
The air here is familiar with the scent of rust and cigarette smoke surrounding me with nostalgia. This warehouse, with its steel walls and ceilings that are so high they are just a blur, is the first place I met Mugen.

Not for the first time today did I realize once again that my father's clan members are not the brightest of individuals. True they are all highly skilled in fighting and all have unwavering loyalty to my father, but these idiot I chased after don't know the meaning of the words retreat or restrain. They are all hot headed idiots who can't cook, can't clean, and can't mind their own business. So it wasn't a surprise they ran off on a quest to challenge some small gang's leader that surfaced recently. I really can't find myself the effort to care about rival gangs or gang leaders when I have my hands full picking up after these morons all the time.

It gets seriously very old when my father sends me out practically every day to retrieve his most idiotic clan members from getting seriously hurt, and bringing dishonor on the rest of us. If I had a choice in the matter I would rather spend my time with my girlfriend enjoying the ease her company provides, but these morons keep me from her side. If I could I wouldn't even bother wasting my energy and time on these idiots, but sadly I am ordered by my father to bring them back. I guess all the running has helped me stay fit, but it's still annoying and bothersome to deal with grown adults who act like children.

Upon arriving at the warehouse my father's members ran into not even five minutes ago I stood amazed. Not a single member of my father's clan remained standing. All ten of the idiots laid on the ground either unconscious or clutching broken limbs. In the middle of the group of idiots stood a guy around my age clad in a jacket red like blood and black cargo pants. Hearing me approach he turned to glare at me with eyes that held barely restrained storm clouds within them. Surely these eyes didn't belong on a guy who couldn't be much older than my thirteen years of age. He was a scrawny strip of a guy with wild dark brown hair that stood every which way but down, and scared skin of a golden tan. He looked like the kind of kid whose belly was never truly full, and who has never actually felt the love and security a family provides.

"What do ya want Four Eyes? Ya wanna fight too? I have time ta kill. These guys are a bunch a' wimps, so bring it on!" I didn't even have a choice in the matter because the animalistic guy had charged at me using momentum gathered from the brief run to launch himself into the air in a brazen kick aimed at my face. I easily took a step back and dodged it but this guy was almost inhumanely fast. It took fraction of a second for him to land and charge at me again. This time he aimed low and managed to trip me but I had gotten ahold of his arm and brought him down with me. I hit my head when we crashed to the cement floor but I had also managed to give this guy a good kick in the stomach. A grunt told me the kick was well received but it didn't take long for this guy who fought like an animal to rebound back onto his feet.

"I don't want to fight with you. I just came here for those idiots." My words where lost on this guy. Nothing I said would be taken seriously, he was lost to his lust for a fight if that wolf like grin was anything to go by. The only thing that saved me from his flying fists and lightning like kicks was the Judo training my father insisted on putting me through since I was a toddler. Judo training was insisted upon by my father alongside Kendo training which he deemed more important than any other form of martial art. I was able to trip, and flip this kid at least four times but each time he managed to get back onto his feet again before I could pin him down into submission. This guy was a surprisingly good fighter even if his fighting style was sloppy and burned up way too much energy. I swore the fight went on for a good hour before we both fell to the floor completely exhausted. My father's clan members had long since found their ways back home with tails between their legs like the week morons they are. The only things I felt more than the exhaustion was irritation and a bit of amazement, but mostly I felt completely pissed off. What was this guy's problem anyway?

"You are the lowest of the low." I was too annoyed to keep my mouth shut anymore. The guy had collapsed to my right but now he was on his back glaring at me.

"Kiss my ass Four Eyes!" came his retort. Both he and I couldn't even bother to hide how we felt about each other.

"Your fighting style leaves you wide open and your moves are sloppy, but," I tried to shift so I could see him but every muscle ached and forced be back down. I found myself staring at the ceiling so high it blurred out of my sight.

"You're the only person I haven't been able to beat." A few deep breaths and a grunt or two where all the passed between the two of us for many minutes.

"The name's Mugen, buddy." Mugen, an odd name for an odd guy. It made me chuckle a little.

"You got a problem with my name Four Eyes?" Mugen growled but his fangs missed me. I could just imagine the beast like snarl he was giving me. Mugen, a name meaning eternity or infinite is a name that absolutely fits this guy without question.


"That's right." I found myself smiling as I closed my eyes too tired to keep them open anymore.

"My name is Takeda Jin, you should remember it." The last thing I remember before passing out on the cold concrete floor was the scent of rust and the sound of Mugen's snores.

Now, surrounded by the same rusting walls of the warehouse that became the headquarters for Mugen's gang, I finally was able to relax even though men from Mugen's gang eyed me with barely restrained hatred. I can't really say I blame them, they all want Mugen's acknowledgment, but Mugen is Mugen and that won't easily happen.

"Girly's already passed out." Mugen stated knowing I was still awake to hear him. I'm amazed he's still awake after all the running he did while carrying Fuu.

"Mhm." Mugen rolled his eyes and grunted at my lack of response. He hates it when I give him responses like that, but I hate it when he calls me Four Eyes so I call it even.

"Did ya talk to ya old man?" I sighed and rubbed my temples that had begun to throb. "Oi! Bring us something to drink will ya?" the gang leader called to no one in particular although several of those under his control scrambled to fulfil his boisterous command.

"He told me not to worry and to keep watching over Fuu. I don't know what he's going to do, but at least he is informed now." I know one thing about my father and that is that he is persistently loyal and that he had passed that particular trait down to me. Even if I wanted to leave Fuu all alone to deal with the loss of her family by herself I couldn't. It would continue to eat away at me until I could no longer tell who I am under all of the guilt. Fuu and Mugen are the first people I can truly say are my friends. I will never abandon them even if Mugen annoys me to no end.

"Here." Mugen handed me a bottle of unsweetened green tea. I nodded my thanks and took it while he took a drink from his bottle of Cola.

"So even if you wanted to, you can't run now." Mugen snorted but again I chose to remain silent. He already knew my answer. "We can't stay here much longer."

"Mhm." I agreed. We might have lost the authorities for the moment, but staying in one place for too long will get us caught.

"We should get Girly ta the club." Standing up Mugen stretched his arms over his head popping joints like normal. I sighed but followed suite. "Hopefully ya broad got us some food. I'm missing out on the old crow's Curry right now." The mention of food brought with it the sounds of empty stomachs and the loudest one came from the sleeping heavily pierced pseudo boy on the love seat. I met Mugen's eyes with a faint smile.


AN: Hey guys! It's been a long time since I posted a new chapter! Sorry about that, but on a happier note, guess who is a licensed cosmetologist now! Yep, you guessed it! I passed both my state tests and now I'm job searching. Man adulting sucks, but its got to be done since bills need to be paid and new people need to be met. Writing Jin's p.o.v. is kind of hard so I apologize if it seems weird. Any way it might be another long while before I publish a new chapter after this so again I must apologize. I hope you all are having a wonderful time and if not I hope everything gets better. Please feel free to PM me if you have questions or want to help bounce ideas around. I love to hear from you guys. As always; stay safe, stay awesome, and God bless. Love~ TsukikoAmeTenshi (TAT) (✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ))。₀: *゜