Surprise Fit

Hello~! It's March first! And here's a new one-shot! I was gonna put it up a few days ago but I decided today to start off this month right. And I know I gotta update my other full multi-chapter story but I got stuck -3-

Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this one cuz it has a lot of humor and I hope you guys enjoy reading this ^-^

Enjoy! XD

Summary: When Ace finally joins The Whitebeard Pirates the whole crew celebrates. However, once Ace falls asleep due to a narcoleptic fit everyone (especially Thatch) immediately gets worried.

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda~! :D

Ace finally came out of the room hours later smiling happily as he showed off his new tattoo representing The Whitebeard Pirates and his pride. Everyone cheered with joy and next thing he knew he was hugged tightly by Thatch and Haruta.

"Yay, we have a new brother!" They both said happily.

"Guys, I'm still a little sore." Ace replied in a squish-like voice.

They both pulled away. "Sorry."

"Welcome to the crew, Ace!" Marco smiled putting a hand on said persons shoulder.

"Time to celebra~te!" Thatch yelled loudly making everyone cheer again.

Cheerful music was played, food was served and of course most of the crew were already getting drunk.

"Cheers to our new second division commander, Ace!" Whitebeard said happily raising a huge glass of rum.


"Congrats, Ace!" Izou said putting his arm over the commander's shoulder handing him another bottle of rum.

"Thanks, Izou! But I think I'll eat again before I drink. Don't want to get too drunk. Like everyone else. And you."

"I am not drunk!" Izou somewhat argued walking away slightly unbalanced.

Ace just chuckled and then saw Thatch come up to him handing him a great looking plate of food.

"This is for me?" Ace asked wanting to make sure.

"Of course it's for you, silly! Unless you want me to take it…"

"Thanks! It looks great!" Ace took the plate and ate the food not too quickly actually wanting to savor the flavors.


"This is awesome! What is it?"

"Remember the sea king that almost ate Marco?"

"HEY!" Marco said loudly overhearing Thatch who ignored him.

Ace chuckled. "Yeah."

"Well after Namur saved him Namur accidentally killed it so he cut it up and brought half of it on board. So I decided to cook it cuz why not?"

"I'm glad you did cuz-"

Ace fell asleep talking midway and Thatch blinked.

"… Ace?"

No response.

Thatch hesitated a bit before he tapped him making the new commander fall to the floor.

"KYAAAAAAAHHH!" Thatch screamed loudly and immediately started panicking making everyone look at him. "Ace just fell on the floor! Well technically I just tapped him and he just fell on the floor! OH MY GOD! WHAT IF I KILLED HIM?! I JUST KILLED OUR NEW SECOND COMMANDER! HE WAS SO YOUNG!"

While Thatch was busy being dramatic Marco and Vista checked the young commander trying not to panic themselves.

"Ace, are you o.k?" Vista asked shaking the young commander.

'If he's dead he's obviously not o.k.' Marco thought and then checked Ace's breathing.

Thatch on the other hand was still panicking so much that the nurses had to calm him down before he began hyperventilating.

Suddenly, Ace shot up without warning making Vista jump while Marco yelped loudly as he was nearly pushed away and almost ran from Ace. Everyone would've laughed but the situation was still serious. Ace looked around and noticed everyone's (including Whitebeard's) worried expressions.

"Sorry, guys." Ace began. "I fell asleep."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Almost everyone yelled.

"You…!" Thatch stomped his way back to Ace making a strangle gesture with his hands. "You~…! Ga~h!" He said shaking his hands. "You made me worry like crazy! Why did you just fall asleep like that?! I thought I killed you with my food!"

"I'm narcoleptic which means I fall asleep anywhere even when I'm not tired."

"Would've been nice if you told us sooner! I thought you died." Thatch mumbled still not happy about it.

Ace smiled genuinely appreciating everyone's concern. Thatch was right though. He should've told them all beforehand. Ace made a promise to himself that he'll make it up to the fourth commander someday for making him worry.

Bonus scene that's slightly longer than the story itself (lol) and just before Ace officially joined the crew:

"Come on, I wanna see your Phoenix fo~rm!" Ace whined.

"No. I do not simply change into my Phoenix form all willy nilly."

Ace laughed loudly. "You just said willy nilly! I didn't think you said things like that!"

"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?!"

Ace stopped. "Nothing."

"Uh, huh sure."

"Come on! Please!"





"You can see it when we fight an enemy crew."

"But that's gonna take forever~!"

"Too bad."

Minutes later…

"Fly damnit!" Ace yelled picking up Marco like nothing getting ready to throw him overboard.

Everyone who was there just laughed at the scene including Whitebeard.

"They're getting along so well." He smiled not even worried when Ace literally threw his first commander overboard.

Poor Marco was literally thrown overboard and had no choice but to transform.

'Newbie or not you're so gonna pay for this, Ace!' Marco thought as he flew back up before he hit the ocean.

"Wow, that's amazing! You're an awesome Phoenix, Marco!" Ace admired with stars in his eyes.

Marco didn't mind the admiration but was still annoyed and was getting ready to threaten the newbie when…

"Marco, lookout!"

A sea king came and ate Marco!

"A SEA KING ATE MARCO!" The crew yelled, there eyes somehow bulging out of there sockets.

"I didn't mean for that to happen!" Ace cried worriedly.

"Save the commander!"


"I'm on it!"

"What have I done?!" Ace cried again.

"Don't worry it's just a baby sea king." Izou said like nothing.

"A baby sea king?! It's huge! How big are the adults?!"

"Big enough to swallow this ship whole." Thatch answered.


"Stop it, you're scaring him!" Haruta scolded hitting the two older commanders. "Yes the sea king is a baby but no the adult ones cannot swallow a ship whole." 'At least I don't think so.'

Less than three minutes later, Namur came back with an almost unconscious Marco and laid him on the deck.

"You o.k, Marco?"

A tired groan was his response.

Then Ace came.

"I am so sorry Marco! Please forgive me! I didn't know that was going to happen!"

Marco shot straight up and glared darkly at Ace who flinched. "Newbie or not I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"Run!" A majority of crew mates told Ace.

In the end Ace lasted almost an hour before he was eventually caught by Marco and was thrown overboard.

EDIT: I honestly complete forgot that in the Anime Ace does fall asleep while they're partying (seems like they were partying) and the crew is just like 'Huh?' Thank You Devilgirl83 for pointing that out :3

I suppose this story can be seen as a different way of how Ace randomly fell asleep for the first time in front The Whitebeard Pirates :)

As for the bonus story it was inspired by a drawing I saw on Tumblr and this time I have the link which hopefully shows up

sorachudoodles. /post/110587681148/i-would-do-this

I hope you guys enjoyed this humorous one-shot and the bonus scene! Well, bonus mini story. Sort of. Sorry for typos and stuff :P

Thatch: "That day was so much fun. You know, before Ace fell asleep and I thought he died from my food!"

*Ace just laughs*

*Thatch pouts* "It's still not funny."

Izou: "I hardly remember that day."

Ace: "That's cuz you got drunk."

"I wasn't that drunk."

Haruta: "Yeah you were."

Thatch: "Are we not going to talk about Marco's reaction when Ace woke up?"

Marco: "Please don't."

Ace: "Why what happened?"

Izou: "Marco got scared and almost ran away."

Marco: "Oi, no I didn't!"

Haruta: "You know it was pretty funny when Marco got eaten by that sea king."

"It was not funny! And I did not get eaten! I… almost did. And Ace is the one that threw me!"

Ace: "Well, if you'd have just shown me your Phoenix form in the first place…"

*Marco glares darkly at Ace shutting him up*

Review, please! XD