This has absolutely nothing to do with my Phantom/Pandora's Box series. This is just a tiny 'what could be' that I got after watching the episodes of the 2001 series with Dr. Gamo.


Cain only had an instant to act, as he was shoved through time. He flung himself to one moment, one instant, where things could have gone very differently.

009 lay on the table, wires connecting him to computers which were programming his robotic parts- thousands of lines of code for just a second of acceleration power.

Soon, he knew, 001 would call to 009, waking him and testing him as 001 and the others were completing the escape plan they had already started. Dr. Gilmore was already in place, and if the 00 cyborgs were to have any hope of escaping, everything would have to go without a single hitch.

He had seen it, in their memories, they would have left 009 if he had been unable to be woken, oh, some of them wouldn't have wanted to do it, would have regretted leaving him to Black Ghost while they escaped, but they would have left rather than have the doors of opportunity close.

Cain smiled down at the unconscious 009.

It was only one moment, barely an instant in reality, but Cain reached out with his powers-

/I can't wake him./ 001 alerts those with him and Dr. Gilmore.

"We'll have to leave without him, they're coming to take us back now."

"He's right, we won't get another chance."

"What does Dr. Gilmore think?"

/Some sort of energy spike from the computer, they have to fix all his codes, and he won't be able to wake until those codes are correct, to avoid straining his mind and body./ 001 sucks hard on his pacifier. /We'll have to escape now and come back for him later./

"We know nothing about this guy, why should we bother?"

"They're here!"

-and everything was changed.

Looks like I have the last laugh, 00 Cyborgs! Cain laughed, even as he felt his existence begin to fade. It had taken everything he had left, and he wouldn't be able to jump back far enough in time to preserve his existence, but he had had his revenge.

From what I understood of the first episode, 001 through 008 had escaped while they were working on 009, regrouping at a certain spot. When they woke up 009, 001 guided him to them, just as the group responsible for bringing them back in arrived. With that in mind, while none of them would have been happy about it, they wouldn't have gone all out to try and rescue some stranger they didn't know a thing about, in favor of escaping while they could.

Of course, none of them would ever acknowledge that the thought had crossed their minds, putting it away into the darkest part and pretending they never thought it.