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The Gambler » by Rattraveller You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know where your duty to the Emperor is.
T, English, chapters: 3, words: 7k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 9/4 published: 4/2, Imperial Guard, Orks, Necrons
4Traitor's Heart » by SometimesAGreatNotion Upon the world of Perditious the return of Robute Guilliman, son of the Emperor and greatest hope for the galaxy leads to uncomfortable questions and terrible revelations. For while one can know the strength of a man's character, none can know the contents of a traitor's heart.
T, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 4, words: 8k+, favs: 5, follows: 6, updated: 9/3 published: 8/21, Gue’vesa, Tau, Primarch/s
5Festum Gladius » by Mattwho81 When the Storm Heralds host a Feast of Blades Brother Novak steps forward to fight for eternal glory. Yet little does he know this contest hides a darker intent and in the shadows forces shall be set in motion that threaten to reveal secrets the Chapter had thought buried forever. This story is set concurrently with my previous story Speculum Enigmate.
K+, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 29, words: 71k+, favs: 7, follows: 6, updated: 9/3 published: 7/30, Inquisition, Space Marines
56The Rhunki » by Pixo The Guild of Runesmiths is one of the most ancient and mysterious guilds in the Karak Ankor. With wealth and power second only to the Kings, Runesmiths create the weapons and armor that have allowed the Dawi to survive the countless conflicts that have plagued the Everlasting Kingdom since the time of the Ancestors. Their creations are things of legend, and so is their willpower.
K, English, Fantasy, chapters: 14, words: 55k+, favs: 68, follows: 91, updated: 9/2 published: 2/28/2015, Dwarfs
9 A date » by flaming hunter A guardsman asks the Second Legions Primarch to go out on a date and her brothers find out about it
T, English, Sci-Fi & Humor, chapters: 5, words: 5k+, favs: 11, follows: 7, updated: 8/31 published: 8/9
2The ultramarines friends series » by halos8810 In celebration of chapter master Marneus Calgar 1000 years of service as and ultramarine Roboute guilliman has decreed a year long celebration and longer if needed what will happen who knows find out with me
T, English, Sci-Fi & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 538, 8/30, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, The Empire, Primarch/s
3 She Reclaims! by Johnnieboy11 On the eve of mankind's darkest hour, humanity and the Aeldari have no hope left. The Eternity Gate lay under siege, its valorous defenders falling by the hundred against the gathered hordes of Chaos Undivided. But, even in the darkest moment, a light of hope shines. Our Mother lives! AND SHE RECLAIMS!
T, English, Sci-Fi & Supernatural, words: 2k+, favs: 18, follows: 18, 8/29
1one thing leads to another by flaming hunter Things just got out of hand somehow things just got out of hand and now we are here
T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 1k+, follows: 1, 8/28
23375-13 » by Darkerpaths The Lost Eleventh Legion is summoned to put down a dangerous alien threat in the still early years of the Great Crusade. Honor and pride are everything in a battle that would have been remembered for all time.
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 61k+, favs: 14, follows: 19, updated: 8/27 published: 1/29/2017
7Wake Up Boyz » by Rattraveller Orks can pop up anywhere but how do they know what to do when they first pop up out of the ground?
T, English, Sci-Fi, chapters: 8, words: 31k+, favs: 15, follows: 21, updated: 8/27 published: 1/29
184Warhammer: Adventures of the Two » by rocketmce In a galaxy that is torn by war, where humanity is divided, and thirsting gods roam the space between reality, can two mortals lost to time change anything? OC/SI
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 39, words: 131k+, favs: 221, follows: 271, updated: 8/25 published: 8/10/2018, OC
12Warhammer 40K meets Warhammer 40K » by frymichael02 On a world no one important would even take a first glance at, a man makes little miniatures. Let's see just how far this can go.
T, English, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 19, follows: 32, updated: 8/25 published: 7/28
Animosity Campaign: The Misthorned Sagas » by Growing BrickbyBrick My submissions for the Animosity Campaign detailing the actions of the Misthorned Greatfray against their many enemies...
T, English, Fantasy, chapters: 5, words: 7k+, updated: 8/25 published: 8/2, Beastmen
Adeptus Mechanicus » by PorousBubbles The journey of a new recruit for the Adeptus Mechnicus. Yeah, I suck at summaries. Thank you for noticing.
T, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, 8/24, Adeptus Mechanicus
2The Krieger's Last Ride on Illenath » by The Krieger Chronicler A Death riders last ride leaves him stranded on a unknow world. Where will he go? Who will he meet?
T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 10, follows: 10, 8/24, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Primarch/s
1Lost Archeotech by Rattraveller There is more in the Underhive and Hive bottom then just gangs shooting at each other. There are those who seek a better future by looking at the distant past.
T, English, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 2, 8/22
Out Of The Hive City by the1andonlyLucian We follow some Hive gangers with some lofty goals that have an incredibly determined leader with the gang members focussing on improving their individual skills they are already naturally good at. Follow them in this one shot story based in the 49th Millennium with an introductory section before the story giving a brief account of events up to the 40th Millennium.
K, English, words: 14k+, follows: 2, 8/20, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines, Rogue Traders, A. Arbites
1 The Weight of Guilt Passes Through Blood by DasCheesenborgir Under a firelit sky, where clouds of ash billow like squalls of sand, a Monat pilot makes his penance.
T, English, words: 7k+, 8/20, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tau
83Prince of the Eye » by Zahariel What if Horus had survived the Heresy ? What if, as the Siege of Terra approached, the Dark Gods conveyed, and changed their plans ? Exiled in the Eye of Terror with the rest of the Traitor Legions, how would the Warmaster adapt to his defeat, and the realities of the Long War ? An AU story in the style of the Roboutian Heresy and the Fifteenth Ascendant.
T, English, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, chapters: 28, words: 75k+, favs: 74, follows: 89, updated: 8/20 published: 8/18/2019, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines
Warhammer 40k: Horus Rising Part III by RedwallFan42 For the Emperor's dream to unite humanity to be accomplished, he hands over the reins of power to his son, the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, and heads back to Terra. But is Horus strong enough to control his fellow commanders and continue the Emperor's grand design, or will such incredible power corrupt him?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, words: 12k+, follows: 2, 8/19, Space Marines, Primarch/s
4Fide et Honore by TheGamerMarine76 A group of Imperials find themselves stranded in a dimension completely different fro their own. Here, peace exists, but at the cost of pure heresy considered by the Imperium. How will they adapt to this new environment if they are to get home? (EXTREMELY EXPERIMENTAL. WILL POST ONLY CONCEPTS FOR NOW. NO ORDER YET.)
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, words: 5k+, favs: 3, follows: 5, 8/19, Sisters of Battle, OC
8 The Custodian and the Sister » by The Krieger Chronicler A Custodes in search of his Emperor's whispers is lost on a strange world. A Sister of Silence brought here by the Ruinous Powers. What does this all mean? Only the Emperor could truly know...
T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, chapters: 7, words: 27k+, favs: 19, follows: 30, updated: 8/18 published: 7/16, Daemons, Eldar, Space Marines
The Galaxy's Worst Paid Vacation » by BluePieM99 The beginning of the adventures of one rampant Inquisitorial agent in the war torn galaxy of the 41st millennium. This is my first ever attempt at writing something for fun, be nice, but don't shy at being critical :)
T, English, Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, updated: 8/17 published: 8/11
1Warhammer 40k: Horus Rising Part II by RedwallFan42 For the Emperor's dream to unite humanity to be accomplished, he hands over the reins of power to his son, the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, and heads back to Terra. But is Horus strong enough to control his fellow commanders and continue the Emperor's grand design, or will such incredible power corrupt him?
T, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, words: 15k+, 8/17
Warhammer 40k in the Year 2020: Maximum Speed and Carnage by Daniel Trump Abaddon and the girls try to get away from the Hive Mind's influence. Celestine talks to Grayfax. Dark elves fly in at impossible speeds, looking for slaves.
T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, words: 5k+, 8/15, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Adeptus Mechanicus
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