Alejandro vs. Sam

Summary: This next match has the TDW World Heavyweight Champion "El Diablo" Alejandro Burromuerto looking to get some revenge on Sam Miller.

Disclaimer: Rated M for Violence and Language. ENJOY!

The crowd was ready for the next match.

"Welcome back as we are live from the campus of the University of Arkansas at the Bud Walton Arena." JR said before "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica plays while Alejandro came out to loud boos.

"Here he is, The TDW World Heavyweight Champion, Alejandro got out of South Philly alive." Mauro said before the bell rang.

"The following contest is set for one-fall! Introducing first, from Barcelona, Spain... weighing in at 245 Pounds... he is the TDW World Heavyweight Champion... "El Diablo" Alejandro Burromuerto!" Justin Roberts announced.

"Alejandro got lucky this past Saturday in South Philadelphia, when he had his older brothers rescue him in his brutal war against Shane Douglas." JR said to Mauro.

"It was just a shocking and hardcore championship match, but is Alejandro going to get a win against Sam Miller?" Mauro said back before he asked JR.

"I don't know, Sam Miller got lucky last week in that tag team match but in singles action, Alejandro should have the upper-hand." JR said before Alejandro entered the ring as his music stopped playing before the "Super Mario Brother's" theme song began to play as Sam Miller came out wearing an Arkansas Football jersey receiving a standing ovation from the crowd.

"Look at this JR!" Mauro said to JR.

"Sam Miller receiving a heroes welcome from Hog Country!" JR said to Mauro.

"His opponent, from London, Ontario, Canada... weighing in at 252 Pounds... "The Gamer" Sam Miller!" Justin Roberts announced.

"Last week Sam Miller pinned the TDW World Heavyweight Champion in tag team action but Sam needs more than a rollup to prevail." JR said to Mauro.

"He told me earlier that he's been working on a new move for tonight." Mauro said to JR.

"Really?" JR asked Mauro.

"Yeah." Mauro answered JR while Sam entered the ring as Alejandro handed his belt to the timekeeper before the bell sounded as the match officially began.

"This match is underway." JR said before Alejandro and Sam grappled in the collar and elbow tie-up before Alejandro nailed a snapmare takedown before he nailed a running knee to Sam's face.

"Oh!" The crowd groaned.

"What a knee by Alejandro." Mauro said before Alejandro nailed another knee to Sam's face before Alejandro nailed a snap German Suplex, then Alejandro nailed a jumping elbow drop to Sam's back.

"Alejandro's cold streak finally ended when he beat Shane Douglas when it mattered." JR said before Alejandro nailed another jumping elbow drop before he attempted El Santo Grail but Sam countered with a back body drop.

"Sam Miller with a counter and like Super Mario... he is not going down without a fight." Mauro said before Sam nailed lefts and rights to Alejandro before he nailed a few arm drags and nailed a few hip tosses to the TDW World Heavyweight Champion.

"Look at Sam go!" JR said before Sam nailed a powerful spinebuster called the "Bowser Buster" as the crowd was fired up.

"This crowd in Fayetteville, Arkansas could be seeing an upset." Mauro said before Sam nailed Alejandro with "Gamer Drop", as Sam could beat Alejandro again.

"Gamer Drop! Could Sam be this close to be beating the TDW World Heavyweight Champion for the second week in a row?" JR said before Sam pinned Alejandro as the ref began the count.

"1...! 2...!" The ref counted before Alejandro powered out at two before Alejandro nailed a spinning heel kick, a snapmare takedown, a superkick, and then the El Santo Grail onto Sam.

"Alejandro with El Santo Grail!" Mauro said before Alejandro pinned Sam.

"1...! 2...! 3...!" The referee counted as Alejandro won the match.

"Here is your winner... the TDW World Heavyweight Champion... "El Diablo" Alejandro Burromuerto!" Justin Roberts announced before Daniel King came out.

"Hey... Alejandro, good match not only from you but also from Sam." Daniel said to Alejandro.

"Listen, I just got word about who the special guest referee is for your rematch against "The Gothic Nightmare" Ennui Wilson for the TDW World Heavyweight Championship in a few weeks at Christmas Miracle..." Daniel said as the crowd cheered.

"Now, this special referee is from Houston, Texas... he is one of the all-time greats in the wrestling industry." Daniel said building anticipation until he had enough.

"It is this man..." Daniel said before the lights went out causing the crowd to roar loudly as if the Arkansas Razorbacks were winning the national championship.

"No! It can't be!" JR said to Mauro.

"It might be!" Mauro said back before the Undertaker's signature gong went off three times before the lights turned back on as "You're Gonna Pay" by Jim Johnston began to play as The Undertaker came out to loud roars of cheers.


"Alejandro may be champion for now... but he may paying for his pins soon, thanks to big evil!" Mauro said to JR.

"Up next we will have The TDW Tag Team Champions The Surfers taking on The Empire in tag team action." JR said before the camera faded to black.