It's one of those rare mornings where Bitto gets to stay in bed for as long as he wants; no interviews today, no rush, no noise, nothing. He woke up a while ago but hasn't moved an inch from his place as Manju is sleeping peacefully in his arms with her head placed directly over his heart. Looking at the clock on his side table realising it's 6am and sun is out, Bitto doesn't feel like going back to sleep. He ends up doing his favorite thing - gazing at his beautiful wife and thinking how on earth he got so lucky to have her in his life despite everything.

Bitto got lucky when he got his step in the door to world of media industry but it all happened after he got married to Manju. Call him superstitious idiot but he truly believes that Manju is his luck. With his lady luck on his side Bitto started to climb the ladder of success and got to the height of success which became an example itself. No journalist ha managed to climb to that level of success in such a short span of time. Through thick and thin, his life, his wife stayed by his side; even his flirting was forgiven though eventually. That is another story itself - flirting. A part of his job which he did enjoy as well, who wouldn't. Started from harmless flirting to which they would later laugh at. There had been moments where Bitto did cross the line but Manju, his beloved Manju still find it in her big, warm heart to forgive him. Bitto still marvels at how strong and kind she is and he cannot match that.

When some celebrities started to take interest in his Manju, that was moment Bitto realised how strong his feelings run for his wife. They didn't fall in love and got married, it was arranged but somehow since the day Manju stepped in his life, she completely changed his life and then they fell in love as any husband and wife. They are not confessing type of pair nor much PDA type of couple yet they managed to convey their feelings towards each other. The first time Manju displayed signs of jealousy Bitto was taken aback yet he felt his heart swell with happiness. Any doubts in his minds about Manju's feelings for him were gone that day. Bitto wouldn't admit but when that day Manju claimed him with such force and dominance he felt shy yet he completely fell for her all over again but harder.

Despite that Bitto never felt jealous because he had no reason until some of males celebrities shamelessly started to flirt with Manju in front of him. First time it happened Bitto had a sinking feeling yet he couldn't name it. When it happened the second time Bitto knew he was jealous and that day he actually managed to cut interview short. That night Bitto and Manju had a fight which was followed by a passionate make up and with realisation dawning at Bitto just how deep his feelings run.

"You are staring." Her sleepy voice brings him out of his thoughts.

"I am not."

"You are." A lazy smile spreads across his face and he bends his head down to drop a kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning, Mrs."

"Good morning to you too, Sharma ji." She places a small kiss on his chest before closing her eyes again.


"Hmm." She opens her eyes and looks at her dear husband.

"I love you." These three words which were always felt but never spoken out loud manage to knock wind out of her. So many emotions flicker through her face and finally settles with contentment.

"I love you too, Sharma Ji." There and then, he falls in love with her all over again.