The Rescue

It was peaceful in the valley where Norisu Village stayed. The people were cheerful, there was laugh and play, and surrounded by the villages sole protectors: The Ninjas. They have watched over the village, inspiring people to be strong and do good as well as protect them from those who disrupt the peace. But then, everything has changed when explosions of thunder and fire descended and started destroying the village, causing a riot. Soldiers in black tech-advanced armor started to kill the ninjas one by one and enslave people who are helpless against them. But one Ninja, Randy, attempted to help Shogun's daughter WIn Suzume out of the village, but was defeated at the hands of the Knight in Red, who took her away and left Randy slipping to unconsciousness. By the next, the city was reduced to rubble and was completely empty. Randy woke up to hear nothing but burning wood and sounds of birds singing, but was not the happy time to sing. Consumed in sadness, Randy just sat on the ground with tears of sorrow and guilt rolling down his cheek.

But then, he hears the sound of footsteps coming from behind him. He cautiously prepared himself when he presumed to think there is more enemies behind him. "Wait." a young voice came from behind him. "Before you pull out that blade, turn around."

"How would i know that you're not the same people that destroyed my home and my life?" Randy skeptically asked them. "They took everything from me. along with my trust in other people."

"Everything but your name." Another voice answered him. "As long as you have your name, you have a future."

"What does that mean?" Randy asked out of confusion. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh we do." The voice replied. "The real question is: What do you fight for?"

Randy then turned around and see a young man in green jacket and jeans, holding a spark staff weapon, and another person who appears to be a knight in blue and white armor. On the chest plate is a circle with the letter "T" assembled by four pixel squares. He also has a sword as a weapon, with the tip on the ground.

"Who are you guys? Randy asked them.

"I'm Mike Chilton."

"I'm Beck, the Renegade."

"And we we're just stopping by to see if there is anyone will help us out fighting against the men that destroyed your village. Since you're the only one here, are you interested?"

"The Knight in Red that stole your princess has been taken to the Kane Manor few days from here. Luckily, we have an idea to rescue her."

"But we are missing one more element in order to sneak in: a Ninja." Mike said to Randy.

Randy took the time to think it over. Then he looked up with an answer. "I'm in."