004 was an idiot. Hesitating against 0011, now wanting to save 009 ... 002 knew this was a mistake. By now the kid was probably wired to explode if he tried to run.

Trying to rescue the kid would just end in heartbreak.

Just like visiting their past homes, which they were two for two in encounters with agents and weapons of Black Ghost. The fact they were in Germany was enough to make him on edge. 004 didn't seem bothered, but nothing really fazed the older man.

003 had been attacked while the rest of them had been lounging around the Dolphin. It had been worrying enough that 007's old acting troupe had come under attack, but having 003 get tagged with some hallucination causing disk ... it was oddly more disturbing to him.

Naturally, no one listened to him when they decided to split up, Dr. Gilmore wanted to check on an old acquaintance named Dr. Gerhardt that might be able to help with medical supplies, and somehow 006 had convinced 004 to go to a place on the outskirts of the Black Forest along with 007 for some ridiculous festival the small town had, 003 was still not quite recovered and had remained on the Dolphin with 001.

Which left only him, 005 and 008 if something went wrong with the Doctor's old friend.

Which, naturally, it did go wrong, because of course Dr. Gerhardt had joined up with Black Ghost because he had issues with Dr. Gilmore.

And they ended up tied to a wall.

"002? Shut up." 008 sighed as 002 finished his long complaint. "Besides, nothing happened when we stopped by New York."

"We didn't stay there long, just for 006 to get our pantry restocked." 005 added. "Not enough time for them to attempt an attack."

"Exactly my point." 002 grumbled.

"I really don't understand why he's doing this..." Dr. Gilmore was cuffed to a chair near them.

"Apparently, he's bitter about something you did, what's to understand?" 002 can't help but be annoyed at the older man, though it's not his fault they got caught.

"Quiet." 005 interrupted.

"This is an outrage!" Gerhardt slammed through the door. 009 followed behind, looking exasperated, it was more of an expression than he'd had in Tokyo. "The instant those cyborgs arrive, you neutralize them so I can kill Isaac!" Gerhardt ordered.

"Yes sir." 009 paused. "What are you doing, Doctor?" Gerhardt had moved to a console and began tapping keys.

"Making sure it won't be easy! We don't have to get all of them!" A warning light began flashing. "I'm releasing the experimental bio weapons."

"Gerhardt, you can't do that, what if they get to the town?!" Gilmore demanded.

"He has a point, with the automated guns down, they'll be able to escape the grounds." 009 added, taking a step back. "I'll see what I can get back online."

"No!" Gerhardt glared at 009. "I don't care anymore! I've waited long enough for this, and you have to obey me!"

Clearly Gerhardt was loosing his mind if he couldn't stay focused. 002 glanced up at 005 to see the larger man slowly working the manacle loose.

"009, don't listen to him! You don't have to obey him, we can help you!" Dr. Gilmore shouted, which was mildly surprising. 009 also looked as if he hadn't been expecting Gilmore to speak to him.

"Silence!" Gerhardt pulled a gun and shot at Gilmore.

There was a moment where 002 was sure he was going to see Gilmore dead. Instead, when he turned his head to look, 009 was covering the Doctor with his body.

"What the hell?!" 002 stared at 009. As far as he knew, it wasn't normal for a Black Ghost operative to take a bullet for any one. He brutally stomped down the part of him that wondered if there was hope for the other cyborg.

"009?" Dr. Gilmore questioned and 009 pulled himself up slightly.

"Are you alright?" 009 asked.

"I'm fine." Dr. Gilmore was surprised.

"Good." 009 pulled back, then his expression just seemed to blank before he looked at Gerhardt. "What part of 'after' did you not understand?"

"Considering he doesn't have to be alive when they get here, your insistence on him living is intriguing, and treasonous."

009 actually flinched at that, and a second later collapsed with a cry, electricity crackling around him.

"009! What are you doing to him?!" 008 shouted. 002 cursed.

"What, did you think they wouldn't take measures to ensure his obedience after you rebelled?" Gerhardt chuckled. "You failed this one, Gilmore."

The electricity cut off, and 009 struggled up. "Cyborg Soldier 009." Was all he said despite their attempts to get his attention.

002 felt sick. 009's eyes were vacant, and all he could think was that he would have preferred it if the other had been wired to explode.

"009 ..." Dr. Gilmore looked pained.

One of the consoles shorted out. Gerhardt howled in pain, clutching his arm; 009 was suddenly next to him, hand outstretched, having knocked a remote out of his hand.

"I'm sorry." 009 just looked at him sadly before touching a button that released the captive cyborgs. Gerhardt turned and ran.

"009?" Gilmore immediately tried to check the younger cyborg. 009 just pulled away.

"We need to stop the experimental weapons." 009 looked at the consoles. "Security systems are shorted out, 002, gonna need you in the air. Need to keep them in the grounds, there's a way to control them, I think." He stumbled slightly.

"You're hurt." 005 reached out to support him, but he pulled away.

"How'd you get over that obedience thing?" 008 asked, and 009 flinched and looked away.

"All it really does is give them a chance to subdue me before I can run. Flipping my accelerator makes me think again. If Gerhardt tells Black Ghost, they'll do something worse."

"Then leave."

"I can't, Dr. Ross ..."

"He's alive?!"

"Only one spared during your escape." 009 turned and headed towards the stairs, "We need to hurry."

002 followed him up. This was not going to end well, he just knew it. 005 and 008 were on his heels.

009 noticed they were following, and actually dropped back a little.

"They're mostly chimeras, mixes of animals with cybernetics added in. Laser eyes and flame throwers are the extent of it. Some were kept hungry." He reported, and 002 snorts.

"Of course they were. What are you doing here?" He has a good guess why.

"They wanted me to test the viability of the experimental animals." 009 explained. An explosion ahead had them hurrying to see a lot of animals, which saves 002 from having to react.

Apparently it's actually just a coincidence 009 is here this time. 002 isn't sure he believes it.