His Knight: The Falsified King

Chapter Three: Hero'sMarch —All Hail the King!

It's been three days since the happenings in the promotion exams. The results of the written portion is yet to be announced but regardless, the value of the field tests mattered much greater than that. There is no denying the result of an actual duel, you're good if you win and otherwise if you lose. A bunch of the victors are confident they'd score high, never mind that being actually promoted is unclear thus far.

While most have gotten over the outcome of their respective matches, there still lingers some leftover tension between Manjoume and Johan from their last encounter. It's not like they've been in a much friendlier terms before, just that lately they've been more hostile —at least in the former's part, the latter was giving off gloomy vibes to virtually anybody despite being the victorious one.

The raven head's previous outburst remains unexplained to the majority of the campus population. Even his closest friends —sidekicks rather— failed to squeeze information out of him; receiving nothing more than a new set of colourful curses, comically widening their insult vocabulary, every time the topic is brought back up. He's clearly still pissed.

Johan, likewise, didn't say anything involving it. Heck he's being awfully quiet it's disturbing, he won't respond even to Sho or Misawa —his closest friends in the academy. Most hadn't noticed the slight change in him during the duel; but after the entire ordeal, it's like he's persona turned a full one-eigthy. The approachable cheerful nut-job was reduced to a sighing depressed nut-job. Unnamed witnesses claim his been mumbling things to himself a lot —which was technically both true and false.

Unfortunately for the two aforementioned, until the cat's out of the bag, the gossip mill would continue working.

Rumours have it that it's because Manjoume's just being the jerk that he is, hence his openly bitter actions about the whole thing; some with the more logical input thinks their resident overseas champion said something that set off the other's admittedly short temper. Although what exactly, they couldn't tell for sure.

Ah…but let's not forget that there are people who thinks like these two…

"We're telling you Asuka, it's so definitely U.S.T." aredhead by the name of Makurada Junko explained in a rather disturbingly delightful tone.

"And what is that?" the one she addressed to couldn't quite catch how their conversation turned from Johan's uncharacteristic behaviours to something Junko deems to be fangirl material.

"Unresolved sexual tension" their other companion, Hamaguchi Momoe, stated in a proud way —it's apparent in her face that she's thinking she just said the smartest thing in the world.

Torn between wanting to either face palm herself or her classmates, the blonde shook her head in disbelief 'Why was she friends with these two again?'

"I can so see it! They love each other but they're like totally afraid to show it!"

"Yeah~ like they express they're feelings for each other in literally the wrong way"

Asuka groaned. The next person she hears say any 'dumb blonde' jokes is gonna be shoved towards her so-called girl friends and she'd make sure they'd have a nice long chat.

Enough about the concerned brigade, let us return our focus to our lead character, Johan.

He isn't much of the eye-catchy protagonist he's supposed to be now though. The teen was laying on his back, staring furiously at the cloud-filled sky from one of his school's many heliports, he's at the one by the harbour. To hell with the weather who never went along with his moods, always mocking him by being so bright and jolly despite his anxious state. Brows knitted together in frustration, wrinkling his handsome features. He probably should stop that blaming-the-unaware habit. Johan sighed audibly.

The act, let alone the thought, of destroying cards brings back unpleasant memories. He's gone as far as conquering a countrywide championship title without needing to use a single destructive card since that faithful day three years back. It was careless of him to add Torrential Tribute on his deck —a mistake. But then he used it anyway, didn't he? Was he ever so hungry for a credited win he'd break his own set rules? Does the level of competitiveness in Duel Academia negatively affecting him?

Then shouldn't he just leave? He's already proven himself on a national stage, he could just go look for a sponsor that would help him become a pro. But then his situation won't change, will he be as troubled again should he face a situation with regards to eradication?

His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of large metal doors. They were fairly old so they'd be sure to make noise with the slightest of movements. Even with the Academia having state-of-the-art facilities, they still have unmaintained spaces. Areas like the heliport where he is at now, aren't really frequented by many because people normally never really had the need to go there save for the island's supply delivery crew. His PDA's student guide stated the staff ships from the main city only once a month, and so this spot had been his personal sanctuary ever since he noticed the lack of human activity to it some weeks ago.

Why'd he need one you ask? The most obvious reason would be his Duel Spirits. Johan can't exactly talk freely to them without sounding deranged to the norms, it's a bonus that it's wide enough to move around freely; especially for Amber Mammoth. Another would be due to his own episodes. Heavily hinting that it's for him to vent out his frustrations alone. We have already pointed out that the teal-head do not appreciate the use of destructive cards, apparently the same goes for his opponents and everybody else's.

He'd cringe inwardly every time he saw a duellist thoughtlessly use such tactic. If you ask him he'd say his reactions had mellowed down compared to before where in he'd barrage his piece of mind aloud, disregarding the fact that he'd be misinterpreted —ousted.

Yes, behind his accomplishments from his homeland, Norway, he'd been looked down upon. What kind of duelist berates his contender for his/her way of playing the game? Similar to if someone tells you to change because you're just plain wrong in a way. It would always be rude to the receiver.

Johan decide to call out the newcomer, just to shake off the negativities. The other didn't look like he'd be a bad guy. Hopefully...

"Hey there!" Johan called, effectively gaining the startled stranger's attention.

Flowing unruly mop of caramel-to-chocolate hair framing a delicate face invaded the foreigner's vision; fair skin tanned well enough not to look sickly, dark rimmed glasses resting along the bridge of a button nose, and behind this sat large brown eyes looking nervously at him…oops…what did he do?

Johan inwardly panicked, he didn't do anything wrong did he? Does he look intimidating to the other after all the depression he's going through? Accessing the circumstances, he assumed he most likely caught the other teen off guard. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

Now that he could think more clearly, he noticed that there's something familiar about the little guy.

"Have we met before?" he asked, which was met by a questioning expression.

"Really? I could swear I remember you from somewhere…"

The silence was uncomfortable.

"Well…ugh…hey, I haven't really seen you around" Johan scratched the back of his head, "Anyway…let's start over! Are you new here? I'm called Johan Andersen, you are?"


"You don't like to speak much do you? I'm cool with that" both the teal-head and the brunet have abandoned the roof deck and are headed to the chancellor's office, taking the woodland path —Johan claimed it to be a short-cut.

They silently navigated through the forest. Johan was walking a few steps ahead the other, nervously sweating bullets; oh what he wouldn't give to break this awkwardness. He'd been trying to start up a conversation since they left, he so far had no luck with it. 'Why is this so hard?'

"Since you're not so depressed anymore, isn't this a good thing?", Cobalt Eagle flew by his side. "You think?", he inquired back.

Unexpectedly, the stranger coughed once to voice his concern, "Is everything alright?"

Crap. Now he's gonna think Johan has a mental case. Is it too much to ask for there to at least be one other person besides him in this island who shares the same ability? They could be best buds and do fun stuff with their spirits, no one else could.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop…I'm sorry Sir Eagle"

"He called me Sir Eagle! Johan he's adorable, let's keep him!"

A twig snapped under the weight of Johan's boot.

Gasp. Turn.

"You can see him" he stated more than asked.

Blink. Nod.

"YOU CAN REALLY SEE HIM!" Johan was ecstatic.

And then suddenly, they were walking side by side…unseparated by the earlier invisible wall called distance. The boundaries have been breached. It was so easy to talk to the other —so easy to tell a story, how his stay at the Academia has went so far, how different his hometown was to Domino City; so easy to complain about the most random of things like the rude Yellows and Blues, questionable lessons they take in class —are they even needed for duelling? seriously...alchemy? no hard feelings Daitokuji-sensei.

Despite the brunet's reactions minimised to mere smiles and soft giggles. Johan was having fun. At some point in their one-sided conversation, Cobalt Eagle pulled himself away from the two. He returned to the side of his Gem Beast brothers and sisters, watching, grinning, plotting. Oh boy!

The Norwegian was even able to share his recent duel and how he reacted to it days after. He stopped walking, teal orbs growing more unfocused as he delves in deeper into his own thoughts and criticisms. The stranger also ceased further movements, worry for the taller male became apparent.

You see, Johan had the gift to see duel spirits for as long as he can remember. The exact date never mattered, young Johan was just happy that he was surrounded by a lot of friends —friends that no one else are able to decipher. In the early stages of his life, the people around him thought they were imaginary.

That's not right. Until now, even after all those years, everybody else thought he was making things up. He ended up pretending —hiding. He ignored the spirits that kept bothering him. As if he could make himself believe they weren't actually there in the first place. He locked his once colourful world deep inside a stone —his heart. Purposely shining on display for the masses to appreciate —unreal; fake.

But young Johan really wanted to have someone who'd believe him, someone he could let everything he kept inside out on. Preteen Johan almost lost hope.

3 years ago, he found someone like him. Preteen Johan thought he was a really cool guy. He spoke his words as if they were headline material, his strides are laid-back but his very stance exudes confidence.

How was he so sure he could see? Jerry Beans Man.

Giese Hunt kept looking at that one kid's duel spirit.

Jerry Beans Man belonged to a little boy in Johan's neighbourhood, much younger than himself. The spirit shows himself up every now and then to ask preteen Johan to play with his master, which isn't being helpful to Johan's predicament. If he talks to this spirit, everyone would think he'd gone mad. No one would like him —he'd lose all the friends he made.

Giese knew preteen Johan has the same ability.

He approached the teal-head and tried to gain his sympathy.

That they were on the same boat, experiencing isolation from the rest of the world —the world that suppresses whatever is different; whatever they deem to be an anomaly. But that's how it should be, he'd add; contradicting his very persona. No one else in the world would understand, people like Johan and Giese should be the one to adjust to better understand the world; to help the rest of the populace —because they were blessed with an incredible gift; they were destined to make a huge impact.

Johan got fascinated with Giese' stories, blindsided by the flowery words. He was young, a child, who could blame him? A child clings to the first person who shows them appreciation. And so when Giese told him that he knew of a way to help keep their secret power at bay, Johan readily assisted him.

They stole it from the kid.

Giese ripped the card.

Jerry Beans Man never bothered him again.

He couldn't. He's gone now.

"Why?" Johan stared dumbfounded "He was alive"

It haunted him, how the spirit begged him for salvation —how he contributed to this…murder.

"Keyword is was, kid"

He never saw Giese Hunt again.

The pain, the agony, they never left Johan. Not after making his name known through the continent as a rising duellist a year later. Even after receiving the Gem Beasts from Maximilian Pegasus. The first set of spirits he could claim as his.

He treasured them, loved them like a family would.

The guilt remains still. He vowed to never bring them harm —cherish them, protect them.

Not only his, but other's as well. The promise carried on to his duelling.

An atonement for his sin.

"I don't think it's wrong"

Johan poised in protest. This guy in front of him hadn't uttered a single syllable while he shared his side story; now he walks away and dares to agree on his mishap? While he didn't really expect the other to just listen to his ramblings and agree, he…He thinks he might've seen the other's eyes changed into a more golden shade which effectively held his train of thoughts, shutting him up effortlessly.

"That Giese guy was…but not the method you use in defeating that classmate of yours"

The next thing the foreigner knew, they're both activating their duel disks.


Johan: 4000 LP

?: 4000 LP


The glasses wearing kid's delicate fingertips pressed above his own deck securely locked in his outdated device —a Battle City issue disk model— "I'll start first, draw!"

"Wait. Wait. Stop!" Johan hastily drew his first five cards. He didn't know how opening up his issues to an innocent looking teen escalated to duelling the aforementioned. Either way, he isn't gonna back down on his first match since the one against Manjoume.

"I summon Elemental Hero Burst Lady in attack mode and set a card face down. Turn end" wielding an E-hero deck means his opponent should heavily rely on spell and trap cards to power up his monsters; a tricky choice with a wide range of attack patterns. Pinpointing how the other would be play his hand at this stage of the battle is impossible —not while too little is revealed— the teal-head noted. Interesting.

A grey-skinned heroine poised herself in front of the stranger, she was clad in a revealing fiery red spandex suit with asymmetrical boots and arm guards of the same colour. Atop her long black to smokey ombre hair rests a pointy gold head gear, a green coloured stone was embedded as its centre piece.

Elemental Hero - Burst Lady: ATK 1200 / DEF 800

"Pretty quick aren't you? Draw!" Johan shortly acknowledge his hand cards before deciding what to do, a number of scenarios ran in his head until he finally nodded to himself in approval. "I summon Amethyst Cat in attack position"

Gem Beast - Amethyst Cat: ATK 1200 / DEF 400

His ever trusted friend leaped gracefully on entry, but too bad for her, she won't be staying long. "You've triggered my face down, Trap Hole —the moment you called your feline to the field, she was destined to suffer the effect of my set card! Trap Hole allows me to destroy any monster normal or flipped summon with attack points of 1000 or more"

Johan's eyes widened a fraction, he couldn't do a thing, witnessing Amethyst Cat's untimely demise. Granted his Gem Beast's lasting effect keeps her off the grave and instead go to his spell/trap card zone, it doesn't change the fact that she was destroyed due to his own carelessness —helplessness. He walked her right into battle unable to defend!

As if to rub salt over the wound, the other continued on with his monologue "Judging by the fact that you summoned a monster equal to my Burst Lady's fire power, either you have a card in your hand that could have altered the circumstances or your creature had an effect that may have cost me my life points"

True. Amethyst does have such an ability, by halving her attack points she could have inflicted some damage. He also can't deny having a card that could have raised his monster's strength by 500 —M Force. Johan even had a clear vision of what he'll do for his next turn in case the brunet managed to summon a stronger Hero that would endanger his LP. He'd play his Crystal Flash —a spell that would've allowed him to send a Gem Beast from his handto his spell/trap zone then made his Cat indestructible by battle while reducing the differential hit through her to zero; in theory, this should've lead him to boost up his arsenal's swarm effect in the late game.

Everything crumbled down when his first move got disrupted. Four out of his six hand cards were rendered useless —Amethyst Cat, M Force, Crystal Flash and it's supposed sacrifice, Cobalt Eagle. The remaining options are Rare Value, which he couldn't use without at least 2 Gem Beasts set as continuous spell; and…E Force! He's still has fight left!

"If you had a card in your hand…no…in your deck that could've negated my face down, you could've saved your friend!"

"I can safeguard them just fine without having to destroy, I activate the magic card E Force! —I get to select Amethyst Cat from my spell/trap card zone and summon her again in attack mode!" with this move he regains access to his other spell cards.

Amethyst reappears as his vanguard, the pink furred cat visibly pissed at the opposing teen for her earlier abrupt exit. Burst Lady hissed at the feline. How dare this beast bare her fangs at her bespectacled duelist? Two hot-blooded head-butting females don't exactly have the best compatibility. A sigh escaped the smaller teen as he motioned to stop his hero's impending outburst "My apologies, I had to use you to set as an example for your wishful-minded master"

Gem Beast - Amethyst Cat: ATK 1200 / DEF 400

"You can see them too, you can feel them…you know they are alive..." Johan needed no further affirmation before pressing forward. "Then how can you treat them that way?! I activate M-Force to boost my beast's attack points by 500 and engage her in battle"

Gem Beast - Amethyst Cat: ATK 1200 — 1700

A fading war cry could be heard from the now fallen heroine.

Johan: 4000 LP

?: 3500 LP

"That wasn't so bad now, was it? In exchange of sending my E-Hero to the grave, you get to keep your monster longer. How is my approach any different from yours?"

"Our methods are not the same! At least I gave Burst Lady a fighting chance by facing her head-on"

"Results are what matters"

"Even so, it's better being on equal grounds…I set a card face down, turn end"

"If the only way to rescue your family is by degenerate means, would you rather let them down than stain your hands?"

Like most students, Misawa had been busy pondering —scratch that, Misawa does not ponder…he hypothesises— what could have gone between the two mass-acclaimed freshmen top duelists. He decided to take a stroll around the forest portion of the campus a bit for a breather, thinking over his batch mates' personal problems isn't really gonna do him good. This Ra is just curious, is all. He has yet to duel Ichiban-kun, further investigations are needed; he tried to convince no one in particular.

His feet aimlessly carried him a few feet away to witness Johan's current duel against some guy he has never seen before. He suddenly stopped walking and stealthily hid himself behind a nearby tree, as to why he did so; instincts? Ha! As if Misawa uses instincts, everything he does is logical.

Misawa positioned himself so that most of his body was hidden from view if ever either of the two glanced his way. Slicked-back head poked out slightly from the trunk, getting himself a decent enough view. The conversation however, he couldn't make out.

"What you spout are but naivety, you may have lucked out until now…but the duelling world isn't such a gentle place" his words struck, albeit somewhat harshly, on Johan's heartstrings. "Who cares if your methods are twisted? If it's to protect my friends, I'd destroy without second thought" they were spoken with such conviction, you'd highly doubt they came out of a frail looking person.

Isn't this considered hypocrisy? To destroy, to protect?

"I draw" the clearing went quiet. No wind gust could be heard, no soft rustling of leaves, it was almost eerie; as if nature itself anticipates his opponent's next move. Tiny beads of sweat began forming in Johan's forehead.

The stranger regarded his card for a few seconds. Irises glimmering a gold shade —or was it the light reflecting his glasses?— before returning to their original warm brown. "I summon Elemental Hero Featherman in attack position...I then activate the spell card Miracle Fusion" Of course, the most convenient summoning of their generation is through fusion. It's not a new concept Johan is unfamiliar with, he has battled lots of them before; from Asuka's Cyber Girls to Sho's Roids. He can't claim to be an expert of it, seeing as he has none in his deck, but he has proven time and again his swarm could handle them.

"This card let's me banish the fusion materials I need, either from the field or from the grave, to special summon from my extra deck. Come! Flame Wingman!"

Elemental Hero - Flame Wingman: ATK 2100 / DEF 1200

A new hero emerged from the union, he looked like a hybrid of a red fire-breathing dragon and a green winged beast —all buff and muscular like how most comic book heroes are depicted. His Cat can't hold a candle against that guy. Even with the M-Force boost, she wouldn't be able to retaliate…but with his face down, she could survive this turn. Yes, he could still beat him.

As his opponent entered his battle phase, Johan wasted no time taking action. He'd either win this or go down trying!

"I activate my quick play spell Crystal Fla-"

"Whoever said I was done? From my hand I play the trap Spell Jammer…by discarding Necroshade I can negate your play and continue my attack"

Johan: 3600 LP

?: 3500 LP

"Furthermore, when Flame Wingman successfully destroys an opponent monster by battle, he can inflict direct damage to my opponent equal to the attack of the destroyed monster...Amethyst Cat had 1200 plus the additional 500 she gained prior"

Johan: 1900 LP

?: 3500 LP

From that one turn, everything crumbled. Johan's tactics wouldn't connect. They got intercepted before being given the chance to show their true worth. Is that how he'd been duelling so far? He'd been suppressing his own potential. From his pretence as a kid, to his denial as an adolescent…they were for only for show.

His Gem Beasts aren't just beautiful displays, they have a deeper value —they can do so much more. He needs to let the world know that; let them understand. Giese was wrong, Johan truly was naive back then.

*One's nature is revealed in a duel, it reflects the person's heart.

He needs to change- No. He needs to go back to what he was originally meant to be.

*Nobody can lie in a duel.

He can't lie to himself anymore.

Even with Johan surviving for another round, there isn't really anything he can do to reverse the situation. That fusion monster on the other side of the field, having over 2000 attack points, beckons him to make a move —silently telling him no matter what, it's going to be a futile action.

He drew a card and saw it was Amber Crystal Circle. Johan can't use it without Amber Mammoth. Even if he placed Cobalt Eagle in defence, he wouldn't hold out long enough for a comeback miracle to happen; especially with Flame Wingman's burn effect. Rare Value won't be able to assist him still, he only had Amethyst Cat in the spell/trap card zone. As for the rest of his life points, his opponent could always tribute summon a high level monster to do that job since Necroshade is on the grave.

"If the capable shows weakness, how does he expect the fragile to act strong?"

'Capable alone is not enough to define this stranger…he was the very personification of the word strong', was Johan's unvoiced opinion. The two-toned brunet stood there all regal and prominent, his free hand raised in command —much like a king handing judgment upon his impudent subject. He felt the urge —the need— to cower and bow down, but he was caught in a trance and just openly stared as Flame Wingman's attack mercilessly drained the last of his life points, henceforth concluding their duel.

Johan: 0 LP

?: 3500 LP

Misawa, from his hiding spot, froze. The Norwegian champion just got himself beat. No one has ever done so since their month long stay at the Academia; neither a professor nor a Blue could halt his winning streak. Now some anonymous person marches in and claims victory over the most celebrated Red ever.

"I better tell the others..."

After some time, Johan finally notices that the solid visuals were already powered down. The teal-head lowers his sight towards the deck holster of his disk, absorbing the outputs of the stranger he still don't know the name of. His hand moved to pick up his cherished deck —his precious friends— mindlessly caressing Ruby's card as it lay on the topmost. He no longer feels troubled.

Johan motioned his gaze to his victorious companion only to find him already gone. A single stray tear escaped one of his eyes. Furiously rubbing his face with his long sleeve, he smiled gently and whispered his heartfelt gratitude to thin air, somehow knowing in his heart that he'll meet the other again pretty soon.

"We've gotta thank him properly next time"

"Rubii bi~" was Ruby's enthusiastic response, the other spirits are equally as delighted.

Somewhere in the Academy island, runs the missing-in-action victor, he manoeuvred into the woods as best as his not-so-athletic body could. Those gifted with the ability to see monster spirits should perceive alongside him were the forms of Ice Edge —whom had sparkles in his eyes—, Knopse —a giggling mess— and Hane Kuriboh —hovering around the earlier noted E-Hero juniors in joy. The three childishly boasting how cool their duelist was amongst each other, not that any of them would state otherwise.

When the brunet deemed himself far enough from his former adversary, he ceased his movements; abruptly crouching down to cover his blushing face. The spirit trio snapped quick gazes at each other before refreshingly beaming at the flustered teen —with flowers, glitters and all "Judai is the coolest and the cutest~"

Come the following day, the news of Johan's defeat have spread like wildfire. Speculations as to who did it rose from all over, of course there was also the question if it was even true. A certain underling combo were first to approach Manjoume in relation to the issue at hand. They were confident it was him; strings of curses roared through the huge halls of the Obelisk dwellings.

Nope. Not him.

To be continued…


*Original Japanese name vs English name:

Featherman is Avian

Burst Lady is Burstinatrix (4kids deemed her original costume as unsuitable for young audiences and made her wear a full bodysuit instead in the dub)

Crystal Flash is already the english name, the literal translation for the original name should've been Gem Flash but you might confuse it with the trap card Gem Flash Energy or the more popular spell GEM Burst —which was named as GEM Flash! insome prints in the earlier TCG in reference to HERO Flash!

Magic Jammer also is in TCG already, some might recognise it by it's other name Spell Jammer. I needed a reason to discard Necroshade (Necrodarkman in the OCG) to emphasise how Judai could have more options in case Johan managed to beat his current field...and I really wanted to show how much myversion!Judai can overpower myversion!Johan…

*The lines "One's nature is revealed in a duel, it reflects the person's heart" and "Nobody can lie in a duel" are both quoted from GX episode 20, as stated by the Japanese dubbed Ryou and Judai respectively.

*chapter edit: I can't believe I messed up Flame Wingman's effect...OF ALL CARDS, SERIOUSLY?...problem fixed...

*No I do not ship Manjoume x Johan…if you do, I'm sorry this fic isn't for you…I don't have anything against that ship but SpiritShipping is love. Expect other ships to fly around, but nothing too major…mostly for the laughs~

*How's my OOC Judai? Physically fragile, yes…I need him that way, otherwise he'll be really OP. And as his actions suggest, he'd be having a king-esque attitude whenever the heat of a moment carries him away, later he'd be embarrassed…he's a troubled little fellow, bare with him okay~^^ HOORAY I finally could start some real SpiritShipping in this story…let's pray I don't get lazy enough to withhold this fic again for another year…I'm starting with chapter4 already~

*My brain got fried with Junko and Momoe…I am not making them speak again anytime soon! Hopefully I wouldn't need them at all, although they're at the same time fun to write because I could go crazy with them…now I'm confused

*Also, I'm still debating whether to make Manjoume anime-like or manga-like; a small FYI for those who don't know, he was the deuteragonist in the manga-verse and he had similar issues to anime-verse but was more serious. His duel spirit there was Light and Darkness Dragon, he didn't have the Ojamas, and he was never a comic relief; manga!Manjoume is capable of beating manga!Judai.

*this chapter is unedited and may contain grammatical and continuity errors, feel free to point that out in a review or pm, I'll try my best to fix it.

*sorry for not replying to any of the reviews…it just feels like it's too late to answer

suggestions and criticisms are always welcome~ dropping a simple "good job" would make me really happy…thank you, have a nice day~