Here's another 'Vampire Knight fanfiction for you guys. It's not really that much as a pairing story as my last one - the 'What about us?' story, but it still contains a little pairing.

The reason I started writing on this one was because of the 'Twisted Fiction' challenge for January 2015. The classic we were supposed to base our work on was 'The Beauty and the Beast', and since I mostly write fanfiction, I ended up here.

Sure, I know that the story might not fit the criteria perfectly, but I'm still happy with what I managed to produce.

Oh, and I should probably mention that this is only the first of several parts. I'm working on the restoring ones now, and I'll get it up quite soon. so yeah, make to to follow me and the story to get the rest of it - because personally I think the second part is even better.

As always I'd like to know what you guys think of my story, so it would be nice if you left a review ^^

Do like /follow me if you enjoy my stuff:
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Fanfiction: WinnifredArtemis
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«I do not own any of the following pictures, music, characters or the original universe. I only own the story itself and the idea.»
Thanks a lot to RND4EVA, Allen Crowley and Soaring Okami for betaing on this story.

A Bloody Rose - Part 1 - The Sweet Scent

Red eyes. Burning. Glittering in the darkness.

I hurried to look away from the mirror. My reflection was something I despised for the last six months. The features of my face had grown firmer and were now looking like the ones of a man. It was approaching.

I had known that it, someday, would happen, ever since the day I had seen one of the girls in my class accidentally cut herself on a knife in a cooking lesson. I couldn't understand why, but suddenly my nostrils had widened, sucking in the smell of something sweet. I thought it came from one of the stoves; that one of the girls had ignored the lesson's dish, and instead had baked some kind of sugary treat. I had turned around to confront her, but as I did, my eyes widened and I felt my heart beat like mad.

The sensation had been overwhelming. My eyes had locked on her hand and the drops of sweet, red blood erupting from her smooth, perfect skin… My heart had abruptly stopped then. I couldn't believe my own thoughts, and at the same time I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I was enjoying it, and fear of what was happening to me.

Without a warning, the room was filled with light. My arm instinctively rose, covering my eyes, shielding them from the blinding light.


My sister's voice brought me back to the present, and I turned my head slightly to the side. In the corner of my eye I could see her standing in the doorway. She wasn't wearing her normal, black uniform, just a simple white nightgown. A shiver went through my body and I felt my throat tighten.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, realizing a bit too late that my words came out a bit harsh.

"Eh!" Her hands moved to her hips and she pushed the door wide open. "I'm the one who's living here! You on the other hand…"

She was clearly annoyed. The reason I was using the toilet in the headmaster's apartment was well known to her. In difference to her, I had chosen to live in one of the rooms in the male dorm. It had been good for me to spend time alone there, but still, our duty to patrol the school at night made it impossible for me to use the dorm bathroom, it was closed off after midnight.

"Never mind," Yuki shook her head, letting her chocolate colored hair dance across her pale neck. "I know you can't use your own bathroom, but that doesn't explain why you're here in the dark."



"Headache." I muttered, looking down in the sink in front of me. "I... have a headache."

"A- Oh..." Yuki's voice softened and I could hear the soft steps of her feet against the tiles. Without another word she came over to my side and picked up her toothbrush. Applying the toothpaste, she tilted her head and looked over at me.

"What?" I averted my eyes as fast as I could. No one was to know of my curse. Not even her.

"Have you taken the pills?"

"What?!" My eyes widened. She didn't she know, did she?

"Here," She opened the medicine cabinet to her left and soon after handed me a pillbox. "I know you don't like to take medicine, but these really will make your head feel better."

I looked down at the package. It contained just regular painkillers. I couldn't help but smile. So sweet, so beautiful, so innocent.

Though Yuki had grown up close to vampires, she had always managed to keep her human nature and innocence. In many ways that had surprised me. This girl had been through training and education that all gave her a better chance to understand the dangers and threats created by vampires, but still… Whenever I saw her with the night students, she seemed so… It was as if she had simply accepted them. That even though she knew what they were, it didn't make her stay away. In a way it was foolish of her. If any of those monsters were to attack her, her staff and skills wouldn't do much to protect her.

"Zero? Ehm, are you alright? Should I go get the headmaster?"

"... No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You really don't look well tonight."

"I said I'm fine!" I'd launched out, and once again I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. "No… I'm sorry. Yuki."

Suddenly I felt a warm hand touch me. It was a gentle touch, so warm and safe and-! My heart skipped a beat. I could smell it; smell the blood running through the veins of her hand. Before I could stop myself I had grasped her wrist in my hand and pulled her close to me. Her body felt stiff under my touch, but I couldn't let go. Her smell was just too strong, too good.

Please leave a review with your thoughts, okay?
it will help me write better in the future^^

Again, please like /follow me if you enjoy my stuff:
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Twitter: WinnyArty
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Fanfiction: WinnifredArtemis
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