A/N: Chapter one of the remake is pretty short, but I hope you like it anyways!

All in the golden afternoon

Full leisurely we glide;

For both our oars, with little skill,

By little arms are plied,

While little hands make vain pretence

Our wanderings to guide.

"All in a Golden Afternoon..." - Lewis Carroll

The gentle swaying of the boat and golden sun of this afternoon were lulling Alin Liddell to sleep.

"You mustn't fall asleep here." He could hear his mother tell him. "What would happen if you accidentally fell overboard?"

"Then...father could catch me before I fell." Alin cast his gaze towards his father...oh dear...Perhaps he was starting to doze off quicker than he thought. He can barely recognize his father anymore. His image is so blurry, perhaps his eyes were wet from yawning so much. Looking to were his sibling sat next to their father, their image was also too obscure to make out.

Alin must be more tired than he thought.

"Then I'll leave it to father to catch me before I go overboard." He yawned. "Right now...I want to sleep...in this Golden Afternoon..."

Opening his eyes, their stood before him a newly marked grave.

Here Lies Alice Liddell.

A loving mother and wife.

"How long is forever?"

'Sometimes...just one second...' Alin wonders where the response to mother's question came from. He certainly remembers hearing it before, but who was it that told him exactly?

Near Alice's grave stood many others. Amongst them was his father's grave...his father? Who was he again?

The graves of twenty-four men lie near hers and one of them was most certainly his father's. But for some odd reason, he can't seem to remember who his father was.

"I admired him I'm sure." Alin told himself. "He was a good husband to mother and a good father to me and..." To him and who, exactly?

Alin has a sibling to be sure.

They were a happy family of four.

At least...he thinks that was the case.

Had there always only been the four of them?

"Hey, hurry it up!" He could hear his sister shout at him. "If we stay any longer, those Mirror Knaves will appear again!"

"We know how much you loved mother, but now isn't the time to mourn. If you die, mother will surely be sad!" His brother told him.

'Right,' he thought, 'there's always been twenty-five of us. I have twenty-four siblings, not one. And today, we've all come to mourn for mother.'

But hm...something about that didn't seem quite right, did it?

"Come on, Alin!" His siblings weren't going to wait for him any longer and dragged him back to their home, their sanctuary from the ghastly world Wonderland had become.

Perhaps he's just tired...that's right, that must be it. There was nothing strange about his family, he's just been tired from all that has happened lately, and is confused from a silly daydream he had.

After all, there really always has been twenty-five of them...