It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm fully aware that I need to update my other stories, particularly "Spectacular Act" and "Abandoned Love." I have not and will never forget those stories, because I will finish them. Some of you are probably like, "Why are you uploading a new story? Finish the other ones first! *throws kunai at me*" Haha, this is going to be a very short story, because it puts less pressure on me and easy to update considering drabbles are much shorter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this drabble story (I'll be updating the stories I listed above today, but the chapters won't be long, just letting you know in advance if you are a reader of those two, lol.)

Also, this story is based on chapter 700 in a way, but the pairings are different, considering this is a SasuHina story. Enjoy!


The winters had been a harsh one. Boruto had caught an awful cold from one of the academy students and spread his germs at home, leaving both Himawari and Hinata sicker than a wet dog. All week Hinata did everything she could to nurse her children back to health, while trying to get better herself. Both children did nothing all week but stay in bed. Boruto's room was covered in balled up tissue's whereas Himawari had tissues tucked under her pink pillow.

The stress level was steadily raising and her husband was nowhere to be found. Hinata knew Naruto was somewhere in his office buried under paperwork, while trying to manage files on his laptop.

They've been married for almost eleven years, and their marriage seemed to have been on standby mode ever since he became Hokage. The late nights became later and later as the months went by. There were some days he wouldn't come home at all. Boruto was constantly in trouble in school, acting out because he wanted attention from his father. He was taking it harder than Himawari.

In public, Hinata put on a smile as if everything were okay, but behind closed doors that smile turned upside down. Their marriage wasn't what it used to be. Naruto was growing distant. She could remember a time when he would show her so much affection. Now she's lucky to even hear three simple words, I love you.

The only person she had to talk about her problems was her sister. Hanabi was the only one that knew how Hinata truly felt. How she cried her eyes out at night from going weeks without seeing Naruto, the arguments that they've gotten into over Boruto's behavior, to the missed birthdays and anniversaries. Naruto just didn't seem to be juggling everything very well and it was breaking the family.

A gentle knock on the door disturbed her thoughts. She wiped her tear stained cheeks and opened the front door. Her eyes widened in surprise at the visitor. "Kurenai-sensei," she said, slowly.

Kurenai smiled. "Well, are you going to invite me inside?"

Hinata snapped out of her dazed stupor. "I'm sorry, come inside. I just haven't seen you in quite some time. I wasn't expecting this."

"I'm sorry for the pop in. I just wanted to see how you and the children are doing. Are they here?"

Hinata closed the door. "They're in their rooms sleeping. Himawari's fever has gone down a bit, but Boruto's is still high, unfortunately."

Kurenai's expression softened. "I'm sorry. If there is anything I can do, please let me know," she paused. "How are you doing, Hinata?"

"I'm fine," she said, walking towards the coffee table and picked up her cup of tea.

"Are you really okay? Having a husband that is Hokage must really be tough I imagine. He's been busy a lot and people are talking…"

Hinata flinched. She heard the rumors and there were plenty of them. In the beginning it was easy to ignore, but after a few months, she couldn't turn a corner without hearing some ridiculous gossip about their marriage. The worst rumor was that Naruto was tired of her and needed an escape, using his Hokage duties as an excuse. It wasn't true, but it still hurt.

"I assure you that everything is fine. Naruto is a very busy man now. I understand that his life is different ever since Kakashi stepped down as Hokage. He views the entire village as his family and wants to cater to everyone's needs. It's just how he is." Hinata smiled.

Kurenai narrowed her eyes. "There is a right way to handle things and then there is the wrong way. I'm sure Naruto doesn't realize what he is doing, but I can see it and so does everyone else. You're hurting. You cannot deny that by putting up a façade. I've known you far too long to see what's really behind your thoughts and actions. Shino and Kiba are worried too, but haven't said anything knowing you wouldn't want to talk about it," she sighed and took a step closer, placing her hand on Hinata's shoulder.

"I'f you ever need anything, I'm here." She smiled and left out the door.

Hinata stood there, lost in her own thoughts as tears began to slid down her cheek. She looked at the portrait of their family hanging on the wall. There was a crack that separated Naruto from the rest of the family when it fell years ago. Strangely enough, that glass cracked more and more each year. The pieces of their family was slowly turning into shambles, like crack pieces of glass.


"I'm home," Sasuke walked inside taking off his shoes. He looked down to see Sarada standing in front of the doorway, arms crossed with a scowl on her face. Sasuke tried to smile, but it didn't sway his daughter's expression. "I said I'm home. Aren't you happy?"

She huffed and turned her head away. "Why should I be happy? You're just going to leave again."

Sasuke knew both Sarada and Sakura didn't appreciate the fact that he was barely home. But truth in reality was that he felt more alive when traveling the world. At the same time, he was neglecting his family and he didn't see it until now. Seeing her black eyes stare up at him caused his heart to ache. He knew he needed to be a better father to her. She deserved better. After all, Sarada was his pride and joy.

He placed his hand on top of her head. "I'm sorry, Sarada. I didn't mean to make you sad."

Sarada's lips quivered, tears streamed down her eyes as she hugged her father. "I miss you, father."

Sakura peeked her head out of the kitchen, as her eyes widened in surprise. "Sasuke-kun, is that really you? Welcome home! It's been such a long time." She took off her apron and ran towards him.

He wrapped his single arm around his wife. It took some time to realize that he now has a family to call his own. He pulled away from his wife and daughter. They both looked so happy, and it did tug his heart for the briefest moment. Maybe it was time he stopped being a neglectful father and husband by piecing back the glass that once shattered.


Quick little author's note at the end. I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter. This story won't be very long, possibly only ten chapters and the length of the chapters may be around this length or less, depending on how things go. Sasuke and Hinata are both married, but I wanted to show a contrast of how things are now between the two and their families. Things will change and Sasuke and Hinata will interact in the next chapter!