I give this story idea to my wonderful online best friend, TellTale777. This is for you. I'll work on it as much as I can, even with other stories in the way, but this is an amazing idea that she came up with so if anything, this credit goes to her. She gave me the ingredients, I'm just making the meal LMAO

Ok now onto the story everyone :)

It was a cold windy night outside the Nassau Coliseum arena. Annie grumbled angrily when she tried to drive home and there was a flat tire. And to make matters worse, there was going to be a downpour in 20 minutes.

"Un-fucking believable." She grunted, grabbing the tools she needed out the trunk of her car to get to work on the flat tire. Her 7 and 8 year old niece and nephew were watching her in the backseat of her car, while also playing with their WWE Merchandise. They had left the arena about 10 minutes ago as Annie took her niece and nephew to Monday Night Raw, seeing all the superstars and divas for the first time in action, since they were so use to watching it at home. She wanted to make them happy and be a good aunt. Not only that, she was off of work this evening and even with being an Alzheimer's caregiver, taking care of her mom on the regular, she still made time to make plans for tonight's event.

"Auntie Annie." Mya, her 7 year old niece called out to her, holding her fake Diva's Championship they bought at the event. "Are you sure you don't want to call Grandpa Michael?"

Annie sighed, knowing she didn't want to call her father, not after their last argument. She would never forgive the piece of shit that abandoned her and her mother.

"No sweetheart. Auntie Annie knows what she's doing." She smiled sweetly, despite that the frustration right now was giving her a headache when one of the nuts on the tire refused to loosen up.

"Auntie know what she doing. She's awesome like that!" Annie's 8 year old nephew named Xavier said.

Meanwhile, She just couldn't understand what was wrong with it and she refused to call Triple AAA. She knew how to fix a tire when she was 16 years old. Even though she's 30, she refused any help from anyone. She was not some weak little woman, despite that her height said different.

She saw a car pull up, the headlights shining in her face, her eyes wincing. She saw three guys come out and she almost felt the need to use that tire iron to defend herself and her niece and nephew.

"OH MY GOD! It's Dean Ambrose! He's part of the Shield!" Mya squealed happily. If there was one thing people should know about Annie's niece and nephew, they were huge fans of the Shield.

She looked to see that it was Dean Ambrose, and his other Shield brothers, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. They had a huge main event tonight against The Wyatt Family. Dean was known as the Lunatic Fringe, as others had called them. Even though she has watched wrestling with her niece and nephew, the only people she knew of was the Shield. She really didn't know anyone else that was part of the WWE on TV.

Dean smiled at the two children in the backseat, but he was more so looking at the short brunette who had her hair in a bun. The "I'm in a work mode" bun. He admit he was pretty exhausted from tonight and wanted nothing more than to go to his hotel room and crash for the evening, but when he spotted the woman having car trouble, he felt the need to help her.

Besides, how she was working the tire iron on one of the nuts, she was doing it wrong.

"You know you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that, sweetness. Let me try.." He offered, crouching down in front of her but she smacked his hand away.

"Back off, Ambrose. I'm perfectly capable of fixing my own car."

"Apparently not. Otherwise it would have been fixed in 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes, which is now going into 30 minutes as we speak." He smirked in a cocky manner, which irritated her to no end.

"What are you, a time keeper?" She rolled her eyes, huffing. "I've fixed a tire before. I don't need you or those Hounds Over there telling me what the fuck to do."

Seth shook his head, rolling his eyes. He was already tired and the stubborn brunette was not making it any better. "Look guys, if she doesn't need help, then let's just leave her alone-"

"It's clear she does." Roman intervened. "I'm telling you, you are close to slicing your ankle open like that, baby girl."

"No I am not, Reigns." She glared at him, trying to get that one nut loose from the tire. "Read. My. Lips. I. KNOW. WHAT. I. AM. DO-"

It was then she let out a screech when she banged her ankle on the side of the tire iron, loosing her balance. Before she fell on the ground, making it worse, she was caught by a pair of strong arms. She looked to see it was Dean Ambrose who caught her in time.

"Auntie, are you ok?" Her niece and nephew called to her from the backseat of the car.

Roman and Seth noticed the children in the backseat.

"Yeah she's ok. How about you guys come into our car while Mr. Ambrose helps your aunt?" Seth offered.

Annie glared at him. "I don't let my niece and nephew jump into a car with strangers, even if they are some celebrities."

"Awe come on Auntie Annie. They are the SHIELD. They are not just celebrities. They are the coolest celebrities, better than Jay Z and Lil Wayne!" Xavier smiled.

Seth chuckled warmly. "Thanks little guy, but we're just regular people. In the ring, that's just our act. Believe that." He winked at Mya, which made her blush as she put her tiny fist out with his. She did always thought Seth was cute, even if she was 7 years old.

Annie rolled her eyes laughing at her niece that she didn't even realize that Dean was still holding her up from when she bruised her ankle, which was still throbbing as she stood on it, pain shooting up her body, as she bit her lip to keep from crying.

A huge boom of thunder was starting to appear, the lightening making its appearance in the dark clouds. Annie wanted to get her niece and nephew home back to her brother before the storm began.

"Come on kids, we'll just call a cab." Annie told them firmly, trying to take care of the situation by herself.

But Dean wasn't having it. In fact, as crazy as it sounds, he actually liked how stubborn she was being right now wanting to be independent. That's how he was all his life, growing up in Cincinnati. If anyone asked, he told them that he was practically raised by wolves. But he made something of himself growing up in the streets. By starting his career in the WWE and he's been the top superstar since then.

He was starting to wonder even more about the long haired brunette beauty, that continued trying to fight him. Something about this woman intrigued him, despite that she was stubborn as hell.

"We're taking you home. That's it." Dean stated.

"I said, I'm fine with doing it myself! I don't want your charity." She gritted her teeth, wanting to use her other leg to kick him in his shin. She had too much pride to be asking for a man to help her.

"This isn't a charity. Your car doesn't work, and its starting to rain. Now you are coming with me." His blue green eyes bored into hers.

"..And if I don't?" She glared at him, her eyes holding that fire inside.

"Well then I just might have to punish you. And you don't want me to do that, now do you.." He rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb.

Annie felt her breath quickening, her heart beating a little too fast. Especially the way his voice got so deep and raspy and the color in his eyes darken.

However, getting ahold of herself, she slapped his hand away, glaring at him as she hobbled towards the rental car.

"Just take me and my niece and nephew home. If you or Roman and Seth even try ANYTHING, I don't give a damn how bad my ankle is hurting, I will have no problem fighting with the three of you, got it?" She glared at all three of them. But most of all, to Dean Ambrose, the smug bastard.

"Are we clear Ambrose?" She asked again.

Seth and Roman nodded in understanding but Dean just smirked even more, loving how hot headed she was being. But he changed the expression on his face, almost blank. "Crystal Clear, toots."

"Don't call me that." She growled as she got in the backseat of the car with her niece and nephew, as Seth was in the backseat with her and Dean and Roman sat up in the front. Mya and Xavier had already grabbed their stuff from the car as Dean got her purse and gave it to Annie, which she took from him.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"Don't thank me just yet, toots." He chuckled as Roman started up the car.

"Didn't I just say don't call me that. Are you getting senile?" She rolled her eyes.

"Nope. But if you don't like the name toots, I'm sure buttercup will fit you just fine."

Annie pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation as the men took them home.

"I'm this close to giving Mr. Smug Cocky Bastard here a black eye.." Her brain told her.

She shut off the voice for the moment. She just wanted to go home but she knew this much: Dean was not getting any favors in return so he would damn well expect and unwelcome turn down if he even thinks he was going to sleep with her for what he's done for her.

"No chance in hell.." She muttered.

Ok guys. This is the beginning to Ms. Annie and The Sexy Ambrose