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Comics » Geek and Girly
3Killjoys, Draculoids and death defying feats by geekychicxxx Geeky Chic is a young rebel on the run from Korse and his Draculoids with her little sister Baby Sass. She gets followed out into the desert by the Draculoids and rescued by the Four Fabulous Killjoys. She wakes up and realises that Baby Sass is nowhere to be seen... This is my first fanfic please leave any improvements in the reviews. Chapter 2 will be up soon, thank you!
T, English, words: 1k+, 3/15/2013
3 La carotte et le bâton by Liquid Skin Terror Où Baptiste tente de défendre son honneur de tuteur de physique. Quentin/Baptiste.
K+, French, Romance & Humor, words: 2k+, 2/29/2012
2 Strawberry by Berylia-Crystalia Est-ce que ce baiser aurait le goût de fraise ? Court drabble centré sur Mathilde.
K, French, Humor, words: 576, favs: 1, 3/15/2010
2 Mais qu'attendre de plus by Berylia-Crystalia Baptiste emmène Quentin dans un endroit très particulier. Léger slash Quentin / Baptiste.
K, French, Humor & Romance, words: 2k+, 3/15/2010
Le miel qu'il nous offre by Berylia-Crystalia Le miel qu'il nous offre Ce venin déguisé" Très léger slash Baptiste/Quentin.
K, French, Humor & Romance, words: 829, 3/15/2010
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