
All characters appearing in Gargoyles and Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles are copyright Buena Vista Television/The Walt Disney Company. No infringement of these copyrights is intended, and is not authorized by the copyright holder.

All original characters are the property of Celgress.

Gargoyles Time's Changeling - Episode One: Paradox



Note this is a drastic retelling of my previous story titled Gargoyle's Renewal and shall serve as an adjunct of my "Small Town Spider-Man" Universe. Some story elements remain the same while others have been change significantly to conform to my new vision. I hope everyone enjoys this tale.

Manhattan 1997

"You can never defeat me." Paradox taunted against his massive chest the Phoenix Gate's metallic gleam contrasted with the seemingly impenetrable darkness of his obsidian body. His head was covered by steel as were his shoulder blades, fingers, lower legs and feet. "You, your Clan and your allies are all doomed Goliath. This night is mine!"

Goliath, Hudson and Angela simultaneously launched flying tackles against Paradox only to be swatted away as if they were flies. They fell like leaves on the castle stones beside the already incapacitated Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington and Bronx. David Xanatos blasted Paradox with a shower of laser fire only to have Paradox catch the raw energy in his bare, silver clawed left hand. Paradox casually tossed the energy back at Xanatos severely damaging his exosuite.

"David," Fox screamed unleashing a blinding torrent of green, mystical energy against Paradox. Laughing the living nightmare directed the energy back at it's source rendering Fox unconscious. Fox lay besides Puck, her son Alexander and Elisa Maza all of whom had been defeated earlier.

"What a futile gesture. Poor sentimental Halfling, you should know by now I cannot be so easily overcome." Paradox boasted. "Now I shall make you all disappear forever by erasing you from the timestream."

The fiery energy of the Phoenix Gate ran down Paradox's arms. His hands glowed with rapidly expanding orange-yellow orbs. Knowing Paradox's impending temporal attack would result in worse than a death sentence, it would mean nonexistence. Detective Matt Bluestone leapt into action. Using his exosuite enhanced strength Bluestone attempted to pry the Phoenix Gate off Paradox's chest.

"No you fool!" Paradox shrieked. "Upsetting the temporal balance at such a crucial moment could spell untold catastrophe. There is no telling what might happen, stop at once!"

"I was hoping you'd say that." Bluestone grinned behind the reinforced plastic face mask doubling his efforts.

"Matt need some help?" Elisa said getting unsteadily to her feet. Ejecting from her own exosuite which was damaged beyond repair she wobbled towards the pair of dueling titans.

"Stay back partner, we have no idea what direct exposure to his energy might do." Matt said.

"No dice partner, I can't let you hog all the glory." Elisa said grinning wearily. Leaping at Paradox she grabbed his massive left arm.

Ignoring Elisa's inconsequential assault Paradox grabbed the sides of Bluestone's exosuite in a desperate attempt to dislodge him before it proved too late. The resulting feedback loop engulfed the trio in an explosion of fire and light. When it dissipated the trio found themselves several hundred feet apart on a stony outcropping. It was still night, otherwise everything looked drastically different as did Elisa's appearance. She had been changed from adult human to juvenile gargoyle! Elisa couldn't be more than eight years old, by human standards. She lay unconscious on the cold, hard ground. Her ensemble of blue jeans and black top having altered to snugly fit her dismissed frame. Slowly getting to their feet Bluestone and Paradox eyed each other. Paradox attempted to throw a temporal blast at Bluestone, but nothing happened. Glancing down at his chest Paradox soon realized why. Three hairline cracks ran through the Phoenix Gate.

"You fools broke it!" Paradox bellowed. "Now we are stranded here, wherever and whenever here is! Unless I can fit the damaged you've caused! You've ruined everything!"

"Hey you were trying to erase us from existence buddy." Bluestone said. "There is enough blame to go around." Bluestone noted the sparking front panel of his exosuite along with the smashed visor. He cursed under his breath. "Great," He grumbled. "Even without time warping powers this loon is extremely dangerous. I could sure use help right about now."

"At least I'll have the satisfaction of destroying you two." Paradox hissed. A globe of black energy outlined in gray formed above his right palm where it hovered ominously. "The memory of your excruciating demise shall furnish me years, nay decades of mental pleasure as I toil towards restoring the Phoenix Gate. Sayonara Bluestone and Maza it was far from nice knowing you."

"Halt monster," Said a commanding voice in a familiar thick Scottish accent. Whirling around Bluestone beheld a much younger version of Hudson, minus his almost trademarked eye injury, leading a large group of unknown gargoyles towards Bluestone's position.

"Gargoyles, gargoyles all I ever see are gargoyles!" Paradox roared in frustration. "I currently have neither the time nor inclination to deal with such a horde, until next we meet Bluestone." Paradox said vanishing in a flash of black energy.

"Was that a demon sir?" An unfamiliar, hairless, female gargoyle who was aquamarine in coloration asked kneeling by Bluestone's side.

"In a manner of speaking, I suppose he is." Bluestone said.

"Are you a mage?" The aquamarine female asked helping Bluestone to his feet, "your armor is such strange design."

"Stop troubling our guest with questions, my love." Hudson said stepping forward.

"I don't mind answering her questions." Bluestone said with a smile. "Yes, I am a mage from a faraway land. My armor is indeed of magical origin." Bluestone informed the gathered gargoyles deciding it was the easiest explanation available. "What land and year do I find myself in?"

"Ye are in the kingdom of Strathclyde the year be 954 A.D. by human reckoning." Hudson said.

954 A.D. forty years before the Wyvern Massacre Bluestone thought. He'd have to be careful. The longer he and the altered Elisa were stuck here the more chance their actions could inadvertently alter the course of previously established events. Their mere presence alone likely had already done so. Then there was Paradox to consider. Bluestone entertained no illusions Paradox had any scruples as far as timeline alterations were concerned.

"Sadly we have no mage of own who can help repair your enchanted armor." A grey, beaked male gargoyle said gesturing towards Bluestone's continually sparking exosuite.

"Aye my second be correct." Hudson said.

"Don't worry," Bluestone said. "I can fix it myself, maybe."

"Who is the child?" The aquamarine female asked picking the still sleeping Elisa up off the ground, "She is precious."

"A friend," Bluestone said honestly. His mind reeling. What else could he say? What could he do? How would Elisa react upon waking up?

"Come," Hudson said. "Our home is your home stranger. You must stay, we insist." Thus the group trudged up Wyvern Hill towards it's caverns which the gargoyles called home.

To Be Continued