Slowly.. my vision began to clear up, I slowly rose up but flinched when I noticed someone standing infront of me, but I soon realized who it was...

There infront of me stood Fou-lu with his back turn.

"Thy hath awakened.. Dragon Seerer.." Fou-lu said as he turned around to look at me, I noticed we were outside and very high up, but I do admit, it was beautiful.

Fou-lu kneeled down. "Thy hath traveled far, I can sense thy power has grown... Thy needeth forgive me for putting you so much torture.. For you see, the power you wield came from me..."

I blinked a few times, finding it hard to believe.

"You see, The power of an endless can change a mortal. You.. however seem to be a speciel kind.. Thy aura was unclear to me when we first met but now it hath changed and taken a new shape. I cannot say it is that of an endless for your aura is far to unique. I can sense that Thy mind hath been corrupted."

I nodded a few times as I got up onto my back paws, I slowly transformed back into my human form.

"Your aura... changed again.. I see now.. The power you hath absorbed from me grows little by little every time you transform and it has had a change in your mind..." "Fou-lu said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Join me, Dragon Seerer.. For when I rejoin my other half, I shall rid the world of the mortals."

I knocked his arm away from my shoulder. "No, Fou-lu... "

He merely stared at me with a blank expression.

"You don't understand... this..." I began to say but I let out a heavy sigh. "You cannot blame the mortals for what they had become, it is in their nature, but there is two kinds of natures.. Humans can be cruel but they can be kind can passionate.. even to a total stranger." I said. I reached into my pocket as a lost memory returned to me. "This was given to me by Mami who healed me back to full heal, even though I looked like a small helpless dragon whelp. So Fou-lu, reconsider your thoughts carefully

At that moment, had gotta be the longest of silence I have ever heard.

Fou-lu began to softly laugh to himself, but nothing else.

Just then, a blue haired person and a group of varias beings came in.

I looked straight at Ryu as my head began to hurt..

"R-...Ryu?" I quietly self before a wave of pain washed over my mind.. my mind felt like it was struggling and fighting, I could feel memories returning to my mind, only to be lost again.. But whatever was in my head that was fighting.. had managed to win.. My memory began to become clear to me, but I began to breath deeply and panic, realizing what unholy hell I had went though and the attitude I had shown..

I soon remembered that a battle was going to erupt that'll determine the fate of this world. I bowed my head and walked past Ryu...

At that moment, it felt as if time has frozed for a split second.

Ryu's eyes went wide as his mouth hang open, but shook his head to clear up his confusion.. I didn't understand what had happend, but that didn't matter. I was not needed and I honestly believe I had changed this story enough as it is.

Fou-lu began his speech, I knew them all to well word per word, afterwards they had a small battle but I watched from a distance and away from Ryu's friends.

Everything else fell in like a domino effect like a replayed movie.. Except that Fou-lu was alot more complete and stronger, but Ryu's will was stronger than Fou-lu's.

I continued to watch as Ryu and his friends had a battle with Fou-lu and his draconic transformations.. there were times I wanted to step in because of fear of Ryu losing.. But eventually the outcome was decided and Ryu absorbed Fou-lu.

But what surprised me was that Fou-lu?.. I didn't know which one considering that the two had become whole.

"Dragon Seerer.. You have been through so much... No, I know that isn't your name.." Ryu said.

I stutted with my words and my thoughts. "Y-you're right... I'm.. not who you think I am.. I.." I stopped in mid sentence as I bowed my head feeling so ashamed of the lie I had carried.

Ryu placed his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry.. I'll be fixing this mess and sending you home.." Ryu said as he took his hand awat from my shoulder, he walked over to the edge and began to glow a serene golden color. As Ryu's body levitated into the air, I felt a insane amount of power and I felt my body begin to fade...

Total Darkness was all around me...


Suddenly I woke up with a startle as I found myself back home.. My small pathetic RV... Was this all just a dream I just had?

I got up and ran outside.. there were no storms, no rain.. nothing from of the world I had witnessed...

As much as I believed for it to be all hell of a dream.. I began to laugh quietly.. then began to laugh a bit more louder.

"I can't believe all this was just one dream, I must be coming down with a sickness or something." I said as I stepped up back into my RV. But my relief was soon denied as I looked in the mirror.

My eyes... They were a darker color of red...

It actually happend... it really did happend...

I sat down on the only seat I had in the small bathroom.. or shower.. wishever you prefer to call it considering its small size. I... eventually accepted the truth.. I now held a power that was not mine.. a power I had struggled to learn and control, now that power is mine in the real world.. But.. would my memories fade again when I transformed?... No, perhaps that was because my mind couldn't handle the power at first. I must learn to control and improve it. Afterwards, I need to seek answers as to why I was sucked into that world. Will I find out or will all of this turn out to be some kind of mistake caused by a freak accident?

One thing was sure, I am no longer human or considered normal, I am now more than just Another Being.

(Thanks everyone for reading my fanfic even though you didn't comment, this is the end of Breath Of Fire: Another being, I hope you enjoyed it despite the minor grammar or spelling errors, it was difficult to write this story but thanks to one person who commented, I was encourage to keep going. Who knows? I might make a sequal, assuming people will read it, I do admit I can't be clever with my choice of words and make it fully detailed like the more populer stories, but I enjoyed writing this story despite the flaws of my well being. So yea, thanks again! I hope to see your comments on any future stories I make. ^^)