Just In
for Alone in His Love

12/24/2013 c1 55Queen Serenity
6/24/2010 c1 17Aldedron
O.o I don't even know what to say! This little fic's just absolutely GORGEOUS!
5/1/2009 c1 5Uekiten
2/27/2009 c1 13OreoFudge'D
solomon deserves a happy ending, right? even for once. :(

anyway. i like your fic.
12/17/2008 c1 kikyou 26
hey this is nice but you need expression for the imagely to work okay
11/26/2008 c1 2kathieclint
aw. that was amazing. it was bittersweet and i only wished it couldve been longer. it must be sad for solomon to hear his daughter call hagi "father". gosh. how the title suits
11/11/2008 c1 6Alessandra Cintrell
Sad story, but I guess if Hagi's alive, Saya and he belong together. Tell Solomon I can gladly help him forget. n_n!

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