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48The Agents of Inkopolis » by DiamondCompass Not long after Agent 4 rescues Callie from DJ Octavio, Cap'n Cuttlefish returns from hiding to reveal that Grizzco is run by Octarians! What's more, Agent 3 has been captured! A new leader operates the Octarian race from behind, using tools and others to his advantage. Can the Agents find a way past the Octarians' technological advancements? (CURRENTLY UNDERGOING REWRITING)
T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 65, words: 103k+, favs: 32, follows: 38, updated: 5h published: 2/26/2018, Callie, Marie, Agent 3, Agent 4
43 Ink and Oceans, part one » by EcoWrites The two years since the Zapfish Uprising have been hard for Goji. Her time as Agent 3 was a nightmare she buried with the demands of being a nurse and providing for her younger brother. An encounter with a sick Octoling pulls her back into the world she left behind. Even as her life uproots, she reconnects with the girl who kept her grounded so many times before. (Edited 7/20/17)
T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Adventure, chapters: 37, words: 76k+, favs: 26, follows: 37, updated: 9h published: 8/17/2016, [Marie, OC] Inkgirl, Octarians
2Splatoon - A Different World » by SuperComicFanMikeyy Matthew, a 14 year old human kid, wakes up from cryostasis 12000 years after he went under. He's left alone, in this new world, to fend for his survival - or is he? After Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon rescues him, he's safe. How will he adapt to the different, yet familiar world he woke up in? (Rated T for language)
T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 14h
23Angstgent 24 » by Dall619 Agent 8 has made it out of Kamabo, and is excited to integrate into Inkling society. Meanwhile Agent 3 is busy trying to figure out why her head hurts all the time and why she can't help but get flustered in the presence of a certain Octoling. - Cover image by shannyscribbles.
T, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 29, words: 81k+, favs: 23, follows: 27, updated: 14h published: 8/25/2019, [Agent 3, Agent 8]
7The Rainbow Squids » by Branchwing (SEASON 2!) The Rainbow Squids are like any other inkling youth - doing turf wars and whatnot, even when they are down a member for the time being. However, no one knows when she will return, and now they have a rival group to deal with - a group of octolings called Octa Prisma.
K+, English, Friendship, chapters: 54, words: 177k+, favs: 6, follows: 5, updated: 16h published: 3/30/2019, OC
49Splatoon: A Fresh Spark » by ElectricBlaster Following the defeat of DJ Octavio, Agent 3 vanished from the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Callie, Marie and their grandfather have struggled to cope since then. Two years later, they uncover DJ Octavio's forces still at work and rescue an Inkling boy in the madness. With their hope gone and Callie missing, it's up to Erray to pick up the pieces and get to the bottom of this mystery.
T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 38, words: 197k+, favs: 44, follows: 60, updated: 5/30 published: 9/17/2017, Callie, Marie, Agent 3, Agent 4
3The spawns of 888 » by Peng nin The event of 888. While saving inkopolis from ultimate doom, created a possibly even bigger problem for the world, and it's up to a new organization to clean up the mess caused by a power hungry telephone. Remember kids, zombifying mutagens and water shouldn't mix under any circumstance.
T, English, chapters: 5, words: 14k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, updated: 5/30 published: 6/12/2019, Agent 3, C.Q. Cumber
3Snapshots from an Unlived Life » by EikaPrime "It's funny because we're all living in a simulation and free will is a lie." -Marina, before the Chicken VS Egg Splatfest. This was not a fourth-wall break. Marina wore hypno-goggles since she graduated school, until they broke during the Calamari Inkantation. Who's to say she's not wearing new ones now? For all she knows, this is all a hallucination... one she wishes were real.
T, English, chapters: 34, words: 41k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, updated: 5/30 published: 3/16, Marina
164Splatoon! Rise of Squidcom » by LiamKypaiWalcort Follow the adventure of the young team of first years at Squid Academy high school who hope to compete on the National stage. But, can they do it? They look to win the Rank Wars, a school-wide competition that decides who'll represent them at the Winter and Spring events. At the same time they'll also need to overcome the many personal challenges in their lives. This is their rise!
T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 223, words: 1004k+, favs: 33, follows: 31, updated: 5/30 published: 5/29/2016, OC
3Splatoon - Crimson Gaze » by MasterMartin You know what people say about madness. All it takes is One Bad Day. But for some, it takes a little more. It takes One Bad Shot. Marie didn't mean to kill her. She never did. Her plan was never supposed to go this wrong. But it did. Callie is dead. And now she must suffer the consequences.
T, English, Angst & Supernatural, chapters: 7, words: 29k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, updated: 5/30 published: 4/12, Marie, OC, DJ Octavio
The Last Splatfest by Magically-Written With the last Splatfest coming to an end, Marina and Pearl decide to come out to their fans.
K+, English, Romance, words: 2k+, 5/29, Pearl, Marina
5 Fartinkling » by Yoshizilla-Rhedosaurus The Inkling girl farts.
T, English, Humor & Fantasy, chapters: 5, words: 790, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 5/28 published: 12/20/2018, Inkgirl
Splat On by Pikatwig Agent Three muses how it's been five years since she got her start. (One-Shot)
K+, English, Friendship, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 5/28, Agent 3, Agent 4, Agent 8
21Splatoon Agent Zero » by drz1990 This is a story about a 16-year-old boy named Blake Carter who witnesses the end of his world. He, his family, and a few hundred humans disembark on a voyage aboard a giant spacecraft to escape the rising sea levels flooding all the landmasses. A turn of events and a devious plan are revealed causing Blake to escape the ship in a Cryopod and land back on earth frozen for 2000 years
T, English, Adventure & Suspense, chapters: 22, words: 72k+, favs: 13, follows: 14, updated: 5/28 published: 2/8
4 Splatoon: A Different Path » by SoftWare Publishing An Octoling travels through the Deepsea Metro, trying to make her way to the "Promised Land", while trying to regain her memory. Special thanks to ARandomInterloper for allowing me to use some of his OCs. Read, review, follow, favorite.
K+, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 9, words: 7k+, favs: 6, follows: 9, updated: 5/26 published: 12/28/2018, Cap'n Cuttlefish, Pearl, Marina, Agent 8
1 Fetch by ImmortalCoelacanth A new high stakes shift for Salmon Run is introduced called "Fetch". The goal is the same, collect as many Golden Eggs as you can, but the method is a bit different...
T, English, Friendship, words: 6k+, favs: 1, 5/25, Inkboy, Inkgirl, OC, Salmonids
5Escaping With a Agent: Oneshots » by Octoling-Mindy Oneshots/Short Stoires of my story Octo Expansion AU: Escaping With a Agent. [This is just for short stories. If I come up with more stories for this book, I may write them in.]
T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 13, words: 7k+, favs: 6, follows: 7, updated: 5/25 published: 6/24/2019, [Agent 3, Agent 8]
51Splatoon 2 Untold: Mystery of Agent 8 » by Finley Splatterson An Octoling girl with a unique hair color has found herself deep underground without any memory of how she got there. She doesn't know who she is, why she needs to perform tests, and she doesn't know who a certain boy from her dreams is. All she knows is that she's not gonna give up in her escape from the depths below. (Based on Octo Expansion DLC. Expect spoilers.)
T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 11, words: 32k+, favs: 33, follows: 40, updated: 5/24 published: 8/11/2018
30 Salmon Run: CONFIDENTIAL » by KingKamina Cayden, once the leader of Splatisfaction, endlessly does Salmon Run. His team were once considered the best Salmon Runners since it began. Now, they're gone. What happened to them? Why does Cayden only do Salmon Run? A young girl curiously hears his confessions on the truth. Only to discover that Grizzco and Salmon Run has dark secrets. Secrets that are as deep as the ocean.
T, English, Tragedy & Horror, chapters: 21, words: 47k+, favs: 8, follows: 11, updated: 5/23 published: 7/13/2018
2Marie Doesn't Like Selling Children » by Johto Jedi THIS IS TOTAL IRONY. Agent 4 is assigned to help walk Callie to the doctors office one day. Upon doing so, she learns an *interesting* story about the two Cuttlefish cousins she never would've imagined. Rated T for family struggles and selling children. NOTE: THIS SHIPS COUSINS WITH EACH OTHER DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU...
T, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 7, words: 10k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 5/19 published: 4/24, [Callie, Marie] OC, Agent 4
1Double Crossed » by Typerim A single storm poorly timed. Two characters meeting who they would have never thought to have to ask for refuge. Finding yourself to be no better then your enemy. All the harsh reality they will have to face.
T, English, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, updated: 5/18 published: 4/30
1Splatoon- Team B-Rush Vol III- The Rings of Humanity by SoftWare Publishing Peace reigns between Inklings and Octolings. But a religious group have made it their mission to find one of seven mystical rings left behind by humanity, believing it to be their path to godhood. In the midst of all this, an old submarine stuck in the subways of Inkopolis may contain a clue as to the rings' nature. Read, review, follow, favorite.
T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/17
9TWIC: Turf War Investigation Crew » by JR150 Many things occur around Inkopolis. And a regular, rag-tag Turf War team has decided to take up the mantle to do good for the city. Inspired by the actions of certain rumored Agents, they have decided to be their own band of sleuths. Of course, this won't happen overnight, and they won't always cooperate, but when they set their minds to it, they can accomplish many things.
K+, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 57, words: 71k+, favs: 12, follows: 8, updated: 5/17 published: 9/6/2018, Octarians, OC, Pearl, Marina
6Splatoon: Alone » by Obliterwrite Not everyone moves to Inkopolis on their own accord, not everyone in Inkopolis is as kind as they may seem. What should one Octoling do, when she is taken and thrust into a side of Inkopolis where anger from the great turf war has yet to die down? What should she do when she loses everything and cannot go home? What should she do when it feels like she's alone, against the world?
T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 5, words: 27k+, favs: 7, follows: 9, updated: 5/17 published: 5/14, Inkboy, Inkgirl, Octarians, OC
1A New Life » by espeonisthebesteon (This was originally intended to be a 1-2 chapter octo expansion adaptation, but it kind of turned into its own thing.) Teri recently escaped from the Deepsea Metro, and has to adapt to this amazing new world she's living in. (roll credits)
K+, English, Friendship, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 5/17 published: 5/13
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