the embrace left Shinichi's head blank. The brunet was unable to process any possible thoughts now, only to widen his eyes, startled.

"Migi, what's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Shinichi's voice trembled, retaining its after effects from receiving a huge surprise. Shinichi waited a while for a reply, but nothing was coming from the taller male, except for the shallow breathing by his ears and rhythmic pounding in his chest. As he got impatient, the brunet gently lifted Migi off his body, rolling the silver haired male to his side on the mattress, only to discover that Migi had fallen back asleep.

"Tsk." Shinichi clicked his tongue in annoyance, watching the peaceful sleeping face of the silver haired male. The brunet furrowed his brows, unsatisfied that he wasn't able to get an answer from Migi. Putting his thoughts one side, Shinichi tucked himself into the bed, lifting the blanket over both of their bodies.

Shinichi then recalled their conversations and the replies by Migi, attempting to piece the puzzle together.


"Why the hell are you giving me those stares?"

"Who knows..."

"Migi, what on Earth-"

"Shinichi, just stay the way you are and don't say a word."

"... stay the way you are and don't say a word."

"... stay the way you are..."


"It can't be.. right?" Shinichi mumbled to himself softly, making sure he wouldn't be able to wake Migi up. He shifted in his position slightly, moving his right hand into view as he stared into it.

"Migi can't possibly be discovering love-"
