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for Master Fox

4/28 c2 Guest
So good so far
4/27 c1 GamerX568
Don't pay attention to my review about the birthmarks in the next chapter.
4/27 c2 GamerX568
Also, Naruto's whiskers are birthmarks.
4/27 c2 GamerX568
Naruto could definitely make a Dimension Hopping technique if he ever wanted to and had a reason to. He doesn't give up at stuff like that. And Naruto is actually very intelligent as seen in his ability to make the Rasengan in a week, and him being the only one to add elements to the Rasengan. Also, it shows he's intelligent due to battle strategies he makes as seen in the fights against certain people, such as Zabuza or Kiba.
4/27 c1 GamerX568
The only Konoha Council is the Advisory one consisting of Koharu and Homura. Danzo was kicked off of it sometime around the Uchiha Massacre. The Civilian and Shinobi Councils are completely Fanon and don't exist in Canon.
4/27 c1 5Giblenator
Hmm, I'm intrigued. Though you do know that theirs not civilian council. I'm sure there's a shinobi council with the clan heads though.

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