A/N: I'm bored, and sick and just got done watching Frozen for the millionth time. This popped into my head. Drabble.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Frozen or Rise Of The Guardians. (Sadly)

I'd Do It Again

"I'm sure we all could've been friends," The Queen, covered head to toe in a breath-taking blue gown, said as the four of them silently observed each other.

"In another dimension," continued the young male with snow white hair, a sturdy tree branch next to his crouched figure.

"Another world." Hinata finished, a hand over her heart as she remembered how she was killed.

Spinning red eyes glanced to the sky, the endless black above them all. They were all dead, Itachi knew. They all died with only one thing in common. That's why there were here, together. "For our younger siblings, we perished. Gave up our life, happiness and dreams." His voice sounded peaceful, not holding any anger as one might have thought.

"I'd die again if it meant my sibling would be safe," All four voices declared together in unison before glancing around the circle with small smiles and smirks.

A/N: I might write a Jack/Elsa fic in the near future. We'll see if I finish my other 4 on-going stories :)