
Hizumi yawned, and glanced at his best friend out of the corner of his eye. Ayumu was asleep, as usual, with his hands behind his head. Hizumi let his eyes follow the clouds and smiled. The wind ruffled his hair, and the grass was soft on his back. With everything going on between their brothers, it was nice to be able to just sit back, and relax.

The bell rang, but today was to nice to spend it indoors with a group of idiots. So he let Ayumu sleep, and pulled out his harmonica. The softly played music drifted on the wind, and he missed the approaching footsteps because of it. Pigtails sat down next to Ayumu, and said quietly, "Narumi-san is being lazy again."

Hizumi stopped playing for a moment to reply, "But with older brothers like our's, he deserves it."

She made a noise of agreement, and settled down into a more comfortable position. Hizumi began playing again, and the world silently turned on as three normal friends enjoyed an afternoon.